Friday, May 13, 2005

SAIL - It has been pretty much about 2 weeks into Spring classes. This is the odds on favorite that this is my last semester at OU until the final big 12 credit full time student teaching in the Fall. The most credits I have taken was 18 credits in the Winter 2004 semester. While this Spring term, I am taking 12 which is over the max of what were allowed to take. Of course, being the defiant one, I got a petition to get past that. So a quick grade on what I think of each class:

Foreign Policy - Can I just get out of this class? Although it does inspire me to keep up with current events. Dude, there is this Chinese girl who sits across from me, and she fricking looks exactly like Mel Smell, but like an inch taller. Seriously, this girl is like a carbon copy of Mel!

Reading for Elementary Teachers - This class is suppose to hold only 25 students, but we got 45 in here. Sittin in the back, I just daydream. It's interesting to see where the true friendships are at in here. There is the goods, but then I kind of disappointed by others.

Outdoor Education for Elementary Teachers - First off this class is on Saturday which just sucks! However, I am learning a lot. The day before the 1st class, I had a dream that I was the only idiot in here or that I don't know anyone. But it has been fun since I got V, Kari, Angela, Kristen, and Sarah in here. So I am in good company, it's just funny that actual teachers are taking this class too. They must be thinkin how this kid is going to be a teach with my antics in class.

I guess if it weren't for these classes, I would just be a bum at home and producing no fruits. In the end, I just want out of the "World Famous" Magahay and I am counting down the days.

U Ain't Bone

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