Bulldogs - So the Asian B-ball Tourney has come and gone or as they called it this year, The Throw Down in Mo-Town. It was fun playing against new teams and some great athletes out there, just some cold blooded shooters out there. It was fun playing with Naz too, but on the other hand it wasn't the same as playing with A-Mac. My guarantee came to be as well as I said I would shoot a higher free throw percentage than Bobs, which I did with 100% shooting. The best part was sending the Buckeyes, Georgia, and the Twin C's back home packing. The worst part was when Rhode Island sent us home packing :( in a 46-44 loss.
My legs were kinda drained as I had to chase the Twin C's version of Rip all around the court. Only to start the next game chasing Rhode Island's version of the AI Twin Brothers all over the court. Man so close, I could almost taste the $2000 too! I wanted to matchup against the best team there in my opinion which was Team Windsor. However, I am still proud of Team Hibachi (take a guess who came up with that name) and 6th place out of a tough 20 teams is nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone played hard, and we knew we could beat any team out there but just came short. There is always next year, I just wished CCUC was there to take notes on how to hold a b-ball tournament in this aspect.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
I's - So I'm back from SAU, and it just seems like every year it goes by faster and faster. Honestly, I know I didn't get my $ worth, in terms of being sick, which sucked. Maybe it grounded me to stay in my room to sleep earlier or something was what God had planned for me. I mean I missed all of Friday's events just because all the drugs I took made me so sleepy. Saturday afternoon, I took a nap because of my 2 full cups of Nyquil. On my way there, I was quite bummed too because Steph and I had worked so hard Wednesday night doing the room assignments only to be changed when I got there. I was bummed to find out that I was sent to the boondocks along with My Fishy. However, it worked out in it's own way as we spent some time in fellowship together and asking God how to strengthen our relationship in everyway. I know if I was in my party building, I probably would of not focused on it as much. There were a lot of 1sts for me such as going to bed early on a Retreat night, before 1 a.m! Then getting up early too! My Fishy and I also were the last ones to leave, we left at 6 p.m. because we wanted to soak it all in before we left.
Now I am home, still trying to unpack and do laundry :( Camp Mad-Hts. today did not make my job any easier, as T-onda is off on vacation so I am now in full control. So I did double duty today, and it pissed me off too because 3 counselors left work early too. I got Camp Canton coming this Wednesday so I got over 120 kids to take care of 60 pizzas to order, don't get no easier.
Then this Saturday is the annual Asian B-ball Tourney, and this time 1st prize has been upped to $1500. So I gotta get my practice time in after work as well, my conditioning done at work. We don't even have homecourt advantage anymore as it ain't around the corner from Stan's house either. Our 1st game is at 8:30 a.m. against the veteran lead Grasshoppers too, which makes for a tough matchup. Well at least we avoided a 1st round matchup against the Twin C's and Columbus Buckeyes too. If it ain't rough it ain't right ya know.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Hot Dog - So lately I've been leaving my mark whether it's good or not is another question. Such as Camp Mad-Hts, everyday I always get blamed for something whether I did it or not. Every counselor and staff are taking notice of how much of this goes on from The Boss. We had a huge meeting, I didn't say much but I left a bang at the meeting.
Then came KUMC v-ball, where I threw my gym bag on top of a folding table. I decided to casually sit on top of it. As soon as I did, the table broke in half as if I just got body slammed through a table. EMoy would see this as a TLC Match, and JW was cracking up. This would of been a quality shot on Youtube, too bad I forgot my camera. Although I did put it on my cell phone :)
Later that night, I was driving home from My Fishy's house. I was getting sleepy and I fell asleep at the wheel. I fell asleep as I was turning into my subdivision, next thing ya know I had to dodge a fire hydrant and get past the light post too. Man, I did a lawn job right at the front of the entrance to the sub. Thankfully I just had a air bubble in my tire and I got that replaced at Discount Tire. My Fishy even saw my car tracks on the lawn later this evening.
On the plus side, it looks like my garage door works now :)
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
You can't see his 'Stang or him.
Grady Party - So my parents are back from HK, and lookin at their pics reminded me of how much I miss it over there too. Speaking of which, I finally listened to Jin's music. I remember when he first came out I was gonna buy his cd's but was hesistant because I never heard him rap all the way through, but now I gotta say he's got skill.
Steve's grad party was fun, well since everyone came to my house to due the crowds across the street. We had to filter that place up, which was nice because we'd just run across the street to get food then come back to play more Wii. If anyone is not sure which Mii is MLE then just look for the ugly one ;p
So I've been spending the past 2 nites trying to figure out how to put together my garage door. I can see why if you slip just a lil that you can get your body cut off. Tomorrow will be day 3 of trying to do this.
Today, I battled against a former world champ in Ping-Pong. Of course, I lost but I learned a lot and thankful the champ took time to teach me a few things. Thing that I am thankful for every night is My Fishy gettin rid of all my knots around my shoulders. I'm in so much pain when she rubs it, but man does that pain feel good too.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Brawl - What a 4th of July it was, we are blessed for a lot of reasons on this day. I'm thankful for living in a free country and a laxing day. It was a movie day for us as we watched Die Hard 4 and Transformers today, then had a BBQ. Now I couldn't cap off the day without blowing stuff up at night :) It has been a while since I've been home on a 4th of July week. I'd say at leasst 4 years now. All I gotta say is that both movies were great, although Transformers I was still a lil upset with because of the storyline. BumbleBee is not a Camaro and Megatron is not a freakin jet! Action and comedy it was but storyline no way for those who are die hard Transformer fans. They messed up on pretty much what every Autobot was suppose to transform into. Die Hard 4, what can I say but best movie I have seen so far this year. This Friday we are seeing Ratatouille!
Well, my parents are gone in HK so it is wierd being without them. Last time I was separated from them on this day was when they went to HK with every family member here and I was the only one left.
Camp Mad-Hts, what can I say but drama already. Man was I so spoiled from last year's Dream Team?
Lastly, I bought my CCUC shoes for this year already :) The new Kobe's which marks the 3rd straight year I've rocked Mr. 81. K 13 VIII will be revealed soon to a court near you, woot woot.
Well, my parents are gone in HK so it is wierd being without them. Last time I was separated from them on this day was when they went to HK with every family member here and I was the only one left.
Camp Mad-Hts, what can I say but drama already. Man was I so spoiled from last year's Dream Team?
Lastly, I bought my CCUC shoes for this year already :) The new Kobe's which marks the 3rd straight year I've rocked Mr. 81. K 13 VIII will be revealed soon to a court near you, woot woot.