Thursday, May 31, 2007

Triple H and Austin side by side

The National Anthem sung by the Queen of Soul

Party - Today I went to my neighbor's place down in The Heights. It's been amazing how long they've lived there. We were talkin back bout the old days when I was a punk kid running through the streets. I was pissed to find out that SHPD let that stupid Drug Dealer back into his house across from our's. I guess he served his hard time of 9 months. We talked about how their business is doing down in the D. Some things don't change and I wish they'd get out like we did. They were wondering how my G-Ma was doing and everything. I still miss some of my old neighbors down in The Heights. It would be nice sometimes to be back there.

On a sidenote, the Bobcats have blocked out Gmail now, so I can no longer check mail or my calendar :(


Wednesday, May 30, 2007

New Ford Field attendance record

The WM23 crew

HBK vs. Cena

All Grown Up

Silver Spring - So we finally got back from our Milwaukee/Chicago trip this morning at 6:00 a.m. :p By the time we got home, she fell asleep and I showered to go to work at the Bobcats then off to the restaurant. Everything is still in their bags and suitcases. So a quick recap of everything:

First off, Milwaukee has some slow speed limits what is worst is that people actually follow them! I'm trying to go 80 mph while the rest of the clowns are going 55 mph, move over!

I ate a Brat, not bad but I was had bigger expectations but there is always next time.

I got to meet Harvey Moy :)

Thanks to Priceline, I loved our place for only 2.5 stars. This was better than the 4/5 Star Hilton in Chicago! Plus we had room to play the Wii in my room too.

Of course multiple trips to Joy Yee's. My Fishy even stole a dine in menu! So many pretty pictures to look at for carry out next time :)

Met up with family in the 312 area for dinner, but I still wanted to make it out to the Twin C's.

The wedding was great and emotional, I shedded some tears too.

It was fun catching up with Dave and Mike during all the rehearsals. I'm thankful for the Ng's for allowing My Fishy to come out too.

I can't wait to see the photos that the Professional Photographer kept taking of My Fishy and I. What stinks about being in the WP is that I don't have the time to take as many pics.

It was an honor to be a groomsmen and I'm thankful for the godly men to share this experience with.

I got my jersey and my hat, next up Beantown baby!


Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I decided to dazzle My Fishy with some lobster tails and crab legs

I wanna go there to play

BCBS, what can I say?

Umbrella - Man only a couple more days till we go out to Milwaukee. I'm excited because I wanna try the Brats out there :) maybe get some Bucks, Packers, and Brewers gear too. What's cool will be possibly meeting up with my family in Chicago coming back. If only I had more time then we'd be going to the Twin C's. Speaking of which, I better tell my Cuz Budget on F-Book to find my folks this weekend.

Today we had 3 assemblies, and I was assigned to take care of the bad grades/behavior kids in the MC along with a couple other tutors. I've come up with the slang that they are the Bobcat Convicts, and some of them deserve parole. If ya don't then you are stuck with me in a classroom which makes me the excutioner. Trust me, the kids believe that I am one of the coolest then there is the small group that thinks I am the devil. That is fun too because I put the fear of God into their eyes when they try to act up. They know what's up because I will put them in their place. Now I have to get ready to deal with a mom tomorrow morning who is known for bullying some of the other teachers. And y'all thought this job was about summer vacations, please y'all don't even know the half of it.

Rice Noodles

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

What can I say, we're alone on the Riverside

Name this city

I heart somebody :)

Mmm, a Virgin Pina Colada

Brady - Can anyone sense deja vu with the Pistons again? I know I said on Sunday during lunch that they would lose 1 game, which no one believed me at Happy Sushi. However, lose 2 games? I need a GuranSheed!

Let's see Milwaukee agenda: Car "Check", Transportation By Car "Check", Hotel "still to be determined?"

Let's see Boston agenda: Car "On Hold", Transportation By Air "Check", Hotel "Not a clue"

Thanks to llz for lookin up sweet prices from the D to Beantown. Now should I get a Daisuke and/or Randy Moss jersey?


Monday, May 14, 2007

Mmm, Lobster Corn Dog!

The water is makin it too cold outside

Come here lil doggy

Turtwig - Well it has been a chaotic week, with a lot of my kids gettin into a lot of trouble. Let's see, I had one of my girls suspended for stealing, another girl for contaminatin a teacher's Diet Coke, a 3 guys vs. 1 girl fight, another boy takin a bet to shine a laser pointer at one of our teacher's eye, and of course a plain old fight. A lot of them have probs with authority figures, much like me, but for some odd reason they all talk to me. So it has been rough trying to decide which student's prob is more important.

Then I had to see my eye specialist at CBC to figure out what is wrong with my eye. Thank God it was not Pink eye :) Some staff members think it my eye and skin are actin so dry is from the room I am in. There is no circulation or ventilation in my room, so my room is as hot as it is outside.

Despite all this, I'm thankful for God providing a helper for me. She has been great, driving around to run errands, helpin me with the yardwork, and making a yummy congee dinner tonight. Man less then 2 weeks till we head out to Brewer Nation.


