Bacon Melt - Man, what a pitiful day that I'm still bummed. First off, I got eliminated from my own Ping-Pont Tournament in the 1st Rd! I was heavily favored to go to the Finals, so I was way too overconfident and I fell 2-1 to Niu2. The Munchkins were cheerin and my Super Size kids were so bummed. I figure after the loss I might as well start doin some Pokemon battlin to get my confidence back up.
I decided to play David, who is one of the youngest Pokemon trainers we got. I helped build his deck and it is pretty sweet. So sweet, that he beat me and ended my undefeated streak at 5 :( I was so pissed that I had to rematch him because last year my first loss came when I was 23-0. Of course, I lose again to David makin my record stand at 5-2 which is good for 2nd at Camp Mad-Hts.
I guess the bright side of the day is I ordered salad at McDonald's again. They hooked me up with more veggies, and I got 2 pieces of chicken :) So sad that this was the highlight though.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Village People - So it has been 2 days, since Camp Mad-Hts. has begun and already it has my fingerprints all over it! Today we voted on my Super-Size Kids theme song, and it was close but for the summer my crew will be goin on Ridin Dirty by Chamillionaire :) Every Friday, we leave for a Field Trip, so I have turned Thursdays into Tournament Thursday now. The brackets are set and we got Ping-Pong Tournament and a Pokemon Tournament on that day. All my kids are pumped for both, and of course everyone is hopin to avoid me in the bracket. As well as my nickname this year, well a lot of my kid's went back to The Great One, they even tatted my arm with that. My kids all draw all over the board to make sure they know who's room it is. In the mornin before camp kicks off, we got music in my room so we have now turned it to AM Club G-1. Yup yup, all y'all can catch me ridin dirty at Camp Mad-Hts this summer :) Lastly, I've begun my undefeated streak in Pokemon this summer at 3-0.
Let's see, Sunday night was Kit Kat's Grad Party which of course I was the last one to show up. It was a lot of fun seein Bernard's family again. We played v-ball, my goal was to shoot pass the SNL goal of 30. It was rough at first, because I had so many parents and munchkins at first. However, everyone kept passin it to me and I controlled everything and we did it pass 31 baby! Afterwards, we just chilled on the porch tryin to think how to approach certain brothers and sistas. After everyone left, then we had some good serious talks and MLE is right we should have some more of those. Summer has been a blast despite bein so tiresome in some areas.
Let's see, Sunday night was Kit Kat's Grad Party which of course I was the last one to show up. It was a lot of fun seein Bernard's family again. We played v-ball, my goal was to shoot pass the SNL goal of 30. It was rough at first, because I had so many parents and munchkins at first. However, everyone kept passin it to me and I controlled everything and we did it pass 31 baby! Afterwards, we just chilled on the porch tryin to think how to approach certain brothers and sistas. After everyone left, then we had some good serious talks and MLE is right we should have some more of those. Summer has been a blast despite bein so tiresome in some areas.
Friday, June 23, 2006
Creepy - Amazin joke/prank pulled today! Since none of my Yu 2 Girlz put it on their xanga, I guess I will have to do it. Anyways, so I'm driving MLE, YuAzn, and JZ back to Clarkston aka C-Town. JZ kept naggin me of "are we there yet" keep in mind she's never been to this part of MI. So we told her it was another half hour, and I added in as a joke " yeah we gotta pass through customs and toll first." JZ was quite confused, then the Yu 2 Girlz started added random things bout how C-Town is a part of Canada. Then we kept freakin out how JZ had no ID on her so that we could get pass customs. At this point, JZ was completely lost bout what's goin on. We made a story up bout how Canada purchased C-Town for some land.
