Stamped - Hmmm it is like a week into Winter Break for me and it has been excellent. I used to think how bummed out I used to be when everyone was leavin Mi left and right. Afterall the D ain't for everyone. However, it's moments like these I treasure a lot when everyone returns home. It almost reminds of when I go somewhere to visit then I'm sad to leave that place, but know I am returning back to take care of business. So it's sad when break is over and everyone returns to their new homes, but we all gotta do what we gotta do.
Lastly, tonight at WB V-ball was a blast for the most part. The top players from the area came out to play which made it great because of the fact that I had to pick up my level of play. It was cool to see G come out and play, one of 7th Day's better player. Too bad he and his crew can't make it out to KUMC consistently. I was surprised by the amount of attention and love I was gettin from the new peeps. Too bad we can't play every night of break :(
Man I can't get enough of the X-Files!
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Friday, December 23, 2005
Plague - Ya know exactly a year ago, I picked up my sis from the airport. I was illin as soon as I got home and it was the worst that I ever felt. Ironically, it is my sis's turn to be sick because she has not left her bedroom yet. One thing is for sure, I am doin a whole lot better job takin care of her than she did with me. I give her Tylenol when it is time, check her temp, bring her juice and Vernors, boil water for her, feed her soup, and of course tuck her in. Anyways, it's just funny how things are flipped around.
So I did all the Christmas shopping today, yup I got skillz because I can do it all in 1 day. However, I got greedy at Media Play since they are going out of business. Man, I bought video games, cd's, and DVDs galore over there. I just could not stop myself over there. Credit cards are very evil!
I just finished wrapping gifts for the family. Man I remember when I was little, I used to build forts under my Christmas tree using all the presents. I'd have all my action figures in the tree as ornaments. I would get so eager and I'd keep peeking into my presents to look for openings in any of my gifts. I was always greedy to find out way before Christmas what I was getting. There would be a couple of times where I'd "accidentally" peel off some of the tape on the gift wrap. There would be other times where I'd blackmail my sis to tell me what certain people bought me. So of my most memorable gifts that I got:
1) Transformer Head Master Night Shot from My Mommy
2) GI Joe Tank from My Daddy
3) BatJet from My Mommy
4) Bulls vs. Blazers from My Mommy
Momma knows best :)
In The Head
So I did all the Christmas shopping today, yup I got skillz because I can do it all in 1 day. However, I got greedy at Media Play since they are going out of business. Man, I bought video games, cd's, and DVDs galore over there. I just could not stop myself over there. Credit cards are very evil!
I just finished wrapping gifts for the family. Man I remember when I was little, I used to build forts under my Christmas tree using all the presents. I'd have all my action figures in the tree as ornaments. I would get so eager and I'd keep peeking into my presents to look for openings in any of my gifts. I was always greedy to find out way before Christmas what I was getting. There would be a couple of times where I'd "accidentally" peel off some of the tape on the gift wrap. There would be other times where I'd blackmail my sis to tell me what certain people bought me. So of my most memorable gifts that I got:
1) Transformer Head Master Night Shot from My Mommy
2) GI Joe Tank from My Daddy
3) BatJet from My Mommy
4) Bulls vs. Blazers from My Mommy
Momma knows best :)
In The Head
Thursday, December 22, 2005

My Crazy 5th Grade Girlz - Shel-Bel, and Rachel in the back. Megan and Jillian doin the splits, can you say ouch?
On the brighter side, I had great fellowship with a couple of brothers today. It's nice to have llz back for Christmas and I'm thankful for God's timing in how things worked out for him. It has seemed like ages since I've been back to Novi too. I also had great fellowship with JBK and his wife tonight. They really challenged me when we were discussing Christian perspectives from different cultures. Kind of an interesting point, since for the most part I've been to Asian-American churches besides Knox and Highland Park. I'm excited to read the rough draft of Andrea's works.
