Nova Scotia Crew - Amy, Natalie, Ellen, and Priya - They set the bar in my Canada project.

Spalding - I made another return today, the return to Plumbrook. I went back to see a lot of my old teachers, and it was nice/wierd. So many of them have changed and at the same time I guess things didn't go the way I had hoped. But I know things happen for a reason, and I know where my heart is still.
Looking ahead for the weekend, I never realized it has finally come. This Saturday, I will be walking down the aisle and getting my college degree. To everyone it seems like it has taken me forever, while I feel like I just walked on to OU campus yesterday. Of course, just like my Stevenson commencement, gotta play b-ball first. After b-ball then I can go straight to OU for the commencement. Nothing better than throwing that cap and gown over my b-ball gear :)
With all this going on, I forgot my sis is coming back for it too. She always picks the worst times for me to pick/drop her off at the airport. I prefer red eyes, while she chooses in the middle of the day when I have to plan my schedule around it. Right when I thought I can make it back to CBC for worship and everything. I'll be driving up and down on Sunday, with the Metro Airport, then b-ball game, then back down for Genesis House, then back up for the OU IM Staff Hooters outing. I hope I do not get a call from UCS to sub tomorrow.
The 8 Dimensions
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