Med Techs - What an eventful day it was! Everyday I wake up, my goal is to always learn something new. I only had to work at Magahay for a half day as I had to go to the UCS building to apply for my UCS Badge. So there were about 20 student teachers for the meeting, and the ladies who ran the meeting Barb and Kathy kept picking on me. So being the goof that I am, I kept the meeting entertaining. I got finger printed and then I had to go get drug tested.
So there we were, Danielle, Sue, Ashley, and me waiting to do our drug test. Now I never got one before so I have no clue what goes on. Sue got called in then Danielle followed, however Danielle was finished faster than Sue. How is that possible? Danielle told me that, Sue could not pee which is why she has to wait. I was freakin out in front of the whole Clinic with patients watchin me and Ashley and Danielle laughing at me. I did not know we had to pee for a drug test! I thought they like extracted blood from me or something. So I am like frick, because I just went pee pee like 10 minutes ago. How am I suppose to go again?
So I quickly drank my large Jimmy John's Coke, so I can fill my bladder. They finally called me up and made a mark where I had to fill the cup. Dude, it was quite intimidating to make this mark, but I was determined. So I pee-d like no other, then a thought hit me. How do girls ya know get their urine in the cup? I kept asking Sue, and Ashley but they passed on answering. Yup, a disgusting entry, but oh well no one reads this anyways and I just like to express my thought of the day. Man, I should ask JW about this urine question. I do not know how he touches that stuff.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Meet My Magahay Kids!
Da Brat (Brittany), Miss Canada (Thea), and Pfieffer (Brandon)
Saturn - Man, I had a nice little entry last night, but it would not let me post. My PS2 is broken too :( I feel like a drug addict who needs his fix of PS2 action, so sad. I'll probably buy another one very soon, yup I'm pathetic. I figure it is His way of telling me to stop getting side track of playing video games.
So I guess it's a tradition thing now, after our Dumar's game we head out to the bar. It's been fun catchin up with the Cushman sisters. Like I said before, they are still some of the top female ballerz that I've played against. Ever since last week, I've been going through my Titans yearbook to see what's up. I even talked to my boy, KG for like an hour catching up. Gosh, he would use to leave school early for Co-Op, and I'd just skip class and constantly go to his house.
Then I was walkin around OU today and passed by the newspaper, The OU Post. My friend, Lindsey T was on front page! She was just crowned 2K5 Miss Oakland County and will be competing next year for Miss Michigan. Gosh, I remember being honored in high school when she asked me to be her date for a banquet. I think that was the first time ever, I dressed up. We use to run into each other from time to time on campus too. I called her to personally congratulate her, and she's like MJ (Mary Jane) right now. She's in a lot of shows for theatre, but it looks like we'll be hanging out after her shows are done. I missed hanging out with her because she's such a sweetie. I hope I get to see the crown!
Lady Knights - Man even when it comes to student teaching, I just procrastinate. Yes, part of it is me to blame. On the flipside it would be nice if Lamchops actually did his own work, and made his own lesson plans instead of always using mine. Like today, I was so focused on setting some time to catch up on my paper work for OU. Here are my reasons for procrastination for today:
1) Nope, after work at Magahay I decided to check more papers instead of writing my own.
2) Ok, go early to B-Ham Seaholm to do work then scout their team. Instead, I get there so early that the coach let me ball with his JV girls. I had fun doing some tricks for the crowd and playin around.
3) Ok, now my plan was go to OU early for our IM training and do work before that starts. Instead, I found myself playing v-ball @ The Rec for 2 hours before our staff training.
Ahhhhh I get so sidetrack so I can have more fun with b-ball and v-ball. Now I'm stuck pullin an all niter to do all this paperwork.
1) Nope, after work at Magahay I decided to check more papers instead of writing my own.
2) Ok, go early to B-Ham Seaholm to do work then scout their team. Instead, I get there so early that the coach let me ball with his JV girls. I had fun doing some tricks for the crowd and playin around.
3) Ok, now my plan was go to OU early for our IM training and do work before that starts. Instead, I found myself playing v-ball @ The Rec for 2 hours before our staff training.
