Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Camp Mad-Heights at The Clem

Joann leads her team around the course

Does this look familiar to you Survivor fans?

Yes, I stole an Immunity Challenge game to use it as a team building exercise for my Super Size.

This is what we do, if you are bad

Booty Boy was suppose to make it a little more painful than that

Aaron has skillz when it comes to paper cutting

Burton - I had found out about my old friend Derek today through my Cuz. Derek was probably one of my closest friends through my Raiders/Titans years. The one thing that kept us tight was our love to play sports and how bad we wanted to compete and push each other to be at our very best. Personality wise, we were different because he always wanted to show how tough he was so he would pick on those who he knew wouldn't fight back. When someone picked on him he of course would back down. He got the best of me in soccer and hockey, while I outdueled him in b-ball and football.

I remember when we played on the tennis team together, and he was #2 Singles, while I was #4 singles. We both got injured at the Fraser Tournament and had a match the next day. Coach Ro did not want us to be playin. Derek accepted being on the injured list, however I could not and he knew I hate missing games. So, he asked me to play #2 Singles for him. I told Coach Ro that I was playin and no doctor's note was gonna keep me from representin my friend Derek in this match.

It's interesting now, and I hope in God's time I get a chance to talk to him. I found out that he is married now and is heavily involved with a church. He is actually gonna go into seminary to be a Pastor too. It's amazing how 10 years ago, he was tellin me he wanted to be a doctor and stuff. I really hope I get a chance to share with him how God's worked in my life. He told my Cuz he's gettin old, interesting because I still feel like I'm young and kickin still.


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