Sunday, December 18, 2005

Senior - The quote on Saturday was "Ask me how much I care?" at OU's commencement. All eyes were on me from everyone, masters, friends, escorts, etc. For the most part, I didn't come in dressed to impress. Actually, the only thing that stuck out about me was my kicks. So I chose to go with my b-ball kicks because this is my commencement and I'm gonna go out the way I came into OU, with a bang.

They told us we could sit next to our friends, and there wasn't gonna be no alphabetical order when they pass out our diplomas. I do not know how it happened because their were 2 lines, but I ended up being the last one in the ED program, last one of the afternoon receiving my diploma. After I shook hands with the President of OU on center stage, I stared at the crowd and I gave to punches to my heart, a kiss, and a peace sign to show I am outtie to the crowd. the crowd was laughing as well as the ED program because of all peeps to expect someone to do something entertaining, it had to be me. Peeps were telling me after that they were happy someone did something entertaining on the center stage. I just wish I had more Kodak moments after everything was over.

It still feels wierd being at home knowing that I don't have any procrastinating homework left undone. Honestly, I am more productive now by doing chores that I never got to like 2-3 years ago. With that, I guess time to heal some bumps and bruises I took in tonight's b-ball game. I'll take the licks against them big fellas because we 4-1 now. Eh, I played like crap the first half with 3 straight turnovers. Flip side, 2nd half I was Chauncey like controlling the tempo, defending the best player on the other team, and 6 assists. Man I gotta settle myself down at the beginning of the games.


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