I agree with Mrs. Liu, as today I made my announcement to my 4th grade class that this is my last week with them. It is because the semester is almost up and for Spring term, I will be sent to another school to do my student teaching. The class, were moaning and groaning and they were chanting my name as they continue to petition for me to be the new 5th grade teacher next year. However, I found out that my co-op teacher and the other 4th grade teacher want me to stay here for my Spring term. They also talked to the principal about it this morning too and she has given my approval. So I must talk to OU's Field Coordinator, Terrible Sherill after today's class to see if she is willing to let me stay for Spring. Suga Mama believes I have no shot in hell of getting to stay because of the name Terrible Sherill. Afterall I came up with the name for her, because she is only nice to those students who suck up and kiss some major booty to get good student teaching placements and I ain't all about that. I do have hope that this is in God's hands and he knows that I too want to stay. So hopefully things will work itself out.
As I was reading Boozer's blog discussing about time. This Sunday will be my grandpa's 80th birthday. My mom's side of the fam has rented out Golden Harvest and invited friends and family from everywhere to celebrate. I didn't think it was that serious, but then I found out last weekend that my mom alone has dropped about $2000 on this thing. Man I am wondering how much the other peeps are dropping in. I look forward to this event because my grandpa always babysat me and my sis. I remember those days he would spoil me at Toys R Us, and he is the one that bought my Sky Lynx! There are times, that I do get frustrated with him, but in the end I do love him. He's the only grandpa that I've only had because my other grandpa died long before I was even born, so he is someone I try not to take for granted.
So how serious is thing though? Well I have to show up, way early to get family pics done. I am also in charge of filming everything on tape. I guess I am ushering peeps to their seat too, and I get to wear a special boutinear (sp?). My mom has even given me special dressing attire just for me. So here are my mom's unapproval for head gear only:
1) No Bandanas
2) No Hats
3) No Visors
4) No Shirt sleeves
5) No white colors (if you chinese then you know what this is all about)
6) No Skulls or Cross Bones (my mom still remembers the day I showed up to my grandma's b-day part sporting the Pistons Bad Boys shirt with the skull on the front, I guess that was inappropriate.)
So now I am left with, what to wear on Sunday night? Should I have my hair in braids? I'm considering sportin a throwback jersey, like my old Rice jersey cuz it has the number 80 on it. Pretty clever eh?
Lucky Love
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