Ahhhhh I get so sidetrack so I can have more fun with b-ball and v-ball. Now I'm stuck pullin an all niter to do all this paperwork.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Hollywood - Again, this teaching thing is a lot more time consuming than I am used to. It's like every time I think I am all caught up, nope there is more work to be done. So I guess that is the bad part about being with Lamchops is because I do everything and he never helps out. He does the I am in at 8:15 and out the door by 3:25 thing. While I'm there from 8 - 5 on average. On the other hand, Friday was the bomb because I was in control of both 6th grade classes since both teachers faked their illness to have a sub.
This morning, I went back to Alliance to worship. It was cool because I got to join them for communion too. It has been over a month now too, and I finally got to see Daniel and my Court Jester back from China. Actually, I saw a lot of my kids and all you could hear was my name yelled out in the hallways. Silly Lily's mom actually asked me if I could help out at Alliance in terms of Sunday School teaching. I kept thinkin back about CCUC's sermon and so I offered to help every now and then if they needed me too. All my peeps were talkin Pokemon though, and the parents told me how I got them addicted to it :) Man I miss playin Pokemon now :(
Anyways, lately I feel like I got this celeb status on me every where I go especially around the Twp, the Heights, and the U. I feel like just short of signing autographs now and just sayin hi to everyone. Even Dumars, parents were talkin to me to possibly help out IKE Varsity V-ball, which would be pretty cool. I don't get it, at Magahay a lot of the teachers do not like talkin to parents. While I'm on the other hand because I want parents to know where I am coming from and anything I can do to help their kid. Anyways, I'm blessed to know so many peeps and I'm a slacker for today. Ugh, so much work to do so I guess I'll get a slurpee and get back to the Chiefs vs. Raiders.
Wow, I just learned being gone for 3 weeks from CBC and some of my lil peeps miss me. I'll be back and I hope they know it in their hearts.
This morning, I went back to Alliance to worship. It was cool because I got to join them for communion too. It has been over a month now too, and I finally got to see Daniel and my Court Jester back from China. Actually, I saw a lot of my kids and all you could hear was my name yelled out in the hallways. Silly Lily's mom actually asked me if I could help out at Alliance in terms of Sunday School teaching. I kept thinkin back about CCUC's sermon and so I offered to help every now and then if they needed me too. All my peeps were talkin Pokemon though, and the parents told me how I got them addicted to it :) Man I miss playin Pokemon now :(
Anyways, lately I feel like I got this celeb status on me every where I go especially around the Twp, the Heights, and the U. I feel like just short of signing autographs now and just sayin hi to everyone. Even Dumars, parents were talkin to me to possibly help out IKE Varsity V-ball, which would be pretty cool. I don't get it, at Magahay a lot of the teachers do not like talkin to parents. While I'm on the other hand because I want parents to know where I am coming from and anything I can do to help their kid. Anyways, I'm blessed to know so many peeps and I'm a slacker for today. Ugh, so much work to do so I guess I'll get a slurpee and get back to the Chiefs vs. Raiders.
Wow, I just learned being gone for 3 weeks from CBC and some of my lil peeps miss me. I'll be back and I hope they know it in their hearts.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Bears - Ya know some peeps say yeah teachin is easy because we got breaks and summer vacation. I've been pulling some insane hours and especially today, I worked from 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. at Magahay. I mean I don't even get paid for this, but more or less payin OU to finish off this semester.However, there's been whispers from many others students, teachers, and parents. I guess they have noticed how dedicated I am to doing this and how much I care. Even the principal, stopped me in the hallway just to conversate with me for a little bit and asking me for my opinion bout certain meetings. Like I keep tellin everyone, I don't need to kiss booty like many others because I just do what I do. I've gotten this far without kissin anyone's butt.
So after work, I rushed straight to The Rink for the Magahay Skating Party. I saw 2 of my favorite gals, Katerri aka Shorty and Kristen. Katerri has some Japanese in her, but she is a mix of everything. But she is so cute and short, I always use her head as my arm rest. While Kristen is taller, and a cutie too but I love her work ethic. She continously strives to do well, and I am always willing to help her. It just pissed me off today when Lamchops yelled at her!