We started addin in how we see some of the same people workin at the toll booth. We suggested that JZ get in the trunk so that we could get her across "the border" since she didn't have ID. She even gave me her home number so I could call her mom bout the situation. So I pulled over at Quizno's so that I could bring food to eat, but I made up how there was no Quizno's in Canada. In addition, I told JZ that this was the last exit before the toll and that we'd have to get her in the trunk. At this point, MLE fills her mind of which way we should take the tunnel or the bridge. While YuAzn, is tellin her how she had to stay in the trunk once too. JZ is completely baffled and starts to head out of my car because I popped open the trunk for her. She makes her way to the trunk, and we all just busted out laughing. I wish I took a pic of her stuffed in the trunk before we revealed it. Too freakin funny, and it's only this funny because she goes to IA, the Nerds R Us High School. Highlight of the day though, woohoo I bought the Tokyo Drift soundtrack.
Green Light
We started addin in how we see some of the same people workin at the toll booth. We suggested that JZ get in the trunk so that we could get her across "the border" since she didn't have ID. She even gave me her home number so I could call her mom bout the situation. So I pulled over at Quizno's so that I could bring food to eat, but I made up how there was no Quizno's in Canada. In addition, I told JZ that this was the last exit before the toll and that we'd have to get her in the trunk. At this point, MLE fills her mind of which way we should take the tunnel or the bridge. While YuAzn, is tellin her how she had to stay in the trunk once too. JZ is completely baffled and starts to head out of my car because I popped open the trunk for her. She makes her way to the trunk, and we all just busted out laughing. I wish I took a pic of her stuffed in the trunk before we revealed it. Too freakin funny, and it's only this funny because she goes to IA, the Nerds R Us High School. Highlight of the day though, woohoo I bought the Tokyo Drift soundtrack.
Green Light
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Wordless Book - A day that started bad ended great. This morning, I was scramblin to find my lesson plans and I realized I left them at CBC. With that in mind, I slept for 3 hours then went to Beaumont before I went to pick up the Yu 2 Girlz. Of course, they don't do the great job paintin the lines, I get a parkin ticket! Then I tell peeps yesterday to make sure they refill the helium tank before Field Day. Of course, it doesn't happen and only 23 balloons were filled up because we ran out of helium. Then Anna and I went to McDonald's to grab some food, they almost gave my food to the car behind me then charged me for an Apple Pie!
Then things were on the up and up after VBS. Elektra and I got body tattooed together with the help of everyone from VBS drawin all over our bodies. I had great time of fellowship with Llz so it was nice to lax for a lil. I went to Best Buy to buy The Bible Game for only $15! I went to watch Tokyo Drift tonight and by far the best one so far. It just continues to rev me up to look for more races out there. I'd actually see it again, and I love the ending such a nice touch. I really hope their is a 4th movie. There was also good quality time, and lastly went back to Beaumont. Praise God for a successful surgery on my G-Ma.
Then things were on the up and up after VBS. Elektra and I got body tattooed together with the help of everyone from VBS drawin all over our bodies. I had great time of fellowship with Llz so it was nice to lax for a lil. I went to Best Buy to buy The Bible Game for only $15! I went to watch Tokyo Drift tonight and by far the best one so far. It just continues to rev me up to look for more races out there. I'd actually see it again, and I love the ending such a nice touch. I really hope their is a 4th movie. There was also good quality time, and lastly went back to Beaumont. Praise God for a successful surgery on my G-Ma.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Forgiveness - I'm amazed at the energy and strength that has been provided for me to get through the day. It started with probably the best Science experiment I did so far for VBS. Gotta love it when it involves gettin wet. What I feel for is some of my peeps gettin yelled at by the adults. Ya can't blame them too much because they didn't get training, so I need to clear that up.
Then there was the Post-VBS stuff, goin to Arby's with everyone. It was a lot of fun and I'm glad everyone had a great time. Then off to see X3 again for me, I did notice something this time, Psylocke made an appearance in the movie, but where? I saw her name in the credits! Then Bubble Tea to continue to raise the score of CBC, with B-12, and Elektra.
Camp Mad-Heights orientation started today and it was great to see a lot of my kids again. A lot of the parents asked me if I am really at Camp Mad-Heights so their kid gets the best. Sad to say some people might of gotten the ax, like I said I'm raisin the bar and if I don't like ya, your gonna get voted off.
