Hoover Dam, what a view! Dang it can't upload any more pics for this entry :( I'll wait for the next one.
Whales - Today, I finally got a chance to teach at my dream school if I got to pick, which would be Roberts. About a 1 1/2 year ago, I met the 6th Grade class at Cranbrook when I was teachin them Science. I like Roberts because of it's location, ya know I only have to drive 2.5 miles to work. Think of all that gas I would save! Plus the school time is ideal, 9:00 - 3:50 p.m. late start and of course I never mind leavin late especially that close to home :) Too cool to sub on a half day meanin 9:00 - 12:00 today too. The 3rd Graders were cool, and it was funny because the other 3rd Grade teacher came to my classroom. He wondered how is it possible the class is so quiet for me and productive while they misbehave for their own teacher. The kids like my reward/discipline system and they told the other teacher that I was cool like that. The 3rd Grade Teacher asked me how my system works, and I explained it to him why I do it. In the end, ya just gotta have the skillz to be in this profession.
Speakin of which I need to work on my resume ;P Startin to get my rhythem and timing back for v-ball too. My middle approach is still off and I'm startin to get my blockin timin back too. I played with Big Mama's friend Liz tonight. Man, I give her props on her reflexes and for her size roughly same height as me and is so smooth gettin to the ball. I love how she drops down in splits fashion to dig then pop back up with ease. It hurt my groin muscles seein her do that, and dang it she beat me to be the first to get pancake for the night.
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