Trowbridge - Well after close calculations, I have now estimated that I have driven a lil under 500 miles this past weekend. So what were the killers to this outrageous amount? Well Friday night, once I got home from work I realized that I left my backpack at the restaurant. Just a backpack right? Nope, I left my wallet in there so I had to drive back up there at midnight to get everything. First time ever that I can think of that I forget my wallet somewhere, just thankful it was at the restaurant.
Then there's today's driving, it was like a zig zag all over the Mitten. Let's see drove southwest to CBC, then back east to Camp Mad-Heights, then south to Downtown D, then north to the Heights, then west to MSU, then east to the restaurant, then south back home. Yeah, try connecting the dots to that bad boy.
So 500 miles worth of drivin in 3 days.
Each of those 3 days I had to pump gas.
1 car that has surpassed 84,000 miles in a 2 year span.
The cost = I don't know, everything happens for a reason and He is in total control. I'm just dumb to understand these things.
Anyone wanna lend me their car for the week :)
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