Scream - All that was on my mind today, was loyalty. I always try to watch out for The Peeps and everyone in general. What was funny was how The Rook, was tryin to get my Jenny against me by tellin secrets bout me. It's like come on now, we both counselors and you wanna play this way? Jenny of course, told me what The Rook said, and so I had some fun with it. Lillian, and Jenny both kept askin me what should they do, so I gave out the order "Attack The Rook." So they did, and harassed her to death. It was funny, how The Rook kept tellin them to stop and why do they listen to me and not her. They listed out the same points that I told The Rook before, counselor 1st, friend 2nd. The Rook got so upset and told Tracy on me, and I just smiled because hey you wanted to turn The Peeps against me, and this is what you get. My Peeps are always loyal to me, and a lot of counselors realized that last year. On the flipside, my apprentice is here now, Crystal! It was only 3 years ago, she was a camper and now she's a counselor with me! Already she has done better than The Rook, because she is my pad-wan as I said 3 years ago.
We also did this craft project from hell today, and I kept wonderin if the teacher was doin it for her or the kids. She kept yellin at me in mandarin because I wasn't helpin enough. I'm like dude, I have 14 kids to take care of and majority of them are munchkins. So I was comical throughout the craft, and I kept showin her loudly how I was helpin by glueing everyone's projects. However, we ran out of glue so you would see me constantly throw glue sticks at the wall. Oh well, I got the last laugh because The Boss said she ain't comin back next year for other reasons as well.
I love my P.T. Michelle! Although she is getting quite irritated of me because I always keep doin more than what she asks for on every single exercise. She got me standin on this cushin on 1 leg, while throwin a weighted ball at a trampoline. It is hard! She said I was the first of many to ever throw it so hard where the ball knocks a ceiling tile off and come back to me. I was also the first, to throw the ball and miss the whole trampoline completely, and still hit the ceiling with the ball comin back to me. Doing 50 of these was hard, but fun and I look forward to doing it again. I'm also thankful that I didn't get hurt tonight when I was playin v-ball at KUMC or I tried. It feels good to come back after a 2 month hiatus.
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