If it wasn't for the fact that I am doing this for graduation, I would of stood up to him. If I was an official staff member, I could careless bout gettin fired. How he yelled at her was not right at all. Lamchops wanted Kristen to make a poster for his girls JV team for tonight's game during recess. However, Kristen was struggling with math so she stayed inside for recess since I was not going out. I tutored her on math during recess because she asked for help. After recess, Lamchops comes in shouting at her for not finishing his poster. Since when did was Kristen's job to make posters over her education take a higher priority?
I believe in my heart that the class respects me more because of what I do and do not do. I can sense Lamchops is getting worried because the kids continue to ask me for help while no one sees him. As soon as I got to The Rink, Kristen and Shorty came running to hug me which meant a lot. Kristen keeps askin me to give her a nickname too, which I need to think of one. I even gave them permission to call me by my first name outside of school now. Again, I'm thankful for His power to change my heart and bless me with such an awesome class.
The Relic
So after work, I rushed straight to The Rink for the Magahay Skating Party. I saw 2 of my favorite gals, Katerri aka Shorty and Kristen. Katerri has some Japanese in her, but she is a mix of everything. But she is so cute and short, I always use her head as my arm rest. While Kristen is taller, and a cutie too but I love her work ethic. She continously strives to do well, and I am always willing to help her. It just pissed me off today when Lamchops yelled at her!
If it wasn't for the fact that I am doing this for graduation, I would of stood up to him. If I was an official staff member, I could careless bout gettin fired. How he yelled at her was not right at all. Lamchops wanted Kristen to make a poster for his girls JV team for tonight's game during recess. However, Kristen was struggling with math so she stayed inside for recess since I was not going out. I tutored her on math during recess because she asked for help. After recess, Lamchops comes in shouting at her for not finishing his poster. Since when did was Kristen's job to make posters over her education take a higher priority?
I believe in my heart that the class respects me more because of what I do and do not do. I can sense Lamchops is getting worried because the kids continue to ask me for help while no one sees him. As soon as I got to The Rink, Kristen and Shorty came running to hug me which meant a lot. Kristen keeps askin me to give her a nickname too, which I need to think of one. I even gave them permission to call me by my first name outside of school now. Again, I'm thankful for His power to change my heart and bless me with such an awesome class.
The Relic
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Psylocke - Eh, I figured I might as well shoot out a quick entry before I take a nap. Gosh I am so behind in the paper work for school. On the flip side, I am ahead of my lesson plans though. Anyways back to what I was thinkin bout with this past Sunday's KUMC worship. The last time I went to worship at KUMC had to be bout over a year ago. I remember I did not enjoy the message too much because their wasn't too much biblical teaching nor support through the message. What frustrates me is how on the flipside people enjoy hearing those types of messages. It's like dude the Bible, it's The Truth, but peeps often prefer those nursey rhymes type of deals. Which is why I hate it when peeps knock on CBC's messages.
Anyways, back to T-Hope's worship the blessing was hearing Cass Community Ambassador's sharing their testimonies. A lot of these guys came from being drug addicts, and homeless growin up in the D. Now, you can tell God is in control of their lives and just their passion to sing for God. However, T-Hope happen to have a guest speaker for this Sunday's worship. The speaker is the leader of CCA, Rev. Faith Fowler, yes a woman. Once she started preachin, I was already irked I mean 1 Timothy or was I the only one to catch that? Then she misread the passage, I just wanted to stand up and correct her bout Matt. 25 that sheep are on the right and goats are on the left, not vice versa. Her message was disappointing too because it seemed like she does not have too much hope/faith in what she is saying. It seemed like she was asking everyone to do just a lil but not put in 100% full effort.
Lastly, this had to be by far the shortest message for me because it lasted probably 10 minutes if even that. I mean she read the verse, then transformed to Mother Goose by spitting out human analogies and her own stories for her sermon. I was so close to just standing up and tryin to check the integrity of this message. It seemed like everyone enjoyed the fairy tales she had to spit out. I felt like I was sittin and listening to a Joyce Meyers wanna be at the pulpit. He knows her heart, but is it just me or something ain't right here?
