Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Concert - I had a talk with an old friend today, it was really great! I've known him for about 15 years, back in the day when we started ballin together. He is older than me, and we hung out a lot back then. He was a decent baller who has decent range, good passing/vision, and some size. Off the court, he was a nice guy sometimes too much of a push over, and at times immature and irresponsible. This would irritate me because he is much older than me.

However, I spoke with him on the phone today and I am really happy to see that he is trying to put his life together. I ask God to give me a chance and use me to be a witness for Him. There are 2 times, that I regret in my life that I did to him though. It came from b-ball where I chewed him out because I felt he was not playing hard enough. I really regret those 2 times because I was a bad witness. I hope I can do better and that I have learned from my past mistakes.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Crude - I can't believe there is a 20 cent difference from my house to the restaurant for gas. Thank goodness I still have my Speedy Q! When I say 20 cents, I mean my Premium is $3.54 and Regular at home is $3.74 a gallon. I guess LA-Farm Land has its uses.

In other news, as I keep getting letters of support from people. It really irritates me that people can't define the difference between, Missions trip, Outreach, and Field Trip. It is what it is, and now that the hunting season is done, time to go rocking some more.

I wonder if I can get a paycheck soon, puhhhhhhhhlllllleeeeeaaaaasssssseeeeee?

Fishing Season

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Blue - So much to say but so lil time. Anyways, I've been blessed to be offered an ESL position at Falcon High this past weekend. I get to finish out the school year so at least I can be committed to something once again. I really hope and pray that this is the year that I get an offer from that district! What's funny is the teacher I work with is Mr. Nash's old ESL teacher. Man this has been a fun place to work at and I hope I can do the best I can so that I can get noticed.
