Panther Pride - Today was my last day at Iroquois :( I miss my kids already though it still does not compare to the ones I had at Edmonson. Lots to share about but maybe I'll save it for tomorrow. Why? Because when I was exhausted and down tonight, what kept me going was to remember that I was playing for my kids tonight. 7 V-ball leagues and 3 of them have come to an end now. After tonight, I now have 3 championships and tonight it was nice to win the pot. Our team took the 2 out of 3 series to win it all and be crowned champs. Crowds of peeps were watching our game and for the most part I did not say anything during the game. To me, it was time to play, the talk is done and over with.
Of course, Sam kept trying to talk smack to me throughout the game. I just kept smiling because I trained myself to be mentally strong and that I can't be shaken. 2nd game I finally had it though, as I killed one straight down the line and it tattooed him right in his stomach area. He still kept talking to me entering the 3rd game. So I finally said "hey watch your nutz next time buddy." Everyone was laughing, but yet Sam still kept talking and I'm like hellooo? Nothing left to talk about, let's finish the series and see who is better.
After the series, a bunch of the 420's came up to me to personally talk to me about being the MVP in the league. They all showed their respects to me, and the most important one was Sam. I somewhat respect him as he approached and congratulated me. However, a couple of my own teammates were bickering at each because they kept saying that our team was not the "1 man show." While the rest of the league agreed and a couple of our teammates thought so too. I just ended up leaving to go to Hogan's and have our celebration meal there.
However, I could not even enjoy myself at dinner. I mean, let's see MVP, Championship, $, respect, and love you'd think I'd be happy. But nope, I did not like how my teammates treated the service at Hogan's. I mean yes the food took a lil long to get out there and they goofed on the fries. But to me, no need to call out the manager and asks for discounts and all that crap. After my teammates left, I went back in to speak to the manager and the waitress to apologize for my team's actions. Just because we won doesn't mean we own Hogan's now. I even gave the ladies an extra tip because I told them that they didn't deserve and I was ashamed to be apart of it.
Electra, feel better and congrats to Stephanie for finishing the NT!
Love Song
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