Anyways, back to T-Hope's worship the blessing was hearing Cass Community Ambassador's sharing their testimonies. A lot of these guys came from being drug addicts, and homeless growin up in the D. Now, you can tell God is in control of their lives and just their passion to sing for God. However, T-Hope happen to have a guest speaker for this Sunday's worship. The speaker is the leader of CCA, Rev. Faith Fowler, yes a woman. Once she started preachin, I was already irked I mean 1 Timothy or was I the only one to catch that? Then she misread the passage, I just wanted to stand up and correct her bout Matt. 25 that sheep are on the right and goats are on the left, not vice versa. Her message was disappointing too because it seemed like she does not have too much hope/faith in what she is saying. It seemed like she was asking everyone to do just a lil but not put in 100% full effort.
Lastly, this had to be by far the shortest message for me because it lasted probably 10 minutes if even that. I mean she read the verse, then transformed to Mother Goose by spitting out human analogies and her own stories for her sermon. I was so close to just standing up and tryin to check the integrity of this message. It seemed like everyone enjoyed the fairy tales she had to spit out. I felt like I was sittin and listening to a Joyce Meyers wanna be at the pulpit. He knows her heart, but is it just me or something ain't right here?
Monday, September 12, 2005

Pass Kickerz - Family Day? The Rattlesnake, Howie, Stan, Rick, Billy, and Mike. 2K5 Champs representin. 1st place is where it's at!
The Lions are now in 1st place too in the NFC North! My first game was exciting because it was the home opener. As Carl and I were walkin to Ford Field, we stood at a red light. I looked to my left and next thing ya know, Tayshaun Prince was in his car, face to face with me on the sidewalk! Towards the end of the 3rd quarter, Tayshaun walked right by me at my seat too! The only suck thing bout the Lions game was hearing all the stupid Lions fans makin fun of the Packers fans. That really pissed me off seeing fans of the game get made fun of for their opinion. Now all I need to do is go to a Red Wings game then I'll be set. So far I don't know which one I enjoy going to more Tigers, Lions, or Pistons?
My next entry shall be bout T-Hope's worship because I felt like I was gonna bust my own sermon up there. Too much Joyce Meyers preaching and I just can't believe it continues.
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Big Easy - I've been praying hard for those in New Orleans and the Gulf Coast. At Magahay, we are doing a fund raiser to help with the Hurricane Katrina victims. So I have decided that I was gonna donate next week after the Michigan V-ball Tournament. My plan is to donate a $1 for each kill I get this weekend, technically the fund raiser wants change but I'm sure they'll make exceptions. I'll probably sport some sort of tat for New Orleans and the 9-11 victims on Saturday.
I was able to also take a leave of absence from my Rec Center IM job so I can focus on finishing up student teaching. Although I'm not really taking any days off, but I just won't be as available. G and Dre were speakin with me today, to make sure I meet all 15 new staff members. I'm one of the more experienced staff so I need to lead the IM staff so that we can have another great semester. Woohoo, I also got the new OU IM b-ball shorts to sport when I have to ref. It turns out some peeps were mad because I had probs going with the dress code in always wearing black shorts :) What can I say, it didn't match my jersey that day.
Man I need to stop procrastinating on my student teaching paper work. I'm already a week behind everyone else :( Oh well at least I turned in my grad papers today :( Then again, at the seminar I was goofin off like it was class once again, all 140 student teachers knew who it was causing the laughters. I tell ya some of these seminars are like common sense for teachers.
I was able to also take a leave of absence from my Rec Center IM job so I can focus on finishing up student teaching. Although I'm not really taking any days off, but I just won't be as available. G and Dre were speakin with me today, to make sure I meet all 15 new staff members. I'm one of the more experienced staff so I need to lead the IM staff so that we can have another great semester. Woohoo, I also got the new OU IM b-ball shorts to sport when I have to ref. It turns out some peeps were mad because I had probs going with the dress code in always wearing black shorts :) What can I say, it didn't match my jersey that day.