Lastly, I guess I got a lot of repentance to do. I ask Him to make me stronger and not to fall into sin so easily.
Sweet Potato
Then there was the Post-VBS stuff, goin to Arby's with everyone. It was a lot of fun and I'm glad everyone had a great time. Then off to see X3 again for me, I did notice something this time, Psylocke made an appearance in the movie, but where? I saw her name in the credits! Then Bubble Tea to continue to raise the score of CBC, with B-12, and Elektra.
Camp Mad-Heights orientation started today and it was great to see a lot of my kids again. A lot of the parents asked me if I am really at Camp Mad-Heights so their kid gets the best. Sad to say some people might of gotten the ax, like I said I'm raisin the bar and if I don't like ya, your gonna get voted off.
Lastly, I guess I got a lot of repentance to do. I ask Him to make me stronger and not to fall into sin so easily.
Sweet Potato
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Vineyard - Gosh, I've been so busy with everything that I haven't been able to do my thing. Thursday was just a whirlwind, I went back to the Mustangs for the last day of school. All my kids were upset with me that I was there instead of the Survivor tryouts. I explained to them that their will be other tryouts but ya only graduate from 6th Grade once. Plus I was there on the 1st day of school and I wanted to complete the circle on the last day. I hung out with some of the 5th Graders as well. I do hope I am back here with a job no matter the school's rep.
Then my G-Ma is at Beaumont, I had to make the 911 call on Thursday evening. I've been in this situation before and I'm thankful for the strength to remain cool, calm, and collective. It has been draining going back n forth to the hospital, because I have to be there for translation.
He also blessed me with other news and I'm thankful. B-12 and Elektra made my room look pretty sweet today for VBS. I'm thankful for their help and hopefully I can put my finishin touches on it. Praise God for the 21 peeps who signed up already for the CBC Retreat! I loved the quality time I spent with B-12 after CBC today too much fun tryin out our Mandarin to each other. Then there was Bubble Tea, man CBC's gonna win that Customer of the Month award.
Lastly, I'm thankful for the time I spent at the Joshua Family Potluck. It was fun chillin up in the attic watchin Memoirs of a Geisha. Although, I was the only guy it was fun harassin each other durin the movie with MLE, YuAzn, J.Zhu, Wu-tylicious, Hello, B-12, and Jo. Just very laxin day because some stuff got done, and hangin out with everyone. Lotz of praises to go around, but also need prayer especially for VBS.
Then my G-Ma is at Beaumont, I had to make the 911 call on Thursday evening. I've been in this situation before and I'm thankful for the strength to remain cool, calm, and collective. It has been draining going back n forth to the hospital, because I have to be there for translation.
He also blessed me with other news and I'm thankful. B-12 and Elektra made my room look pretty sweet today for VBS. I'm thankful for their help and hopefully I can put my finishin touches on it. Praise God for the 21 peeps who signed up already for the CBC Retreat! I loved the quality time I spent with B-12 after CBC today too much fun tryin out our Mandarin to each other. Then there was Bubble Tea, man CBC's gonna win that Customer of the Month award.
Lastly, I'm thankful for the time I spent at the Joshua Family Potluck. It was fun chillin up in the attic watchin Memoirs of a Geisha. Although, I was the only guy it was fun harassin each other durin the movie with MLE, YuAzn, J.Zhu, Wu-tylicious, Hello, B-12, and Jo. Just very laxin day because some stuff got done, and hangin out with everyone. Lotz of praises to go around, but also need prayer especially for VBS.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Wagons - Today, I was back at the Mustangs to sub for Music. I'm thankful for the opportunity God gave me to come back on the last full day of school. I saw a lot of my old 6th graders, who are now 7th graders from last year come back and visit me. Then a lot of my current 6th graders came to chill in my room. A lot of the other students from every grade came down to see me so that I could autograph their yearbook. So much celeb status and I'm glad to be back to see them all.
