Thursday, August 04, 2005

Fight Club - For the most part I feel recharged bout Camp D. I think it is because I have pushed everything else aside and really focused on my kids. Yesterday, I've been playing Chinese Yo-Yo with them and much love to our teacher, Jennifer. Man, she's got some serious skills and she taught me a lot already. Hopefully I can get one so I can continue to practice. Now everyone wants to play me in Pokemon too, because I'm on a losing streak. I've dropped 3 of my last 4 battles :(

Woohoo, physical therapy is almost done too! I've gone from 45 minute sessions to 2 1/2 hour sessions now as Michelle has picked up my rehab big time. At first, I thought I was just slow because I get there before a lot of other people's appointment, but yet I always leave after the building closes. I feel bad sometimes now because I make Michelle stay after closing time. I rarely take any breaks between each exercise, so how is it that I am the last one to leave still? Well, Michelle explained it to me that I am doing a higher intensity level of all the exercises compared to others. Plus, she mentioned how I have a higher tolerance for pain in which I can do a lot more. Lastly, the thing she hates bout me she mentions is how she wants me to do a certain number then I always spend so much time going beyond her recommended limit.

My goal was to speed my return back for the K.I.D. Tournament. However, that might not happen anymore because of so many complaints bout YCF Remix. The Korean Prez just needs to make a decision instead of leavin it out there. Like on one part, shouldn't they be lookin for the challenge? While on the otherside for me to think about is, do I really want to bring a team that is not wanted there? I would not want to bring a team where they get looked down upon or talked bout badly. The Korean Board though, seems like they gotta do what they gotta do. I'll still be bringin the belt there.

Man only 2 more days of Camp D :( This week continues to go out to My Court Jester and Daniel. I can only have hope for the attendance and the possibility of Camp Mad-Heights next week.


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