Man I need to stop procrastinating on my student teaching paper work. I'm already a week behind everyone else :( Oh well at least I turned in my grad papers today :( Then again, at the seminar I was goofin off like it was class once again, all 140 student teachers knew who it was causing the laughters. I tell ya some of these seminars are like common sense for teachers.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Bud Lite - Wow, student teaching has really sucked a lot of time from me. Ya know, I've been praying really hard to Him to change my heart bout Magahay. I can feel my heart softening already because I really love my kids. I still have some knuckleheads but they are much better listeners than last year. I keep wanting to think it is because I have set the atmosphere in the classroom vs. last year when I came in halfway. Tonight was Open House, and each staff member got introduced. I was the only student teacher from the group whom the principal knew by first and last name. This was a shocker because I still believe she don't care too much bout us.
I was at Magahay from 8:15 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. today, who said teachers have it easy? Afterwards, Darrin our 1st grade teacher whom I love chatting with, threw out the idea of going to the bar to relax. So Ashley and I went to represent the student teachers with the rest of the staff. It was kind of intimidating for me because I had to sit across from the principal. After a while, it was all fun and games and I could be myself. My principal kept buying everyone all shots, and tryin to get me to drink my 3 shots. But I continued to pass it off to Darin and it was cool though because she kept callin me by my first name. So it was actually fun, going out with some of the staff and having some laughs. I mean we were at the bar for 2 hours just chilling and I just feel more comfy with the Magahay staff. Of course, Lamchops was not there so maybe I have been isolated this whole time? maybe not?
I'm really starting to like teaching at Magahay, and the guys love it when I play football with them. Shane came up to me and told me it's nice havin a QB who can throw the long ball vs. Lamchops dump offs. So far so good at Magahay, and Praise Him for softening my heart. I also just got hired for another job too! He continues to bless me with so many opportunities that I love doing! I am not getting paid to scout Girls JV games for Berkley High School, which I love doing for myself anyways. I also got offered a job to coach 9th grade b-ball but I turned that down. I also spoke with Suga Mama today was a sub at Magahay today which was pretty cool!
I was at Magahay from 8:15 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. today, who said teachers have it easy? Afterwards, Darrin our 1st grade teacher whom I love chatting with, threw out the idea of going to the bar to relax. So Ashley and I went to represent the student teachers with the rest of the staff. It was kind of intimidating for me because I had to sit across from the principal. After a while, it was all fun and games and I could be myself. My principal kept buying everyone all shots, and tryin to get me to drink my 3 shots. But I continued to pass it off to Darin and it was cool though because she kept callin me by my first name. So it was actually fun, going out with some of the staff and having some laughs. I mean we were at the bar for 2 hours just chilling and I just feel more comfy with the Magahay staff. Of course, Lamchops was not there so maybe I have been isolated this whole time? maybe not?
I'm really starting to like teaching at Magahay, and the guys love it when I play football with them. Shane came up to me and told me it's nice havin a QB who can throw the long ball vs. Lamchops dump offs. So far so good at Magahay, and Praise Him for softening my heart. I also just got hired for another job too! He continues to bless me with so many opportunities that I love doing! I am not getting paid to scout Girls JV games for Berkley High School, which I love doing for myself anyways. I also got offered a job to coach 9th grade b-ball but I turned that down. I also spoke with Suga Mama today was a sub at Magahay today which was pretty cool!
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Lowery's - Well it has been a while since I have updated. I guess things have been so hectic this past week, I mean getting ready for CCUC and finally the last semester of my undergrad life at OU. Who would of thought student teaching could take so much time to prepare? I mean remember at the beginning of like March I was dreading this school? Well I still am, but I really love my kids so far. They all listen and respect me up to this point and have followed the system that I have set up so far. I've got a couple of kids who have caught my attention such as Shane, Kayla, Katerri, Evette, Brian, Thea, Brittany, and Yogi.
Then there was CCUC, it felt good arriving butt early this year. Although, because of my procrastination I missed out on some things. Our hotel was awesome, and the service was great to me. Then again, security had to talk to me because RM 464 was too loud for the entire hall. Of course it has to be my room, with everyone in there chillin before Game Day.
Then came Saturday of the tournament, I mean we got 3rd place which sucked. But the fellowship and reuniting with old friends, was great. Actually the best part bout Saturday was playin against the STL Upper Guys vs. BeanTown's B team and The Kid. I really wanna play v-ball next year, and challenge myself to see if I can be one of the top guns in the Men's Division. Who would of thunk it, Cecilia's brother in law's got game? Man I really want to play against him, he's got great fundamentals.
