Tuesday, June 14, 2005

FountainWalk - It was an eventful evening once again, as I hung out with Oreo's owner ;) Of course, I get thrown out at Lucky's for my attire. Dude what is the inside of this place like? I mean it's not like the Ritz or something I walked into. Oh well, that makes 2 places in 2 weeks now that I have been thrown out of. I got smoked in mini glow in the dark golf. Man I choked on the last 3 holes! On the 17th hole, I putted the thing so hard it flew on to Hole 18. Dang it, 4 girls were laughing because that was their hole, so yeah I didn't look smooth there. Ended the night with ColdStone's yummy ice cream! I never realized how many songs they must of memorized to work there.

As I stated in my last entry, Auntie B and I have not seen eye to eye. I've been watchin Jay's video which I can not currently translate. However, Jay is like the slave of this rich, hot looking dude. The dude treats him like dirt of course. Jay is driving his limo, and he stops so this old dude can walk. The rich dude, gets pissed and throws his book at Jay, and honks at the senior walkin and yellin in mandarin to walk faster. Jay gets pissed and gets out of the car and quits on the rich guy. Today, I got another call from Auntie B reminding me again of how she knows she gave it to me, but I must of lost it. She even said this "Wow, K you really got me you are the first teacher to lose the material." I don't know what else I have to do to tell her that she never gave it to me. Then she words it like, "so do you remember where you put it in CBC?" For a while, I really can see myself blowin up on her at any moment if she keeps insistin that I lost it.

However, I was able to calm myself down, pray, and seek wisdom from Daddy Moy and GP B. They reminded me again bout having the right attitude, which is true. I also know how to go about this situation as well. However, I've been reflectin about steppin down in terms of teachin just because there is way too much Auntie B and I disagree upon. If it is His Will, I plan on steppin down, and wait for the possible new Children's Program structure. While I wait, I would like to attend Sunday School once again. Who knows, maybe I will serve in the Youth Ministry now that my 1st gen of students are gonna be going there.


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