I had a private conversation with my Shorty though. She seemed so upset, I've never seen her so sad or disturbed before. She let out her frustrations to me bout how she's been sad ever since I left. She's been bummed because the class hasn't been as organized as how I set it up. She missed how I could make the class laugh, and still make the learnin fun because I helped them understand why it is important. She came to see me after school was done, and we hugged. Yeah, I told some of my top students that I saw today just how much I missed them and that I hope to get students like that in my future classroom.
There are a couple of opennings at The Mustangs, and I was quite hestitant to apply here due to internal reasons. However, some things have changed and a lot of people think that I should be here because of my rep, familarity of the buildin and my relationship with the staff, kids, and parents. It would be nice to come full circle here because The Mustangs have the worst rep in the district due to the low income areas. I know I can make a difference here for sure.
With that, I know a lot of my 6th graders wanted me to pass their graduation ceremony so that I could try out for Survivor. But you only graduate once from 6th grade, and I wanna be there for them like I always have. There will always be another chance to try out for Survivor.
I had a private conversation with my Shorty though. She seemed so upset, I've never seen her so sad or disturbed before. She let out her frustrations to me bout how she's been sad ever since I left. She's been bummed because the class hasn't been as organized as how I set it up. She missed how I could make the class laugh, and still make the learnin fun because I helped them understand why it is important. She came to see me after school was done, and we hugged. Yeah, I told some of my top students that I saw today just how much I missed them and that I hope to get students like that in my future classroom.
There are a couple of opennings at The Mustangs, and I was quite hestitant to apply here due to internal reasons. However, some things have changed and a lot of people think that I should be here because of my rep, familarity of the buildin and my relationship with the staff, kids, and parents. It would be nice to come full circle here because The Mustangs have the worst rep in the district due to the low income areas. I know I can make a difference here for sure.
With that, I know a lot of my 6th graders wanted me to pass their graduation ceremony so that I could try out for Survivor. But you only graduate once from 6th grade, and I wanna be there for them like I always have. There will always be another chance to try out for Survivor.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Silas - So I'm really tryin to adjust my schedule back because everything has been thrown off to a loop the last 5 days. Kinda amazing how things have changed and I'm thankful for the support from my other fam. I just saw Da Vinci Code, finally! Yup, the movie didn't do the book justice because they left so many puzzles out from the book! At least now I can say that I've read and seen the books/movies to these titles, Jurassic Park, Hackers, and Da Vinci Code. Yes, I don't like to read books that much.
So I met the new Camp Mad-Heights counselors yesterday. T-onda and I are in charge and it's sweet because my girl Crystal is back and I got Niu2 to boss around. Plus some of the counselors can speak Canto so finally I don't have to revert to broken bad Mandarin. What I don't like is our Tracy replacement, the "Camp Coordinator" that The Boss has hired. This lady kills me, first when we through introductions, I said that I am a teacher. She gave me a wierd look and a "really?" and I was rude to her by tellin her "Ya imagine that." Then she asked "if I went to school?" I told her, "well I can't teach if I didn't go to school ya know." Plus this lady has this high pitch voice and she is so dang bossy. She comes to the meetin in high heels so I came up with a new nickname for her, Diva. I told The Boss, if she don't bother me then I won't bother her. Should be an interesting summer of Mad-Heights.
So I met the new Camp Mad-Heights counselors yesterday. T-onda and I are in charge and it's sweet because my girl Crystal is back and I got Niu2 to boss around. Plus some of the counselors can speak Canto so finally I don't have to revert to broken bad Mandarin. What I don't like is our Tracy replacement, the "Camp Coordinator" that The Boss has hired. This lady kills me, first when we through introductions, I said that I am a teacher. She gave me a wierd look and a "really?" and I was rude to her by tellin her "Ya imagine that." Then she asked "if I went to school?" I told her, "well I can't teach if I didn't go to school ya know." Plus this lady has this high pitch voice and she is so dang bossy. She comes to the meetin in high heels so I came up with a new nickname for her, Diva. I told The Boss, if she don't bother me then I won't bother her. Should be an interesting summer of Mad-Heights.
