Monday, May 07, 2007

Eh, we tried our best to get the whole Solstice in this pic

These boots were made for walkin...

Diversion - Today was rough but it was nice to relax at the end. I was quite upset with myself and how I worshipped today. I was zoning out, and just so sleepy, on top of that I was late too! I spent too much last night with My Fishy playing Cooking Mama.

On our way back from CBC, there was a Grand Am that I wanted to race on 696, but My Fishy was worried bout me gettin pulled over. I kept brushing it off, and I decided to not do it. 30 seconds later, we saw the Grand Am get pulled over by Mad-Hts. finest, so maybe sometimes girls' intuition beats my Valentine.

Then came the home inspection, which I'm glad Daddy Moy told me ahead of time how long I should expect. I kept falling asleep, tryin to listen and translate in my head (spoke Mandarin) what the G the inspector was saying. On the plus side, I taught My Fishy how to play Euchre during this 5 hour duration.

Afterwards, we went to Best Buy to tempt ourselves into buying 2 DS's and 2 Pokemon games. We were able to convince each other why we should invest in it. We saved over $100 too, in our purchases. What was even better was that they gave us Brain Age for free, and a $20 gift card on top of that! So they paid us to get a free game :)

Yes, things were looking up, and after dinner we done something we haven't done in a while. We went to the movies together to see Spidey 3. The ending was bad, but all in all I thought it deserved a better review than it did in the News. The only thing that bothered me was again the inaccuracy of some of the storylines. However, if you didn't see it and love comics I would recommend it.


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