Happy Sushi - Ya know like I said before, He throws trials at us and yet still lotz to give props for. I'm hurt for a reason, still don't know what it is yet but He is in control ya know. Lotz of praise though for Dr. Steve for doing his physical therapy on me this mornin. Oi, I thought he was going to snap my knee off. Much better though to know that I was right, that it is just an excessive amount of swelling and juices (burstasac). End result, 5-6 weeks that I need to shut it down for. Don't know if I can sit out that long? The plan, now is to rest for now, and push it when I go back to HK. I figure the time alone out there will be good for me physically, mentally, and spiritually. My goal is also to make it back in time for the Dumars Sand V-ball Playoffs.
I'm also really excited for VBS this year as I am really on the ball. It's wierd that I'm feelin all good because in the past I was always nervous. I still remember when Daddy Moy made me MC for the day, although it was fun. I'm just really excited because I've pimped out Field Day this year, well weather dependent. Plus, Auntie Amy is allowing me to take care of my Yu 2 girls, just like last year. So yup, I must double check with them because maybe I'll bring them to a Tigers game and stuff. Today, my lil Amanda told me how she was glad that I was teachin 3rd/4th again. Yes I miss them too, the prob is Auntie Betty said she gave me the new material. Dude, I looked all over my house and I know for a fact that she did not give it to me. Oh well, I'm gonna go with my Sunday School stuff for 5th/6th then.
Speakin of which, man I was super duper early to worship today, 8:45 a.m.! Before I was teachin Sunday School it was 9:45 a.m. Hopefully I am more diligent and gettin back to worship around my target time of 9:15 a.m. To end it all, I had a great dinner/fellowship with Big Nasty. I know the days are counting down before He calls him to be at another school. With everything that went on from beginning to end, I realized back to what I must do. Lastly, must continue to drop some P.R.'s for the So fam. Whoa, just realized something too, only 3 weeks left till I bounce to the motherland.
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