Stamped - Hmmm it is like a week into Winter Break for me and it has been excellent. I used to think how bummed out I used to be when everyone was leavin Mi left and right. Afterall the D ain't for everyone. However, it's moments like these I treasure a lot when everyone returns home. It almost reminds of when I go somewhere to visit then I'm sad to leave that place, but know I am returning back to take care of business. So it's sad when break is over and everyone returns to their new homes, but we all gotta do what we gotta do.
Lastly, tonight at WB V-ball was a blast for the most part. The top players from the area came out to play which made it great because of the fact that I had to pick up my level of play. It was cool to see G come out and play, one of 7th Day's better player. Too bad he and his crew can't make it out to KUMC consistently. I was surprised by the amount of attention and love I was gettin from the new peeps. Too bad we can't play every night of break :(
Man I can't get enough of the X-Files!
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Friday, December 23, 2005
Plague - Ya know exactly a year ago, I picked up my sis from the airport. I was illin as soon as I got home and it was the worst that I ever felt. Ironically, it is my sis's turn to be sick because she has not left her bedroom yet. One thing is for sure, I am doin a whole lot better job takin care of her than she did with me. I give her Tylenol when it is time, check her temp, bring her juice and Vernors, boil water for her, feed her soup, and of course tuck her in. Anyways, it's just funny how things are flipped around.
So I did all the Christmas shopping today, yup I got skillz because I can do it all in 1 day. However, I got greedy at Media Play since they are going out of business. Man, I bought video games, cd's, and DVDs galore over there. I just could not stop myself over there. Credit cards are very evil!
I just finished wrapping gifts for the family. Man I remember when I was little, I used to build forts under my Christmas tree using all the presents. I'd have all my action figures in the tree as ornaments. I would get so eager and I'd keep peeking into my presents to look for openings in any of my gifts. I was always greedy to find out way before Christmas what I was getting. There would be a couple of times where I'd "accidentally" peel off some of the tape on the gift wrap. There would be other times where I'd blackmail my sis to tell me what certain people bought me. So of my most memorable gifts that I got:
1) Transformer Head Master Night Shot from My Mommy
2) GI Joe Tank from My Daddy
3) BatJet from My Mommy
4) Bulls vs. Blazers from My Mommy
Momma knows best :)
In The Head
So I did all the Christmas shopping today, yup I got skillz because I can do it all in 1 day. However, I got greedy at Media Play since they are going out of business. Man, I bought video games, cd's, and DVDs galore over there. I just could not stop myself over there. Credit cards are very evil!
I just finished wrapping gifts for the family. Man I remember when I was little, I used to build forts under my Christmas tree using all the presents. I'd have all my action figures in the tree as ornaments. I would get so eager and I'd keep peeking into my presents to look for openings in any of my gifts. I was always greedy to find out way before Christmas what I was getting. There would be a couple of times where I'd "accidentally" peel off some of the tape on the gift wrap. There would be other times where I'd blackmail my sis to tell me what certain people bought me. So of my most memorable gifts that I got:
1) Transformer Head Master Night Shot from My Mommy
2) GI Joe Tank from My Daddy
3) BatJet from My Mommy
4) Bulls vs. Blazers from My Mommy
Momma knows best :)
In The Head
Thursday, December 22, 2005

