Lowery's - Well it has been a while since I have updated. I guess things have been so hectic this past week, I mean getting ready for CCUC and finally the last semester of my undergrad life at OU. Who would of thought student teaching could take so much time to prepare? I mean remember at the beginning of like March I was dreading this school? Well I still am, but I really love my kids so far. They all listen and respect me up to this point and have followed the system that I have set up so far. I've got a couple of kids who have caught my attention such as Shane, Kayla, Katerri, Evette, Brian, Thea, Brittany, and Yogi.
Then there was CCUC, it felt good arriving butt early this year. Although, because of my procrastination I missed out on some things. Our hotel was awesome, and the service was great to me. Then again, security had to talk to me because RM 464 was too loud for the entire hall. Of course it has to be my room, with everyone in there chillin before Game Day.
Then came Saturday of the tournament, I mean we got 3rd place which sucked. But the fellowship and reuniting with old friends, was great. Actually the best part bout Saturday was playin against the STL Upper Guys vs. BeanTown's B team and The Kid. I really wanna play v-ball next year, and challenge myself to see if I can be one of the top guns in the Men's Division. Who would of thunk it, Cecilia's brother in law's got game? Man I really want to play against him, he's got great fundamentals.
Sunday worship, was off the hook with the return of Pastor Moy. I still have all of his notes I beleive for each year that I've been saved. His message only reinforced what I've been feelin God has been callin me to do with the next couple of months. Before CCUC weekend, I wasn't sure if I was confident to do what I want to do, but now I know on Sunday that He was speaking to me again. Pastor Moy was so passionate and emotional bout his message, you could just sense it in your heart that the Holy Spirit was speaking through him. The tears down his eyes were real too.
Then came Gerald and Viv's reception, and I spoke with each one personally before I left. Gerald has always been a caring brother, and ya know he cares. He is just one of those rare guys that shows that side through pure genuine-ness if that is a word. Viv and I, our friendship is amazing and I thank God for this blessing. I'll never forget the first impression we made on each other, but look at us now. I miss those days, going down to A2 with her to chill. As everyone else said it, they do compliment each other great if you know each one of them. May God continue to bless the both of them in the new start of their lives.
Lastly, shout to Benny Boo and Jilly Jill for hanging out with me. I pray that Jill does get better in her time of illness as well as Elder Hsu. Finally to my Legend Killer, Emoy thanks again for breakfast. Egg Harbor was delicious and off the hook for some eggs. We even stayed after to help a lady in an accident. This Beretta clown did a hit and run on her, so we stayed to help out in any way we could. I hope justice will be served to those Beretta jerks. I miss Chicago, and I know the secrets to the other Joy Yee's location thanks to Juice. There are so many things I can say about this weekend. A lot of frustrations leading up to this weekend, and even during the weekend. In the end, it is the memories that will stay with me and they are of course to me humorous and unforgettable.
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