Thursday, June 23, 2005

Tylenol - Things almost went perfect today at VBS, I mean the goals that I set were all met for the most part. The parents and kids were giving me props of how I set everything up this year. God blessed us with great weather so that I can shift games outside. Again, gotta give mor props to B-12 as our new event, Job's obstacle course was a hit. Wayne and Spidey's Noah's Flood worked out much better this year than last year's version. Charlene loved how a lot of the help from the Youth Ministry did a pretty good job. However, she didn't see those doing the behind the scenes stuff. My MVPer's had to be Chris for doing so much setting up with me and Liz from makin signs, cleanin up, takin care of prizes, going to Target with me, etc. Overall, VBS Field Day was off the hook because of those who served and made it exciting for the kids.

Of course, it was a bit frustrating too and maybe it is my fault for havin expectations. Those that I felt could do more and trust, actually did the opposite. While those that I was a bit hesitant about giving a station too actually did an excellent job. Maybe it's my fault for not being clear enough on some things.

Plus this is VBS, and should be happy! Oi, but nope there has to be drama of course in and out of VBS. I guess it's a maturity thing. Woohoo, Charlene wants me to run things for Thursday so time to fire up the kids again. After a long, long, day of serving at VBS - Em, Liz, and I went to the new Bubble Tea joint to try that out. My opinion, it is worth another visit ;) and then we had fine dining at Taco Bell. I'm also up to 500 miles in 3 days now and I've been pumpin gas now 4 out of the last 6 days now too. That's $120 at least down the tubes :( and now I plan on buying b-ball shoes for this year's CCUC tournament and yes a digital camera. No more Kodak 2000 Dispoables for me :)

Yikes, time for bed gotta wake up soon to get my Yu 2 Girls, woohoo we're going to Great Lakes and possible seeing Batman Begins!


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