Diddy's Party - Ran into Laura, the hottest bartender at Elysium and one of my high school gal pals.
Friday's recap, was insane! P. Diddy's party was fun, but wasn't worth my $200. Nonetheless, at least I can say that I went to one. I met so many peeps at the party such as the Mayor Kwame, Braylon Edwards entourage, Tom Arnold, Rick Fox, Tommy Lee, Seattle Seagal (cheerleader), Mike Tyson, and of course P. Diddy and his entourage in 5 Escalades. What was the shocker, was walkin in to seein one of my old high school mates Laura as a bartender. She was lookin as good as ever and I had to let her know. She was probably the closest thing to an Asian friend for me back in the day. Man, I really miss those days in French class when we use to talk durin class to kill time.
Let's see, after the Diddy party, it seemed like everyone just rolled into MGM. It's like I saw the same peeps and we were all makin noise throughout the casino. Well, I played some craps and won $110 which helped cover half the lost I had at the Diddy party. We didn't get home til 6:30 a.m. what a night I tell ya. We met some girlz too, some very aggressive ones, from the ATL.
Sunday morning was insane because I met so many of the underappreciated peeps of the Super Bowl. I was workin the parkin lots, and I had all the peeps workin the game park in my lot. It was cool meeting the photographers, writers, NFL security, and all those peeps who sit in the Press Box. I love hearing there insight of what they have to do for this game. I was walkin around Comerica Park to check out the craziness a couple of hours prior to game time. I had so many people offer me lotz of cash straight up if they could park in my lot. If this one dude, LT didn't mess things up, and let me run this side job he would of never got caught by our supervisor. The coolest thing was having the Girls Gone Wild bus driving past me when I was walkin around.
I had some things to take care of, but this party I was at was tight. I love seein some of my old high school crew and what they been up to. Played some Hold'Em after, and everything was on the up and up.
Random thoughts: My mommy's really sick, but she more worried bout my shoulder than her own health. I'm like vice versa, I hope she gets better. I realized how much I miss hangin out with my high school friends. Also, if ya think ya know me then you don't really don't. If you do know me, then ya only know the half of it. Just recognize..........
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