Monday, May 07, 2007

Eh, we tried our best to get the whole Solstice in this pic

These boots were made for walkin...

Diversion - Today was rough but it was nice to relax at the end. I was quite upset with myself and how I worshipped today. I was zoning out, and just so sleepy, on top of that I was late too! I spent too much last night with My Fishy playing Cooking Mama.

On our way back from CBC, there was a Grand Am that I wanted to race on 696, but My Fishy was worried bout me gettin pulled over. I kept brushing it off, and I decided to not do it. 30 seconds later, we saw the Grand Am get pulled over by Mad-Hts. finest, so maybe sometimes girls' intuition beats my Valentine.

Then came the home inspection, which I'm glad Daddy Moy told me ahead of time how long I should expect. I kept falling asleep, tryin to listen and translate in my head (spoke Mandarin) what the G the inspector was saying. On the plus side, I taught My Fishy how to play Euchre during this 5 hour duration.

Afterwards, we went to Best Buy to tempt ourselves into buying 2 DS's and 2 Pokemon games. We were able to convince each other why we should invest in it. We saved over $100 too, in our purchases. What was even better was that they gave us Brain Age for free, and a $20 gift card on top of that! So they paid us to get a free game :)

Yes, things were looking up, and after dinner we done something we haven't done in a while. We went to the movies together to see Spidey 3. The ending was bad, but all in all I thought it deserved a better review than it did in the News. The only thing that bothered me was again the inaccuracy of some of the storylines. However, if you didn't see it and love comics I would recommend it.


Friday, May 04, 2007

I just don't want to PK

Waiting in line for snow shoes

Who said there is nothing to do around here?

Woohoo Pontiacs are here

Mmm, elephant ears :)

Dirk - What has been fun the past week are the soon to be 6th graders. Last week I saw my Court Jester, from Alliance and she was so excited to see me in the hallways. Today, I saw my own CBC Boo! It's amazing how she has grown now, I remember when she was a 1st grader playing Nintendo 64 with me! It'd be nice to be at this school to have some of my church kids with me :) Although, Howie told me tonight to go to Hamilton because that's where his kids are, which would be fun too!

Let me just make a prediction, assuming the Warriors finish out this game and eliminate the Mavs. I believe the Western Conference Finals will be the Warriors vs. the Suns. The Jazz, Rockets (whoever wins), and Spurs are too slow to keep up with either team. Either way, I believe the Pistons or Bulls, hopefully Pistons of course win, can beat the crap out of them because either team will just punish the crap out of them. Final 4, Pistons vs. Cavs. and Warriors vs. Suns. Imagine that ;)


Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Welcome to Campus Martius Park

It's an icy fishy

The Dominator and I

We be riding dirty in this

Venom - The Kid has risen once again to represent CBC B-ball. Tonight, I played against these Troy Catz that play Wednesday Night. Thanks to Mary the Janitor for letting me know about this! Once the gym filled, I noticed I was the youngest and the smallest player out there. I mean if they weren't tall, then they were some thick bodies out there.

I played tentative at first because I didn't know anyone, so my team was 0-2. My new friend, Shawn asked me what was wrong, and just told him that I hate losing. My squad told me to keep shooting, and don't sweat it because they want to win, so they just wanna put the ball in my hands. After that pep talk, I just played my game, and wowed them with a new moves. Before the night ended, my squad finished 3-2.

The fun part was going at it physically with Daisy Dukes. I mean his shorts would fit My Fishy, who is he, John Stockton? In the end, just much thanks to God for blessing me with an awesome place to work at.

Summer Love

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Hmm, how old was I when this happened?

Lukie, I am your father!

We were so close, but the Big Papa Smurfs snuffed us out!

Tear in my eye because she wants Kobe to do well too!

BART - So I'm excited because work has finally picked up at the Bobcat Center. One of the teachers asked me how crazy I am for sacrificing my lunch hour just to continue to work with my kids. The reward is in itself though, as one of my kids now has gone from an E to a C- in Social Studies. What can I say I'm enjoying myself at school, and it's funny how so many of the kids think I'm cool now because I watch wrestling. If that is the case, then if E-Moy was here, he'd be principal.

Random Thoughts:
The accident in 'Frisco at the Bay Bridge is big news out there. It's wierd for me because it just seemed like yesterday I was driving across it.

My Fishy and I have been celebrating her momma's b-day for the past couple of days. I had a filet mignon at the restaurant, but I thought the last time I ate it with llz, JW, and Fung was better. I mean Filet Mignon, Crab Legs, and Gatorade, what's wrong with that picture? The fun part was taking shady pics of MLE.

For the past month now I've been obsessed with the candy called Rips. What sucks is that they only sell it at 7-11.

Speaking of 7-11, for the next month I'll pouring in over $60 there because I am collecting the Tigers pins.

Regarding money, My Fishy and I have decided our next investment at Best Buy. We will purchase 2 Nintendo DS's and Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, ya know just another thing for us to do together. Man over $300 though, ack!

Time to be The Kid again, as I'll be the youngest player on the court playing ball at the Bobcat Center.