My Crazy 5th Grade Girlz - Shel-Bel, and Rachel in the back. Megan and Jillian doin the splits, can you say ouch?
On the brighter side, I had great fellowship with a couple of brothers today. It's nice to have llz back for Christmas and I'm thankful for God's timing in how things worked out for him. It has seemed like ages since I've been back to Novi too. I also had great fellowship with JBK and his wife tonight. They really challenged me when we were discussing Christian perspectives from different cultures. Kind of an interesting point, since for the most part I've been to Asian-American churches besides Knox and Highland Park. I'm excited to read the rough draft of Andrea's works.
Lastly, woohoo a new student wrote to me. Ellen, she is such a good student, never talks, always pays attention to what is going on, and such a cutie. She will be remembered by me for scaring the crap out of me at the Halloween dance. We were listening to a scary story, and Ellen was passing stuff around for us to feel. As she was doin that, she let out this loud scream and I got shook. All the kids were laughing, it's like come on one of the quietest girls in the world just lets out this shriek. I'm thankful for her writing to me because she is one of my fav's and she ain't even in my class.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Faygo - My 6th graders continue to surprise me. I went back today for the "Holiday Party" as The Boss wants us to call it. I figured all their gift giving was done and over with about 3 weeks ago when they threw me a Going Away party. However, some of them continued to shower me with their gift of love. I got this cool binder from the class which has their pic, what they are thankful for about me, and something they remembered about me. Just looking at it puts me into tears because some of them really put down their thoughts. I even got an unexpected gift from Katrina today. She made me a sack of cookies and I guess I was the only staff to get them. I mean this Lil Girl as I like to call her is not even in my class! She was in my class for the 1st day of school, then her mom transferred her out to the other 6th grade class. I wish I had her throughout the school year. No matter how quirky Gab-ilicious is, she just continues to run and hug and hold on to me. Yes, I know what I mean to her and I hope she gets it from above.
To not just my 6th Graders, but all my Mustangs I hope to see y'all next year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and I ask Him to protect y'all over break.
To not just my 6th Graders, but all my Mustangs I hope to see y'all next year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and I ask Him to protect y'all over break.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Room 10 6th Grade
You and Me by Lifehouse
Cuz you and me, and all of the people
With nothing to do, nothing to lose
And it's you and me, and all of the people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you
This is what I believe in my heart to all my Mustangs!
Ya know people think this teaching gig is easy, like we get breaks and work a short day. However, it ain't easy well maybe I make it hard for myself. My goal everyday, is to learn something new and make an impact on someone's life. Over the last few months, I have learned a lot about some of my Mustangs kids living environment. I mean, ya think living in the Twp., Heights, or the U it would be all at least middle class. However, I have heard and visited some of the projects where my kids grow up in. Oh yes, the burbs actually have something to it maybe not like the D though.
Like one of my students, her dad's in jail already and just recently her mom is in there too for sellin drugs. I have some students who have been abused, done drugs, etc. Some staff members have shared with me how some of them see me more than a teach, but as hope for them. I go to a lot of events that deal with Mustangs then some have asked me to come to their personal events. I do both, and even tonight some came to the 5th grade concert because I told them that I'd be there and I hope to see them there to support the school. Some of my students even return the favor now and come see me play in my b-ball or v-ball games. Even today, they even know where my faith in God is too. My motto, to teach is to inspire and I'll always give it my all to make an impact on at least 1 person.
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Senior - The quote on Saturday was "Ask me how much I care?" at OU's commencement. All eyes were on me from everyone, masters, friends, escorts, etc. For the most part, I didn't come in dressed to impress. Actually, the only thing that stuck out about me was my kicks. So I chose to go with my b-ball kicks because this is my commencement and I'm gonna go out the way I came into OU, with a bang.
They told us we could sit next to our friends, and there wasn't gonna be no alphabetical order when they pass out our diplomas. I do not know how it happened because their were 2 lines, but I ended up being the last one in the ED program, last one of the afternoon receiving my diploma. After I shook hands with the President of OU on center stage, I stared at the crowd and I gave to punches to my heart, a kiss, and a peace sign to show I am outtie to the crowd. the crowd was laughing as well as the ED program because of all peeps to expect someone to do something entertaining, it had to be me. Peeps were telling me after that they were happy someone did something entertaining on the center stage. I just wish I had more Kodak moments after everything was over.
It still feels wierd being at home knowing that I don't have any procrastinating homework left undone. Honestly, I am more productive now by doing chores that I never got to like 2-3 years ago. With that, I guess time to heal some bumps and bruises I took in tonight's b-ball game. I'll take the licks against them big fellas because we 4-1 now. Eh, I played like crap the first half with 3 straight turnovers. Flip side, 2nd half I was Chauncey like controlling the tempo, defending the best player on the other team, and 6 assists. Man I gotta settle myself down at the beginning of the games.
They told us we could sit next to our friends, and there wasn't gonna be no alphabetical order when they pass out our diplomas. I do not know how it happened because their were 2 lines, but I ended up being the last one in the ED program, last one of the afternoon receiving my diploma. After I shook hands with the President of OU on center stage, I stared at the crowd and I gave to punches to my heart, a kiss, and a peace sign to show I am outtie to the crowd. the crowd was laughing as well as the ED program because of all peeps to expect someone to do something entertaining, it had to be me. Peeps were telling me after that they were happy someone did something entertaining on the center stage. I just wish I had more Kodak moments after everything was over.
It still feels wierd being at home knowing that I don't have any procrastinating homework left undone. Honestly, I am more productive now by doing chores that I never got to like 2-3 years ago. With that, I guess time to heal some bumps and bruises I took in tonight's b-ball game. I'll take the licks against them big fellas because we 4-1 now. Eh, I played like crap the first half with 3 straight turnovers. Flip side, 2nd half I was Chauncey like controlling the tempo, defending the best player on the other team, and 6 assists. Man I gotta settle myself down at the beginning of the games.
Friday, December 16, 2005
Nova Scotia Crew - Amy, Natalie, Ellen, and Priya - They set the bar in my Canada project.

