Pichu - Nothing like an early mornin post since I passed out on the couch watching Pokemon and Dragon Ball Z. So yesterday, I have dubbed Jonathan, my Lil Munchkin while the rest of them anklebiters are just Munchkins. Jonathan was a troublemaker before I came back to work, but now this lil 4 1/2 year old is producing for me. It made my heart smile as he left with his mom because all he kept tellin his mom was about how good he was and how many stickers I gave him. I also dubbed Esther as The Court Jester because everytime I see her she's always got a smile on and she's such a cutie. Lily, is now known as Silly Lily because she always runs up to me and is trying to be so silly.
Tracy had a rough day yesterday as she gets an accident and then one of the parents was giving her crap. I'm thinkin bout steppin in and talkin to this mom because I believe she is saved and I don't think she is settin the best example. However, Tracy wants me to stay out of it and she'll deal with it herself.
So I have a new trend now too, I spent again more $ on Pokemon cards. I am now the only undefeated one left at 5-0 because David lost yesterday. The joys of playin Pokemon and I'm also the Camp D champ of Speed now too.
Cobain feels bored and useless at Camp Canton. Supposedly the kids dont listen to the counselors and show no respect to them. I just don't get how there are at least 3 counselors for 20 kids and they can't get things under control possibly. The Boss saw how I got things on lockdown with my Rook, and 30 kids. So I'll take a looksy at how things are going at Camp Canton tomorrow, when The Great One returns.
Well time to punch that clock and go to work.
I Don't Wanna Know
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