I learned a few things today, first off although it was only a day, I'm glad that I got to worship with the Ambassadors peeps at Echo Grove. Man, I love Echo Grove's distance it's only 20 minutes from my house.
However, I had a nice drive down Mound just seeing all this open farm land, and trees drooping over the road with their leaves in all different colors. Standing in front of the lounge, I wish I had my camera, because it was just gorgeous. The lake had its ripples, the tree branches swaying in motion, capped off with a beautiful sunrise.
I drove past Big Red too! That place brought me so many memories, of apple picking with the family. I remember the hay rides too and chuckin apples at my sister. Man I miss that place.
I also learned how far 32 Mile went down which is pretty far. I'm thankful that they Romeo bypass is almost complete so now we can fly down M-53 til 34 Mile. I also learned that Drahner Rd amazingly streches out pretty far too.
I had a good time just reflectin on what joy is and what Paul was writing about.
I got a chance to see how the PK's will look like this year for football. I wish some of the teams would be as awful as the team we played today. Well, at least I got to be called Dante on kickoffs and they kicked away from me.
Finally, I learned that xanga actually has some advantages to it. I actually created an account for xanga too. The question is, do I sell out on blogspot?
Happy Happy Joy Joy - Ren & Stimpy
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