Spalding - I made another return today, the return to Plumbrook. I went back to see a lot of my old teachers, and it was nice/wierd. So many of them have changed and at the same time I guess things didn't go the way I had hoped. But I know things happen for a reason, and I know where my heart is still.
Looking ahead for the weekend, I never realized it has finally come. This Saturday, I will be walking down the aisle and getting my college degree. To everyone it seems like it has taken me forever, while I feel like I just walked on to OU campus yesterday. Of course, just like my Stevenson commencement, gotta play b-ball first. After b-ball then I can go straight to OU for the commencement. Nothing better than throwing that cap and gown over my b-ball gear :)
With all this going on, I forgot my sis is coming back for it too. She always picks the worst times for me to pick/drop her off at the airport. I prefer red eyes, while she chooses in the middle of the day when I have to plan my schedule around it. Right when I thought I can make it back to CBC for worship and everything. I'll be driving up and down on Sunday, with the Metro Airport, then b-ball game, then back down for Genesis House, then back up for the OU IM Staff Hooters outing. I hope I do not get a call from UCS to sub tomorrow.
The 8 Dimensions
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Errr here are some of the pics that did not show up in the last entry.

Kingpin - Well I couldn't of asked for a better day. I subbed again today, back at Mustangs again! It seems like I never left the place. I subbed for my 6th grade class too which was even sweeter. I subbed only for the afternoon though but better than nothing. I walked into the gym to pick up my kids from lunch and the place just erupted. All you see were kids dropping their lunches to stand on the benches and chanting my name. Oh yeah, it was all the 2nd, 4th, and 6th grade classes. The Principal of course was pissed about my fanfare, so she ordered everyone to sit down. It was good to be back, but I got a disturbing email from Miss Canada after school. She said a lot has changed, and she misses me a lot. She wished that I was still there because she knew I always had everything under control. Now, the class is louder than usual and it's too bad that things have gone down a lil.
After work, it was the beginning of a new season at Dumar's. One thing I am happy about is that they got rid of all those Cracker Jack teams. In 2 seasons now, my team has finished 3rd, and last season was 2nd. That's great and all but it ain't 1st so gotta be this season. Was a good start tonight, laying a whooping to go 3-0.
After v-ball, it was time for the OU IM Staff bowling outing. Must of been my night because I was nailing turkeys and 4 baggers left and right. $$$ was on the line so I brought my A game and won some cash.
Hailey's Comet huge cookie she bought for me at Mrs. Field's.

Kingpin - Well I couldn't of asked for a better day. I subbed again today, back at Mustangs again! It seems like I never left the place. I subbed for my 6th grade class too which was even sweeter. I subbed only for the afternoon though but better than nothing. I walked into the gym to pick up my kids from lunch and the place just erupted. All you see were kids dropping their lunches to stand on the benches and chanting my name. Oh yeah, it was all the 2nd, 4th, and 6th grade classes. The Principal of course was pissed about my fanfare, so she ordered everyone to sit down. It was good to be back, but I got a disturbing email from Miss Canada after school. She said a lot has changed, and she misses me a lot. She wished that I was still there because she knew I always had everything under control. Now, the class is louder than usual and it's too bad that things have gone down a lil.
After work, it was the beginning of a new season at Dumar's. One thing I am happy about is that they got rid of all those Cracker Jack teams. In 2 seasons now, my team has finished 3rd, and last season was 2nd. That's great and all but it ain't 1st so gotta be this season. Was a good start tonight, laying a whooping to go 3-0.
After v-ball, it was time for the OU IM Staff bowling outing. Must of been my night because I was nailing turkeys and 4 baggers left and right. $$$ was on the line so I brought my A game and won some cash.
Monday, December 12, 2005
Caretaker - So I'm driving to OU bout to buy my cap and gown gear for Saturday. Still can't believe this day actually came..... I get a call from UCS asking me to sub for an emergency! So I accept the job, and for which school, Mustangs!!!! I taught 2nd grade for half the day, which really I did not do much. They were gone for Spanish, and all I did was read a book and taught them how to make snowflakes. I had Sarah who missed me a lot, constantly hug me everywhere I went. Frankie kepting wanting to high five me. When it was time for dismissal, all you could hear was my name shouted out throughout the hallways. The teachers were startled by Kayla's loud voice shouting my name out. Next thing ya know, I had a herd of 6th graders in front of my 2nd grade door. Mrs. B told me after school that she felt it was clear today that I am the most popular teach in the building. So my first sub job, ironic it was back at Mustangs. Oh on a side note, I got paid $40 for half a day's work, but calculated I only taught for a half hour. So 30 min of teaching for $40, man if that was the standard, dude I'd be set for life. Well here are some pics from my last day as a student teacher.

