Terrell Owens, in my view is one of the best WR in the NFL. I've been listening to ESPN and hearing what others think of his tirades as of late. I am for one who is all for it and supports his actions. Their is a guy who wants to win a game and play his heart out. He even chewed out his offensive coordinator! Like Michael Irvin said their are players who come in to collect the money or don't care about the wins or losses, but T.O. plays for the love of the game.
So with that in mind, now that I've been settled and got to be acquainted with my new teammates on Monday and Tuesday nights. After a few practices and exhibition games, I'm glad I signed on with PowerSpike and Spiked Punch. At least they have players who give it their all and if they don't then I'll be on their cases. Here's a short convo of another team trying to recruit me to play, from team Shield's.
C: Hey do you wanna have some fun and play on our team this year?
K: Hmmm, well fun for me is winning and being/staying competitive.
C: Oh then, I guess you don't want to play on our team.
K: Yeah I guess not.
What's amazing is how people think they are good just cause they play an X amount of years? My new friend Jason, who is just an amazing v-ball player, were talking last night as Melissa (my new team capt.) wanted to see if we should recruit Tammy as a player. Jay and I kept telling Rob that she can not be the setter in a 6-2 offense because she has her own probs setting when we are doing hitting drills.
Oh yay to this too, looks like I'll be playing opposite of Melissa on this team. Yup, I'm the setter in the 6-2 offense, gotta admit my hands have gotten better. But not nearly as good as where I want them to be. It also looks like I have underestimated the talent of this Co-Ed league too. TJ's team has made some major upgrades last night. They were pissed because Chris ditched them the night before, although I knew ahead of time. But they picked up Jason, and the new stud on the court Blake.
Jason like I said is a great player, his size reminds of Connie's friend Ray but Jason is a more solid all around. I thought though I would be the cockiest kid in this league, but I believe Blake has me beat on this one. At age 18, this kid was just barking out orders to his team. Even Jason was getting annoyed and making faces. Blake reminds of Den Den, but a lot taller and longer arms, with the same windup and kill approach. I'll admit this kid can fly above the new and I like the our stare downs yesterday to see who will be the best in this league. I wonder if he was jump serving because I kept doing it? It felt good though to roof him and shut his mouth up for at least one play. It was fun last night, playing against TJ's team to go up against both Jason and Blake. Considering we're the 3 youngest and best in the league, now it's time to see who'll emerge to be the best. It's time for me to finally go S.S. in this league and see where that gets me, enough playing around now that the season starts next week.
We had our first football practice yesterday too! Team U.R.A.P.K. had some pretty good battles in terms of who will be the starting QB, Stan or Phil. Peter has the playbook for us as I've already memorized my routes on each formation. It was nice to see my Asian brotha, Eddie from our Titans days. It also helps for me that Peter played football at Troy High, so I can call the coverages and he'll know what I'm talking about. We watched as a team the exhibition opener last night too. Gosh if those teams are in our conference then we should be ok. With Ali's team in the MW Conference, then it should be a wide open race for first in our's. Tomorrow's our season opener, Coach Bye always made us write down 3 goals on our playbooks before each game so we have something to shoot for. So here are mine:
1) Lead the team to our first win.
2) Get 100 yards recieving and a TD.
3) Return a kickoff for a TD or get an INT.
I also had a nice long talk with GP B, it was nice because he made me realize a key aspect that I've forgotten lately. I should worry only about how God wants me to be. I'm glad he was there today to give me some spiritual guidance as well.
Hmmm, I am having neck spasms, a pulled shoulder, a thigh bruise, a bone bruise on my elbow, and a juicy knee. Yeah baby, pracitices and games, this is what you live for to be a soldier on the field/court.
Double Blade
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