Wow, ArmWrestleMania at Snoozer, KC, and Lizzie's place. Snoozer vs. Lizzie, hmmmm tough call, I can't say that I've seen Lizzie arm wrestle anyone. I do like my underdogs though. However, I checked Karoke Revolution and that these 2 ladies have dominated all the High Scores, I gotta give this to Snoozer. Why? Because Lizzie holds first place in the highest score ever in Karoke Revolution, so Snoozer should seek redemption. I will predict Snoozer to win this one.
Speaking of arm wrestling, does that bring back memories. Arm wrestling for serious money back in the day. I remember going up against the 2 fatboy brothers at Oceania Inn. Personally, I didn't like them too much because they always tried to push their weight around amongst the restaurant kids. I remember having the ballz to arm wrestle them both and trying to lay a butt whoopin of a lifetime on both those fatty's. However, it was too much for me too much weight to take them on back to back. I just remember the cash floating around that little room where it was filled with everyone my age watching. I remember when Oceania Inn had that F-Zero/Super Mario World/NCAA B-ball arcade game. It's too bad that they closed down eventually due to gambling, mah jong that is. Memories good/bad......
Man while I'm on this gambling role, I remember a bunch of going out to buy fish. Oh not just any fish either, we always bought the fighting fish. A lot of us would raise them and then we would all get together on the weekends. We would all bring our fish, and have individual challenges, fish against fish, with of course big loot on the line. It was like one of those Rooster fights that they do in Mexico. I remember we had one tank with all of us surrounding it, not making any sudden moves, and watching the fish bite each other. First fish that ends up floating upside down or the owner forfeits, is the loser and the winner wins the pot. Animal brutality, I can't say too much because I took part in it. We had all sort of ways to come up to making money, man I kind of missing having some sort of fish around here too.
Wheel of Fortune
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