Friday, June 09, 2006
Wings - So I haven't really slept yet because this morning my daddy and I went down to St. John's. It kinda brought back memories when we use to go down to Henry Ford bout 12 years ago when my G-Ma suffered from a few strokes. All those countless hours sitting in the Waiting Room waiting for results. I was quite displease to hear the Doc's results because it's stuff I knew already. I wanna know, is it cancer or what? I can't wait for the transfer to Beaumont.
I'm gettin somewhat closer to finishin my Portfolio too! As soon as I get up, I'm gonna begin the quest for passin out my resumes to schools. I'm really nervous because I never done this before. In the past, I've always been blessed with a job on the spot. This is one of the first times that I need to go seek it out.
Well, there's gotta be something with me and the month of June. I thought I should be glad that I'm out of the gray but it's not. Eh, gotta look ahead to the Asian B-ball Tournament, come on now $1000 for 1st.
Go Heat!
I'm gettin somewhat closer to finishin my Portfolio too! As soon as I get up, I'm gonna begin the quest for passin out my resumes to schools. I'm really nervous because I never done this before. In the past, I've always been blessed with a job on the spot. This is one of the first times that I need to go seek it out.
Well, there's gotta be something with me and the month of June. I thought I should be glad that I'm out of the gray but it's not. Eh, gotta look ahead to the Asian B-ball Tournament, come on now $1000 for 1st.
Go Heat!
Thursday, June 08, 2006

I was too cheap to pay for an actual pic so I used my camera and took a shot of myself on the computer screen :) Still looks pretty good quality.
With all this goin on, I might even have to pull out of the v-ball tournament in Canada this Saturday too. I feel bad and my t'mates are dependin on me to carry the team through now that they know what it means when I saw Pac-Man.
Hmm I heard something nice, and it was quite cool, but need to focus on the matter at hand. Much props to Beanher for listening tonight.
Now that I got my own proof, I gotta lean towards my favorite U-Hills 4th Grade teacher. Someone gag me, but I guess I should stay positive. It's all bout the eyez, 'tude, and the heart and if ya can't see that then you must be blinded by your own ambitions. Therapy, Jesus, prayer, I dunno is all I gotta offer at this point.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Scrapbook - It's kinda funny how things happen after a year. A year ago, I played in my first sand league, and I got injured in the first game. The injury of course would be to my knee which knocked out me for the season :( Which lead to my struggle through the trip to HK and coming back to get knee surgery.
Tonight, I made it through all my games! Well, one thing that sucks is playin on my sprained ankle because I have no shoes on so I can't wear my brace. At one point I could feel the joints comin out of place. I saw my favorite Polish Powers from the National team rockin some scrub team.
I found out tonight that I gotta go to St. John's soon. My G-Ma had to get a check up and now she's over night there because they need to run more tests. From what I understand they are lookin for possible cancer cells. Just another challenge to balance my schedule with everything goin on.
I've been also thinkin bout a sayin that I usually tell peeps. I'm prayin hard bout it, and I'm not sure if I am in that position. If I am, I'm scared of bein a hypocrit bout what I tell others if I can't even go with my own belief. I got lotz to pray about.
Tonight, I made it through all my games! Well, one thing that sucks is playin on my sprained ankle because I have no shoes on so I can't wear my brace. At one point I could feel the joints comin out of place. I saw my favorite Polish Powers from the National team rockin some scrub team.
I found out tonight that I gotta go to St. John's soon. My G-Ma had to get a check up and now she's over night there because they need to run more tests. From what I understand they are lookin for possible cancer cells. Just another challenge to balance my schedule with everything goin on.
I've been also thinkin bout a sayin that I usually tell peeps. I'm prayin hard bout it, and I'm not sure if I am in that position. If I am, I'm scared of bein a hypocrit bout what I tell others if I can't even go with my own belief. I got lotz to pray about.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Kenny Smith - I notice when I sleep in now that I get huge headaches, plus I feel so unproductive too. It was nice to see Ona today and tips on how to improve my resume and start my portfolio. Man she put my stuff to shame :( I felt bad too for delaying her work, I can only hope and pray that I can be in that position for next year.
