Sunday, June 09, 2002

Well it was an interesting day at work as usual. Ya know sometimes I feel like Al Bundy coming home after a hard day's work at the restaurant. I learned one thing today, which was why people always say never mix business with pleasure. So one of the girls that work there, Kim she's only been there for a couple of months now. So I'm talking to her because she seems to like guy stuff, ya know, cars, v-ball and b-ball. So she's telling me about her little crush for one of our cooks, Ramon. I'm thinking that she is a little strange but didn't think too much of it. Till today I realized that their little 2 week fling is more serious than I thought. Kind of cute I guess, but none of my business. Anyways, Kim's friend, Misty who also works there has a crush on another worker at the restaurant. Kim is telling me about Misty's crush, and making me guess who it is. So I'm thinking ummm we're here to sell ABC, not Sweet & Sour Guys. Finally, Kim tells me who Misty's crush is, and who is this fortunate or unfortunate depending on how you look at things? All I gotta say is, oh my GG, I can't believe it's me! So I tell Kim I don't believe her and that she must be on drugs. And she is telling me about how Misty has been flirting with me and all that. I'm like uhh I don't notice anything and I thought I was just trying to be nice by helping her out with some of her work, like I do with the others there. Then again I am a guy and I don't pick up these things when girls are flirting. Until yesterday, I was starting to me more aware of my actions towards her. One thing I noticed is that she got a little touchy feely with me, like touching my shoulder, grabbing my arm, and pushing my chest. I guess normally guys would like that type of stuff, but ya know I'm kind of saving myself here and I feel like I've been violated. Dang it, no means no! I mean Misty is cute and seems nice, but not my type. So now Kim is talking to me about doubling with her and Ramon. I had 3 reactions towards that and here they are:

1) Hellllllllllllllll Noooooooooooo
2) You should get off that crack rock you smoking
3) I think all 3 y'all are whack and the Lapeer air must be affecting y'all

Anyways I need to think of a way to get Misty off me. I'm already trying by not making eye contact with this girl but she keeps looking at me. Dang it, look at the ABC or something else other than me. Oh well I have a week till I go back there and hopefully she find a new guy by then.

Move Your Body

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