Memories - I don't know how many weeks it's been into this semester now. For the most part, I'm living it up in all my classes. For the most part, Monica and I have been partners on everything in class. It's funny how, she is a Titan in the class of '01 so we always have that in common. The cool part about OU Football is that a couple of freshmen are Titans too. We were discussing how things have changed and how it was when I was on the team. With all this reflecting, I started looking back at all my school's websites to see who is still there. Plumbrook Elementary School was where it all started after transferring from Willow Woods. I started here halfway through my 2nd grade. I looked at the staff list, and there they were Mrs. Didur my 2nd grade teacher! I'll never forget her because she was my teacher my first year there. I saw Mrs. Raneiri, my sis's 1st grade teacher, she would always help me pick my sis up from school. Finally, Mrs. Harris and Dr. Gitlin well more so Mrs. Harris was one of the teachers who inspired me to be what I want to be today. She was one of the coolest teachers because she was my 3rd grade teacher. However, she loved our class so much she promised she would be with us in the 5th grade. She kept her word, and I noticed that she is still teachin 5th grade. Every Friday we would have a 5th grade battle of an hour of Dodge Ball, Mrs. Harris vs. Dr. Gitlin.
However, I was disappointed that the server to Davis Middle School was not working :( Which leads me to Stevenson High School so many memories there. I noticed that Mrs. Appleton is gone as she was the "hottest" teacher at school. I remember a lot of us guys tried to get into her class, to uh learn trig uh yeah that's it. Coach Bye, Price, and Emanuelle are all still there teaching and coaching. Mrs. Chase is now teaching at SHS though, whoa! She was my History teacher at Davis, and she was da bomb because all we did was talk bout hockey in her class. I noticed Mrs. Lusk is gone, no one spent as much time as I did with her in detention. Detention, man now there's a place where I got a lot of my homework done :) I always kept track of how many minutes I spend in detention by having tick marks in my locker. Lockers, another thing I miss about school! I was the only person who owned 4 lockers at SHS, 2 regular lockers, 1 football locker, and 1 b-ball locker. The 2 regular lockers helped me with the time I spend chillin at my locker plus closer to some other classes so I can cut down on unnessary detention. Actually, come to think of it I had 5 lockers :) I always used my sister's locker too if I got lazy to go back to any of my lockers. Finally, I saw Madame White no matter how many times I got in trouble with her, she always knew the real me. I mean I had her for French class for all 3 years! She was always able to tolerate my behavior, and trust me to help run the class. I'm glad she is still there too no matter how many times I had detention with her too.
With that, hopefully Monica and I can find some time to go back and visit SHS. Have you looked back at your school to see any of those teachers that stuck out to you in the past is still there?
So Far Away
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