Wednesday, April 24, 2002

I don't want it
I just need it
To breathe, to feel
To know you're alive

Well now that it is finals week, I've noticed my online time has been out of whack. And with one to go, I'm having a hard time studying, go figure. This week, it feels like I've gone international with my lunches. Like eating at Pizza Hut with GP B for some italian food, then Tuesday I had lunch with Dan at Toxic Hell (Taco Bell) for some mexican cuisine, and today I had vietnamese with Sam. Hmmm I wonder what I should eat tomorrow for lunch. And yesterday I'm so excited because I bought the first ever DVD set of Transformers the first season. However, I'm sad that it doesn't have Hot Rod yet. But that didn't mean today as I was watching the DVD's that I was playing with my Hot Rod action figure, now if I can only dig up the rest of my transformer toys.

Last night also as expected the turnout was low at v-ball. However it was fun playing 2's all night long. I still can't get over what the G is so special about VeggieTales. Ya know like Pikachu can kick their Larry the Cucumber and Bob the Tomato's butt anyday. All he has to do is say "Piiiiiiiiikkkkkkkaaaaachhuuuuuuu" and boom their gone.

Anyways going back to last night, playing 2's was great but I don't know why I had to be handicapped. Like playing against Peter and David, David insisted that I am the only one be handicapped. Like why can't Howard be handicapped, I mean he is better than me. The handicap was from now on every game I played, I can not hit anymore. The only balls I can hit is anything behind the 10ft. line. I was left scratching my head the whole night wondering what is up with that. I mean it was a nice challenge but it didn't make a difference because me and Howard still won.

And I just got done watching the Pistons entrance to tonight's game. I was looking at Jerry Stackhouse's confidence and how he entered onto the court. And it made me think that lately with all the past tournaments that I've been playing, I've been finally getting a little mentally shaken. Not like I've been playing bad but for the first time ever, I've been getting really nervous. Like I lost some sort of mental edge I had over my opponents. And so I'm scared at this Sunday's v-ball tournament that I'm gonna be second guessing on a lot of things. I always love the pressure on me, like the team goes as far as I can take them type of attitude but if I don't have the confidence to do it then how far can they go. I just pray that God can help me restore my confidence in the way He sees fit.


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