So it's been about 25 minutes past 9-11 now. I've been just watching a movie about 9-11 then going to the news then watching all these short films about it. Yup I can still remember everything like it was yesterday, but that was then. I was walking around campus since I had time to kill before my workout. It was just a glorious day with the sun shining, and I could see the Cross Country team running, the baseball team doing stretches, students going to their classes, everything was happening as if I was stuck in the middle. Then the thought of the scene from T2 comes into play. When Linda Hamilton was standing at the fence and then boom, judgement day. Everything on campus seemed too good to be like that and I just kept looking at the sun.
I walked to Fireside Lounge, to find that they were passing out free food. At first, I was gonna grab some stuff to eat, but then I realized what it was for. It was a remembrance if you can even call it that of 9-11. They had a wall full of names of people, then a giant card for people to sign. Then I saw a big cake for this, and besides myself, some people thought OU was like doing a celebration of 9-11. Because of that feeling within me, I opted not to grab any free stuff.
Then watching the news, they were talking about rebuilding, and naming it Freedom Tower. Sounds cool, but a lot of people were upset by this. Hmmm I wonder how I would feel if I lost someone close to me, in terms of rebuild or leave Ground Zero the way it is? Nothing beats experiencing Ground Zero in person though, it just gives you a different feeling.
On the other side of my sad life at school, I was like the laughing stock of Varner Hall. Since we had to do skits today, to boost my group's spirit up, I really got into character today by using markers to paint my face. I was a Native American, with my own little tomahawk that I made, and went around killing trolls as part of our skit. Prof. Lucas said after our skit "I need to send you to a Politically Correct class because you've just killed every single type of stereotype there was today." Yeah, I love to make the class exciting, I just hate it when we work in small groups because peeps always nominate me to be the leader/director. Boy it was tough getting this marker stuff all off my face.
I went to ECN, and finally I figure her name out. It has been at the tip of my tongue, but yeah I formed my own what I call "The Retard ECN Student Section." I'm the President it seems since I talk the most, and now I have Courtney chilling with me along the wall. Plus I knew I remembered her face from MTE last year, actually Danielle remembered me before I recognized her. I'm glad she took the initiative to ask me if it was me rather than me being 8 Chi again. I got a few other peeps sitting with me, in my little student section, so ECN is quite fun for me now.
Yes! Time for another wonderful day of ABC. Actually, we hired this new girl about 3 months ago. Last week was the first time I actually talked to her because she asked me why I am always cold and anti-social to her. So I finally talked to Andrea, one thing I didn't know but I can see it now, is that she is a model and taking modeling classes. I kept thinking in my mind, how often does that happen, a model working at a chinese restaurant. Oh well, I just flat out told her that I'm there to work and not socialize, plus I told her that I like to work alone up front. In addition this helps me focus on not looking at her in any other way too.
Tonight, I Feel Close To You
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