Miss Canada and Lil Canada posing for my cake they bought for me.

Hailey's Comet bought this huge cookie for me at Mrs. Field's.

Hockeytown got this for me when he went to Las Vegas.

Heisman, dude he's got hands in football and b-ball.

Gingerbread Man that Hailey's Comet made me :)

Miss Canada and Lil Canada posing for my cake they bought for me.

Hailey's Comet bought this huge cookie for me at Mrs. Field's.

Hockeytown got this for me when he went to Las Vegas.

Heisman, dude he's got hands in football and b-ball.

Break Stuff
Friday, December 09, 2005
2 Towers - Everyone was cheering after the last seminar we had to attend at OU. I wasn't though, because unlike them I was always on campus. Many of them checked in and checked out as a job, but I bled for this school. I'm thankful for the path chosen for me by Him, it would be interesting if I was still at SVSU.
On Thursday, my 6th graders through me a surprise going away party. I'll have to post pics up later, but I was so shocked that they left me speechless. A lot of them spent money getting me gift certificates so I can purchase things for my classroom. Hailey's Comet got me a huge cookie from Mrs. Field's. It was bigger than my stomach! Mari Had A Lil Lamb, grab a huge pic of a Corvette and stuck every 6th grader on there! Miss Canada and her mom organized everything, and they got me a huge bin. The rest of the class purchased all sorts of goodies and threw it in the bin. Slammin Sami wrote me a letter a few days ago, and asked that I write her back. In her letter, she told me that everyday she tried to be the bomb student in the class. In my eyez, she did just that, always so serious about her grade and never taking any of my jokes when I mess with her, but she always smiled when I told her to because she knew she could trust me. I got a lot of hugs, from all my students and some who didn't want to let go. I was surprised that even the worst student who I took recess from a lot, got me a gift. Katrina, such a cutie who always seemed scared of me came up to me for a long hug.
At the end of the day, I through up my email address to all of them. Miss Canada has been the one writing to me the most. She is one of my fav's because she is spoiled but humble about it. It only seemed like yesterday, that in January I was complaining about this place. However, it was His love that helped me get through the battle. He helped me conquer my advisaries, and His love was evident to my kids because I showed that to them every day. I miss them a lot and I can only ask for our paths to keep crossing til they graduate. Even so, though the whole school knows me because I had so many other students from other grades hugging me before school ended. If that doesn't tell the other student teachers who the best was then I don't know what else you can measure it by.
Some peeps say, you gotta be teacher approval not student approval. Well I scoff at that, because it is both. I mean if the students love you, then they will respect you, which turns into listening to what you are teaching. If you want respect then you gotta show the love from the heart. Heart, something that I still say no one can match this EduK8R.
I ask Him, to let my students know that my heart is with them always.
Spilt Personality
On Thursday, my 6th graders through me a surprise going away party. I'll have to post pics up later, but I was so shocked that they left me speechless. A lot of them spent money getting me gift certificates so I can purchase things for my classroom. Hailey's Comet got me a huge cookie from Mrs. Field's. It was bigger than my stomach! Mari Had A Lil Lamb, grab a huge pic of a Corvette and stuck every 6th grader on there! Miss Canada and her mom organized everything, and they got me a huge bin. The rest of the class purchased all sorts of goodies and threw it in the bin. Slammin Sami wrote me a letter a few days ago, and asked that I write her back. In her letter, she told me that everyday she tried to be the bomb student in the class. In my eyez, she did just that, always so serious about her grade and never taking any of my jokes when I mess with her, but she always smiled when I told her to because she knew she could trust me. I got a lot of hugs, from all my students and some who didn't want to let go. I was surprised that even the worst student who I took recess from a lot, got me a gift. Katrina, such a cutie who always seemed scared of me came up to me for a long hug.
