I had some reflection time while I was driving back home from v-ball. Some people have been wondering how come we don't have that many people coming to v-ball, particularly non-believers. It just hit me, maybe it's because as a leader of the sports outreach, we haven't been coming together to pray for our outreaches. A couple of years ago, you would have at least Rich, Kin, and myself having prayer meetings for our outreaches. Now everything has died down and we need to do something. Eh maybe it's better I say this to everyone involved in the sport outreaches instead of Blogger?
Another thing that hit me as I was driving home, was just again how imperfect we are. I was thinking about how easy it is for me to just knit pick at other people when myself ain't exactly the holiest of holies over here. Another example of God's love for us, that He will take any of us who aren't even close to being perfect nonetheless good, but yet get a chance to go to Heaven.
Also as I was driving home, I decided to grab a slurpee at 7-11. Boy I love how 7-11 is behind my house now, it is so convienent (sp?). Breadstick called me as I was getting my slurpee, and the cashier was on the phone as well. So I wasn't paying attention and he wasn't paying in the whole cash exchange here. As I left 7-11, I thought to myself wait a minute did I get what I think I just got? I counted my change and got $17 back in change. However, I gave the cashier $3 for my slurpee and chips. Dude the cashier, thought I gave him $20 for my stuff. The sad part is, once I got home and off the phone with Breadstick, I was just like eh don't want to do anything now. Actually this happened to me the other day at the Tinsway, but vice versa. I gave the lady a little more and she short changed me. Wow the power of cell phones I tell you, and how it can cause 2 people not even to focus on the transaction.
For the past 2 weeks now, I haven't been able to sleep and again it's 3 a.m. right now. I've been watching videos of the last CBC V-ball Tournament. Man more rewind and slow motioning everything, I noticed man did I play horribly in that tournament. I noticed I missed a lot of things on the court, gosh I feel so retarded now.
I just got done watching another edition of SportsCenter too. They did a series "Playing With Guilt". It was about football and hockey players ending players career's or worst. This past week, I've been wanting to play some football. During ACA this summer, I ran football drills with the older kids in camp, and boy do I miss football practice right now. Football season is starting, and I just want to play IM football however, most of my OU boys have either transferred out of OU or graduated. That was fun because I had a lot of plays drawn for me, thanks to my QB Johnny Blanchard. I got to see double coverage a lot of times, and playing DB against the other teams best WR. Going up against the Frat teams were fun because it was all about who can take a beating and get back up. I miss playing hockey with everyone from Justin's Court. Gosh I just miss hitting someone whether it be football or hockey.
Ever since I bumped into Brian Z and Roddy, I just miss football. I need some contact or as Coach Bye called football it's not a contact sport, it's a collision sport. A man named Joshua I believe it was that I met this past Sunday was asking me if I could get a Bowling team in for his church. I don't know if I could, but it sure the got the hamster in my wheel rolling. How cool would it be to get a 5:14 team in for football or hockey. Gosh I just want to hit someone.
Can't Hold Us Down
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