Sunday worship, was off the hook with the return of Pastor Moy. I still have all of his notes I beleive for each year that I've been saved. His message only reinforced what I've been feelin God has been callin me to do with the next couple of months. Before CCUC weekend, I wasn't sure if I was confident to do what I want to do, but now I know on Sunday that He was speaking to me again. Pastor Moy was so passionate and emotional bout his message, you could just sense it in your heart that the Holy Spirit was speaking through him. The tears down his eyes were real too.
Then came Gerald and Viv's reception, and I spoke with each one personally before I left. Gerald has always been a caring brother, and ya know he cares. He is just one of those rare guys that shows that side through pure genuine-ness if that is a word. Viv and I, our friendship is amazing and I thank God for this blessing. I'll never forget the first impression we made on each other, but look at us now. I miss those days, going down to A2 with her to chill. As everyone else said it, they do compliment each other great if you know each one of them. May God continue to bless the both of them in the new start of their lives.
Lastly, shout to Benny Boo and Jilly Jill for hanging out with me. I pray that Jill does get better in her time of illness as well as Elder Hsu. Finally to my Legend Killer, Emoy thanks again for breakfast. Egg Harbor was delicious and off the hook for some eggs. We even stayed after to help a lady in an accident. This Beretta clown did a hit and run on her, so we stayed to help out in any way we could. I hope justice will be served to those Beretta jerks. I miss Chicago, and I know the secrets to the other Joy Yee's location thanks to Juice. There are so many things I can say about this weekend. A lot of frustrations leading up to this weekend, and even during the weekend. In the end, it is the memories that will stay with me and they are of course to me humorous and unforgettable.
Then there was CCUC, it felt good arriving butt early this year. Although, because of my procrastination I missed out on some things. Our hotel was awesome, and the service was great to me. Then again, security had to talk to me because RM 464 was too loud for the entire hall. Of course it has to be my room, with everyone in there chillin before Game Day.
Then came Saturday of the tournament, I mean we got 3rd place which sucked. But the fellowship and reuniting with old friends, was great. Actually the best part bout Saturday was playin against the STL Upper Guys vs. BeanTown's B team and The Kid. I really wanna play v-ball next year, and challenge myself to see if I can be one of the top guns in the Men's Division. Who would of thunk it, Cecilia's brother in law's got game? Man I really want to play against him, he's got great fundamentals.
Sunday worship, was off the hook with the return of Pastor Moy. I still have all of his notes I beleive for each year that I've been saved. His message only reinforced what I've been feelin God has been callin me to do with the next couple of months. Before CCUC weekend, I wasn't sure if I was confident to do what I want to do, but now I know on Sunday that He was speaking to me again. Pastor Moy was so passionate and emotional bout his message, you could just sense it in your heart that the Holy Spirit was speaking through him. The tears down his eyes were real too.
Then came Gerald and Viv's reception, and I spoke with each one personally before I left. Gerald has always been a caring brother, and ya know he cares. He is just one of those rare guys that shows that side through pure genuine-ness if that is a word. Viv and I, our friendship is amazing and I thank God for this blessing. I'll never forget the first impression we made on each other, but look at us now. I miss those days, going down to A2 with her to chill. As everyone else said it, they do compliment each other great if you know each one of them. May God continue to bless the both of them in the new start of their lives.
Lastly, shout to Benny Boo and Jilly Jill for hanging out with me. I pray that Jill does get better in her time of illness as well as Elder Hsu. Finally to my Legend Killer, Emoy thanks again for breakfast. Egg Harbor was delicious and off the hook for some eggs. We even stayed after to help a lady in an accident. This Beretta clown did a hit and run on her, so we stayed to help out in any way we could. I hope justice will be served to those Beretta jerks. I miss Chicago, and I know the secrets to the other Joy Yee's location thanks to Juice. There are so many things I can say about this weekend. A lot of frustrations leading up to this weekend, and even during the weekend. In the end, it is the memories that will stay with me and they are of course to me humorous and unforgettable.