At the end of the day, I through up my email address to all of them. Miss Canada has been the one writing to me the most. She is one of my fav's because she is spoiled but humble about it. It only seemed like yesterday, that in January I was complaining about this place. However, it was His love that helped me get through the battle. He helped me conquer my advisaries, and His love was evident to my kids because I showed that to them every day. I miss them a lot and I can only ask for our paths to keep crossing til they graduate. Even so, though the whole school knows me because I had so many other students from other grades hugging me before school ended. If that doesn't tell the other student teachers who the best was then I don't know what else you can measure it by.
Some peeps say, you gotta be teacher approval not student approval. Well I scoff at that, because it is both. I mean if the students love you, then they will respect you, which turns into listening to what you are teaching. If you want respect then you gotta show the love from the heart. Heart, something that I still say no one can match this EduK8R.
I ask Him, to let my students know that my heart is with them always.
Spilt Personality
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Spices - Ya know what I never realized that means a lot to peeps, are returns. Well return of what though? I never realized how much we all get caught up for the return of anything, no matter how small it is. First you got the Return of all Returns, the King of Kings ya know, I mean how many peeps out there are looking forward to that?
I never realized at how excited I get to recieve late homework so my kids don't fail. Anyways, I made my debut, at the Y the last night with Cougie. V-ball was ok, until this guy drilled one straight down into this girl's cheek! Now, normally I'd be like "great hit" but this guy drilled it at her, Shelley, his team's setter! They are on the same freaking team and he drilled it straight into her jaw! He just decides to leave without apologizing while both teams check up on Shelley! What a freaking coward, to drill your own teammate who was supporting you to sideout, instead he takes her out of the game. I hope I get a chance to face him again, somewhere so I can avenge Shelley's hit. I mean some peeps say it was an accident, but seriously how many hitters have ever hit their own setter straight down on their face?
Speaking of returns, it looks like some peeps miss me at CBC. I really appreciate their phone calls, and IM's. Well only 1 and half days left of my undergrad/Mustang career. I miss my kids already, Samie even wrote me a letter today after school. She told me that she misses me already, and that she just wanted "to be the bomb student in my class." Kayla, wrote me a Christmas card and inviting me to her B-Day party. I'm gonna have a hard time not crying on Thursday because I love them so much. I even taught them Chinese today, and showed some Jay Chou stuff. I can't believe my Curtain Call is Dec. 8th, but they know my voice, spirit, and heart are with them. I miss my kids and not just the 6th graders, but every kid that says hi to me in the hallway.
Flu Bug
I never realized at how excited I get to recieve late homework so my kids don't fail. Anyways, I made my debut, at the Y the last night with Cougie. V-ball was ok, until this guy drilled one straight down into this girl's cheek! Now, normally I'd be like "great hit" but this guy drilled it at her, Shelley, his team's setter! They are on the same freaking team and he drilled it straight into her jaw! He just decides to leave without apologizing while both teams check up on Shelley! What a freaking coward, to drill your own teammate who was supporting you to sideout, instead he takes her out of the game. I hope I get a chance to face him again, somewhere so I can avenge Shelley's hit. I mean some peeps say it was an accident, but seriously how many hitters have ever hit their own setter straight down on their face?
Speaking of returns, it looks like some peeps miss me at CBC. I really appreciate their phone calls, and IM's. Well only 1 and half days left of my undergrad/Mustang career. I miss my kids already, Samie even wrote me a letter today after school. She told me that she misses me already, and that she just wanted "to be the bomb student in my class." Kayla, wrote me a Christmas card and inviting me to her B-Day party. I'm gonna have a hard time not crying on Thursday because I love them so much. I even taught them Chinese today, and showed some Jay Chou stuff. I can't believe my Curtain Call is Dec. 8th, but they know my voice, spirit, and heart are with them. I miss my kids and not just the 6th graders, but every kid that says hi to me in the hallway.
Flu Bug