Well my sinuses seem to be clearing up now. I wonder if I have to keep taking Claritin at the very least? Anyways, what's been on my mind lately has been promises, guarantees, committment, loyalty, etc. I mean all these words I've been hearing a lot lately and I haven't seen any follow through on it. Which kind of bums me sometimes, but I always remain hopeful that these people will honor their word. However, yesterday after class I was upset because this person just lied to my face. How could I tell? If there is one thing I am pretty good at, is the reading of someone's eyes. I gave this person the benefit of the doubt though, but later that evening I found out it was a "white lie" as I heard a different story from another person. I was just so disappointed that over the years that their was some sort of level of trust, but this only illustrates a couple of points. First, only His promise is true, and why I keep on going DTA sometime.
I guess that's why I love v-ball because sometimes it's like anger management for me. Yes, there is prayer at nite, but nothing like a good kill feels so refreshing. Now that my schedule is finally set, I am now signed up for 1 flag football league, and 5 v-ball leagues for the year. What can I say, I love a challenge in this area. Speaking of which, something else that we've been discussing about in our FE 210 class, is do things happen by coincidence or is God in control of things? Well amazingly some people think it is both. However, today to me at least proves that He is in control of things. I met one of the girls, Jayne on Z's WB league team. We played together at F-Hills then went to Troy together to play some more. We talked a lot about how He has been using us individually. It was funny because it was some what similar too. Then it was even funnier when peeps from Ski Niks asked the both of us to play on their team now. We're the same age, so we're being dubbed as the dynamic duo now. It's all good, because she was on the Rochester College team. Man I didn't even realize they had sports there. Anyways, it's a blessing to play with Jayne in 2 leagues now. It's nice to know that you have another believer on a team once in a while. What can I say, I love v-ball so much that I even wrote a crappy poem about it today. I'll have to post it another time, yup it looks like it is Claritin time!
Out To Get Me
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