Well time to get that boat started, because Chaos is goin fishin :( Man we choked badly in the conference finals. I didn't even feel like made any impact in that game. It was nice playin with new peeps but hard too since I'm the new guy on the team. I knew if it was my Dumar's squad, it would be different because I can do whatever I want and everyone's cool with it. I could of been a more encouraging teammate too because I think some peeps were down. I hope I get another chance at those guys though. Yup, peeps can say whatever they want but I'm always confident on my team's ability to move on. Ya can't be afraid to have the chicken to do things, otherwise ya won't win the 'ships.
Even worst was driving home, I had no motivation to race on Mound with 2 Mustangs, and a Camaro. They were flyin, revvin, and peelin while I was still too depressed bout the fishin. Then I can't even get home because cops blocked off my sub because 2 idiots crashed on 25 Mile. What a day, I tell ya.
Neat O Stat
Well time to get that boat started, because Chaos is goin fishin :( Man we choked badly in the conference finals. I didn't even feel like made any impact in that game. It was nice playin with new peeps but hard too since I'm the new guy on the team. I knew if it was my Dumar's squad, it would be different because I can do whatever I want and everyone's cool with it. I could of been a more encouraging teammate too because I think some peeps were down. I hope I get another chance at those guys though. Yup, peeps can say whatever they want but I'm always confident on my team's ability to move on. Ya can't be afraid to have the chicken to do things, otherwise ya won't win the 'ships.
Even worst was driving home, I had no motivation to race on Mound with 2 Mustangs, and a Camaro. They were flyin, revvin, and peelin while I was still too depressed bout the fishin. Then I can't even get home because cops blocked off my sub because 2 idiots crashed on 25 Mile. What a day, I tell ya.
Neat O Stat
Monday, June 05, 2006
Cocaine - Chinchie is right, it was kind of discouraging to see the numbers at the InterFellowship event. It's fun for her to put the blame on me for us losin. Then again, y'all nominated me to be the captain and for me it's either first or nothing. I don't settle for 2nd, 3rd, etc.
Today was just crazy and my head bout to explode with everything goin around me. I really need to finish my resume and portfolio. At the same time I gotta prepare Jr. Church lessons, VBS lessons, Retreat Promo, and CCUC. Hopefully, Ona can help me resolve the first issues. Jr. Church is not that bad because my kids rock despite the crappy system we got at CBC. I turned the class into a "student lead" class. VBS, well it only bugs me that just because you're an adult then you must be able to teach. I believe that I can train those who are gifted in D-Ship to be better teachers, and not to knock on some but it ain't their fault. We all got different gifts, which leads me to wonder how is it that I'm not doin Field Day this year? Last year's VBS was by far the best, cuz it set the bar. We had the most games ever, and I had games outside and lots of credit goes to my great crew who helped me. I laid the blue print, so this year should be easier, but we got a rook leadin it what's up with that? She hasn't even been to CBC VBS, which is why there is something wrong with this VBS "corporation."
Retreat Promo, it's great that we have a new Steerin Committee. Gosh, just 1 lady is gettin on my nerves though. She like keep tryin to bargain to get things for herself and not understandin that dude this is CBC money and we need to be good stewards. CCUC, hmm yeah I need to get a move on that eventually.
Now I got this other headache on my mind. Man some peeps just need therapy, a hug, a role model or something. Actually, some of y'all need to seek Jesus instead of me. Man, too many pics that I saw today that I did not want to see in general. As if I don't have my own probs? Well at least this gives me something to think bout instead of my own.
