Monday, February 16, 2004

NBA All Star weekend has come and went just like that. Frustrated, yes because I have to rest my knee still. The bright side though, is that I don't have any v-ball games this week. Which means my streak of not missing a game due to injury continues! I've had this streak since the 8th grade. Ok, grading the All Star weekend though, 3 point contest was weak because they need some stars in there like Ray Allen and Michael Redd. The Slam Dunk contest was even weaker, I mean this was as weak as you can get since they had that stupid wheel. I am really starting to miss the old days where Shawn Kemp would be the Buffalo Bills of the contest but yet he made it exciting. Not only that, the rules were so much better and each dunker got to choose the music they would be dunking to, not some stupid drum beat like this year.

Tonight was the night though where I got to watch my 4 favorite players whom I try to model my game after, The Franchise, T-Mac, The Answer, and Kobe. Back in the dayz, at my cousin's house we would be ballin everyday. The players I tried to model and study back then were Joe Dumars (loved how he lead by example), Gary Payton (loved his defense and trash talking), Reggie Miller (loved how he played in crunch time), and finally Kendall Gill (loved his athleticism as the first player ever drafted by the Charlotte Hornets).

I remember having our dunk contests at my cousin's place. I actually won it one year being the youngest one to do that. I just remember my last dunk, which was a 1 hopper off the ground then 2 handed reversal dunk. I left the crowd saying "wow that was thunderous" as the music I chose to do my dunks on at the time was Snoop's What's My Name. I wonder what kind of dunks I could do this year?

Speaking of which, I think I'm just gonna end the night on a few laps up and down the stairs. Yup, I wanna get back on the court asap!


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