You are Neo, from "The Matrix." You
display a perfect fusion of heroism and
What Matrix Persona Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Wow, Neo eh? I wonder if all of you agree to what it says?
Conclusions manifest, your first impressions got to be your very best
I see your full of shit, and that's alright
That's how you play, and I guess you'll get through every night
Well now that's over
I see your fantasy, you want to make it a reality paved in gold
See inside,
Inside of your heads
Well now that's over
I see your motives inside, decisions to hide
Backoff I'll take you on
Headstrong to take on anyone
Today was just a true blessing to me, I felt God magnificent power in so many different ways today. I had to go see the specialist today and he was very impressed again as to how fast I have healed since I re-injured it. When I hurt it the first time, God knew that I was very scared of surgery was the only way to go. So I hurt it the 2nd time thinking ok their is definitely gonna be some sort of arthoscopic surgery done. But I feel better than ever and now I know why. The doc told me that when I hurt it the first time, I had a huge tear in the lateral meniscus, however the second time, it must of meant that I tore off what was hanging inside of my knee. Which the doc said, I pretty much did my own surgery, which was very good because he said he was gonna cut me open to cut out that tear. It's amazing how God used my second injury to actually heal my knee. Their is still the possibility of a surgery if I hurt it the 3rd time which I am hoping not to. It's all about having faith baby.
Later in the day, I just totally praised God for the wonderful friendship that He has blessed me with through B.S. (no it is not that, and sorry but it was the only way I could refer you as). It's just amazing how God uses people in mysterious ways. God used this person, to help me get rid of my distractions. I heard a lot of things and it hurt me because you think you know people but you really don't. Why is that? It's all about integrity, I never realized how people think they can turn it off like a light switch. I remember one person told me that I should be more trusting to them, uh yeah I got 3 letters to that, DTA. I just can't get over the fact of how people put themselves in tempting situations. One of the things that is the most important to me, are the children that I have been in contact with whether it is through ACA, CBC, VBS, or even my own family. Do I practice what I teach to them? As a leader and a teacher, I am held to a higher standard, and if I don't own up to what I say then I should be ashamed of myself. I would never want to be like that of what is described in 2 Peter 2:1-4, but their are those who are out there. However, I must continue to be like Nehemiah or my heart would be just as cold, and inconsiderate. After a nice fellowship time, I feel stronger mentally, spiritually, and physically. My song for this month has been decided already for the CBC tournament, Headstrong by Trapt. This song is also the theme song for WWE's pay per view this month, Bad Blood, what a coincidence. No more distractions, I now know who are real and those like in the Bible, Matt. 10:16 a wolf dressed among sheeps clothes (depending which version you read).
Only In Dreams
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