Pina Colada
Today was just crazy and my head bout to explode with everything goin around me. I really need to finish my resume and portfolio. At the same time I gotta prepare Jr. Church lessons, VBS lessons, Retreat Promo, and CCUC. Hopefully, Ona can help me resolve the first issues. Jr. Church is not that bad because my kids rock despite the crappy system we got at CBC. I turned the class into a "student lead" class. VBS, well it only bugs me that just because you're an adult then you must be able to teach. I believe that I can train those who are gifted in D-Ship to be better teachers, and not to knock on some but it ain't their fault. We all got different gifts, which leads me to wonder how is it that I'm not doin Field Day this year? Last year's VBS was by far the best, cuz it set the bar. We had the most games ever, and I had games outside and lots of credit goes to my great crew who helped me. I laid the blue print, so this year should be easier, but we got a rook leadin it what's up with that? She hasn't even been to CBC VBS, which is why there is something wrong with this VBS "corporation."
Retreat Promo, it's great that we have a new Steerin Committee. Gosh, just 1 lady is gettin on my nerves though. She like keep tryin to bargain to get things for herself and not understandin that dude this is CBC money and we need to be good stewards. CCUC, hmm yeah I need to get a move on that eventually.
Now I got this other headache on my mind. Man some peeps just need therapy, a hug, a role model or something. Actually, some of y'all need to seek Jesus instead of me. Man, too many pics that I saw today that I did not want to see in general. As if I don't have my own probs? Well at least this gives me something to think bout instead of my own.
Pina Colada
Friday, June 02, 2006
Scarecrow - So it has been pretty much a week since I lost internet service for a while. Wow was that rough, I liked missed out on a lot of things through email. Which is still why I hate email, I mean phone call would be nice every now and then. I guess a quick update is the amount of punishment I've taken. I got this sprained ankle, a bone bruise on my collar bone from b-ball, and a sore neck from whiplash, when I collided with this dude playin v-ball. His shoulder just lowered the boom on my neck and snapped it, crackin some bones.
So I've been subbin for the past 3 weeks now and I'm kind of sad seein school comin to an end. I was requested to be back at the Dolphins to take care of the 6th Grade. I really hope I can land a job here because of my memories here and I appreciate a lot of the staff hypin me up to the boss. I was readin some of the 6th grade memory papers. One of my students, Brittany had the honor tonight to speak for the entire 6th Grade class. I told her that I was really touched by her paper, she talks bout her aspirations to become a teacher. She is also a very godly girl and we talked a lil bout faith. She asked me for any tips on her speech for the commencement, and I told her to "relax, listen, and write from your heart and ya can't go wrong." I encouraged her by lettin her know that she will make a great teach because she made an impact on me today. Just meeting such a godly girl, her aspirations, and she wants to be challenged was inspiring to me. I hope one day, I get to see her have her own classroom.
In the mean time, I hope to see my 6th Grade Mustangs one last time before summer break. Every teacher has their countdown to summer break, and I shared with some staff members for me, I think if I ever get down to a countdown like that or I can't say Thank God it's Monday, then I know it's time for me to find a new profession. So for me, I'm sad to see that there are only 2 weeks of school left :(
So I've been subbin for the past 3 weeks now and I'm kind of sad seein school comin to an end. I was requested to be back at the Dolphins to take care of the 6th Grade. I really hope I can land a job here because of my memories here and I appreciate a lot of the staff hypin me up to the boss. I was readin some of the 6th grade memory papers. One of my students, Brittany had the honor tonight to speak for the entire 6th Grade class. I told her that I was really touched by her paper, she talks bout her aspirations to become a teacher. She is also a very godly girl and we talked a lil bout faith. She asked me for any tips on her speech for the commencement, and I told her to "relax, listen, and write from your heart and ya can't go wrong." I encouraged her by lettin her know that she will make a great teach because she made an impact on me today. Just meeting such a godly girl, her aspirations, and she wants to be challenged was inspiring to me. I hope one day, I get to see her have her own classroom.
In the mean time, I hope to see my 6th Grade Mustangs one last time before summer break. Every teacher has their countdown to summer break, and I shared with some staff members for me, I think if I ever get down to a countdown like that or I can't say Thank God it's Monday, then I know it's time for me to find a new profession. So for me, I'm sad to see that there are only 2 weeks of school left :(