Thursday, August 09, 2007

Pretty good movie, just wished they'd show a new one next time

Gotta admit, it is beautiful up here

Swagger - So Sunday was just one of those days for me that God was testing me. It started off with Northwest canceling our flight to Boston. We rescheduled but still are quite disappointed because of this crappy service. My new cellie breaks, and I had to get a new one again on Monday, go figure when I decide to try a new manufacturer. Lastly, I get pulled over for an unprecedented 14th time, but not for speeding. The cop actually complimented me on how well I drive! He pulled me over because my license plate tint was too dark. Yup that was what my Sunday was like, but I'm still livin.

On the positive side, CBC United is really coming together. The B team kept trying to lower our morale and crush us every scrimmage. However, we stayed positive throughout every game and although we lost every game against them 21-19, it was the B Team whose morale was lowered. They could not believe how well we executed our plays and just our mental toughness. I love our team, everyone believes in each other and knows their roles.

Tonight we brought in an outside team to scrimmage. They kept talking trash to us and at the end of the night they were silenced. I put my hand by my ear and did the Hulkster impression and they were silenced. 3-0 in practice tonight and still making our playbook bigger.
