Spoilers - Another v-ball league down, and only 4 to go in this semester. Congrats to Chisholm for knocking us out, 3-2 playoff series. Man, I feel like it's all my fault for losing, I mean only 1 more win to get back into the Troy Finals. I just put my shirt over my head after shaking hands, man I blew some easy ones. Just couldn't carry the team tonight :(
Today, at Magahay I met Kristin Glasgow! Well I didn't even know who she was, but I know she is famous for something because she came to speak to my class and all the kids asked for her autograph. I spoke with her afterwards, because she is the same age as me, graduated from Magahay, and OU. I gotta admit as my teacher said "She is hot", because she was. All the kids were teasing Kristin and I when we were talkin because they thought we were flirting with each other. However, I told the kids that she is too good for me. But imagine that, going out with a future celeb. She is holding a concert at Magahay and I wish I could go too! Although Larry Brown is coming to Magahay next week :)
So this has been on my mind for awhile now. What I don't like bout some CBC kids, is that they are taught wrong. Granted I am not a parent or anything, but it really irritates me when parents come into Jr. Church to get their kid out for Chinese School. Then some parents tell their kids how to act with others when it ain't even Biblical. So good parenting I guess does not come from The Bible. I mean, for example this mother asked me if her child can jump ahead of everyone else for hot chocolate since he had to go early for Chinese School. At first, I said no because I told her flat out this is for kids who earned in my class. Hmm let me check how many times your kid came to class, uhh bout 4 times in 3 months. She kept insisting that her son gets hot chocolate. So I gave in, only to offer him my test sample which tasted like butt and P Nutz can attest to that. Man that mother needs to stop trippin bout her son getting what he wants, and that is why he misbehaves in Jr. Church cuz he is a spoiled lil booger.
Which leads me to this, parents who give their kids non-Biblical advice. They know who they are, and I am thankful that my integrity is held strongly within the Mandarin side. So until I get all the facts, I may rock the boat in this direction. Yes, He calls us to obey our parents however and I mean HOWEVER, I am pretty sure there is a verse like in Psalms where it says do not follow your parents if it causes you to sin. It is just irritating and I tell ya how do they expect their kids to be godly young adults when they themselves are gossiping, and spreading rumors. Please, I ain't the only one who needs to do the checkin.
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