Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Stamped - Hmmm it is like a week into Winter Break for me and it has been excellent. I used to think how bummed out I used to be when everyone was leavin Mi left and right. Afterall the D ain't for everyone. However, it's moments like these I treasure a lot when everyone returns home. It almost reminds of when I go somewhere to visit then I'm sad to leave that place, but know I am returning back to take care of business. So it's sad when break is over and everyone returns to their new homes, but we all gotta do what we gotta do.

Lastly, tonight at WB V-ball was a blast for the most part. The top players from the area came out to play which made it great because of the fact that I had to pick up my level of play. It was cool to see G come out and play, one of 7th Day's better player. Too bad he and his crew can't make it out to KUMC consistently. I was surprised by the amount of attention and love I was gettin from the new peeps. Too bad we can't play every night of break :(

Man I can't get enough of the X-Files!


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