Caretaker - So I'm driving to OU bout to buy my cap and gown gear for Saturday. Still can't believe this day actually came..... I get a call from UCS asking me to sub for an emergency! So I accept the job, and for which school, Mustangs!!!! I taught 2nd grade for half the day, which really I did not do much. They were gone for Spanish, and all I did was read a book and taught them how to make snowflakes. I had Sarah who missed me a lot, constantly hug me everywhere I went. Frankie kepting wanting to high five me. When it was time for dismissal, all you could hear was my name shouted out throughout the hallways. The teachers were startled by Kayla's loud voice shouting my name out. Next thing ya know, I had a herd of 6th graders in front of my 2nd grade door. Mrs. B told me after school that she felt it was clear today that I am the most popular teach in the building. So my first sub job, ironic it was back at Mustangs. Oh on a side note, I got paid $40 for half a day's work, but calculated I only taught for a half hour. So 30 min of teaching for $40, man if that was the standard, dude I'd be set for life. Well here are some pics from my last day as a student teacher.
Gingerbread Man that Hailey's Comet made me :)

Miss Canada and Lil Canada posing for my cake they bought for me.

Hailey's Comet bought this huge cookie for me at Mrs. Field's.

Hockeytown got this for me when he went to Las Vegas.

Heisman, dude he's got hands in football and b-ball.

Break Stuff
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