Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Down on the barn baby!

Munchkins readin some nursery rhymes.

This was the best part bout the farm, this lil drag race thingy.

Eric feedin a goat.

Silly Lily, teasin the goat so that I could get a good shot of her.

Puka - Gosh I can't believe I forgot to write bout Survivor! Ahhh, it pisses me off bout this season so far despite only seein the first episode. If I tried out, I would of had a 20% chance of being on the show since they need Asians. Well it bugs me because the Asian group, has no Chinese or Japanese person representin, like hello the largest population of Asians out there. Dang it, I could of represented us. What pisses me off even more is they have Brad posin as an Asian when he is a mix of like everything, he ain't 100% pure bred. Since when did Hawaii be part of Asia? Anyways, I can't open up the peeps bio but here is my Final 4 that I'd like to see and my reasons as usual:

Candace - What can I say she's a cutie but she'll probably be the first one voted off my list.
Becky - Cutie and she is Asian, so a bigger plus.
Yul - Asian, plus he seems like a guy with good integrity.
Ozzy - Pro v-ball player, what can I say ya know he can do this.

Speaking of culture, just got back from WB V-ball, and we formed the Asian team. It was funny because a lot of the other teams shortest person would be our tallest person if he/she is on our team. It was a lot of fun, knowin that we started at the bottom court and worked our way out to be on the top court. The good part what my game was on from the get go because I got my touches. The bad part was hyperextending my knee :( All in all it was good to be back, and as we kept sayin "Come on all my Asian peeps let's go!"


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