Lastly, woohoo a new student wrote to me. Ellen, she is such a good student, never talks, always pays attention to what is going on, and such a cutie. She will be remembered by me for scaring the crap out of me at the Halloween dance. We were listening to a scary story, and Ellen was passing stuff around for us to feel. As she was doin that, she let out this loud scream and I got shook. All the kids were laughing, it's like come on one of the quietest girls in the world just lets out this shriek. I'm thankful for her writing to me because she is one of my fav's and she ain't even in my class.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Faygo - My 6th graders continue to surprise me. I went back today for the "Holiday Party" as The Boss wants us to call it. I figured all their gift giving was done and over with about 3 weeks ago when they threw me a Going Away party. However, some of them continued to shower me with their gift of love. I got this cool binder from the class which has their pic, what they are thankful for about me, and something they remembered about me. Just looking at it puts me into tears because some of them really put down their thoughts. I even got an unexpected gift from Katrina today. She made me a sack of cookies and I guess I was the only staff to get them. I mean this Lil Girl as I like to call her is not even in my class! She was in my class for the 1st day of school, then her mom transferred her out to the other 6th grade class. I wish I had her throughout the school year. No matter how quirky Gab-ilicious is, she just continues to run and hug and hold on to me. Yes, I know what I mean to her and I hope she gets it from above.
To not just my 6th Graders, but all my Mustangs I hope to see y'all next year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and I ask Him to protect y'all over break.
To not just my 6th Graders, but all my Mustangs I hope to see y'all next year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and I ask Him to protect y'all over break.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Room 10 6th Grade
You and Me by Lifehouse
Cuz you and me, and all of the people
With nothing to do, nothing to lose
And it's you and me, and all of the people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you
This is what I believe in my heart to all my Mustangs!
Ya know people think this teaching gig is easy, like we get breaks and work a short day. However, it ain't easy well maybe I make it hard for myself. My goal everyday, is to learn something new and make an impact on someone's life. Over the last few months, I have learned a lot about some of my Mustangs kids living environment. I mean, ya think living in the Twp., Heights, or the U it would be all at least middle class. However, I have heard and visited some of the projects where my kids grow up in. Oh yes, the burbs actually have something to it maybe not like the D though.
Like one of my students, her dad's in jail already and just recently her mom is in there too for sellin drugs. I have some students who have been abused, done drugs, etc. Some staff members have shared with me how some of them see me more than a teach, but as hope for them. I go to a lot of events that deal with Mustangs then some have asked me to come to their personal events. I do both, and even tonight some came to the 5th grade concert because I told them that I'd be there and I hope to see them there to support the school. Some of my students even return the favor now and come see me play in my b-ball or v-ball games. Even today, they even know where my faith in God is too. My motto, to teach is to inspire and I'll always give it my all to make an impact on at least 1 person.
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Senior - The quote on Saturday was "Ask me how much I care?" at OU's commencement. All eyes were on me from everyone, masters, friends, escorts, etc. For the most part, I didn't come in dressed to impress. Actually, the only thing that stuck out about me was my kicks. So I chose to go with my b-ball kicks because this is my commencement and I'm gonna go out the way I came into OU, with a bang.
They told us we could sit next to our friends, and there wasn't gonna be no alphabetical order when they pass out our diplomas. I do not know how it happened because their were 2 lines, but I ended up being the last one in the ED program, last one of the afternoon receiving my diploma. After I shook hands with the President of OU on center stage, I stared at the crowd and I gave to punches to my heart, a kiss, and a peace sign to show I am outtie to the crowd. the crowd was laughing as well as the ED program because of all peeps to expect someone to do something entertaining, it had to be me. Peeps were telling me after that they were happy someone did something entertaining on the center stage. I just wish I had more Kodak moments after everything was over.
It still feels wierd being at home knowing that I don't have any procrastinating homework left undone. Honestly, I am more productive now by doing chores that I never got to like 2-3 years ago. With that, I guess time to heal some bumps and bruises I took in tonight's b-ball game. I'll take the licks against them big fellas because we 4-1 now. Eh, I played like crap the first half with 3 straight turnovers. Flip side, 2nd half I was Chauncey like controlling the tempo, defending the best player on the other team, and 6 assists. Man I gotta settle myself down at the beginning of the games.
They told us we could sit next to our friends, and there wasn't gonna be no alphabetical order when they pass out our diplomas. I do not know how it happened because their were 2 lines, but I ended up being the last one in the ED program, last one of the afternoon receiving my diploma. After I shook hands with the President of OU on center stage, I stared at the crowd and I gave to punches to my heart, a kiss, and a peace sign to show I am outtie to the crowd. the crowd was laughing as well as the ED program because of all peeps to expect someone to do something entertaining, it had to be me. Peeps were telling me after that they were happy someone did something entertaining on the center stage. I just wish I had more Kodak moments after everything was over.
It still feels wierd being at home knowing that I don't have any procrastinating homework left undone. Honestly, I am more productive now by doing chores that I never got to like 2-3 years ago. With that, I guess time to heal some bumps and bruises I took in tonight's b-ball game. I'll take the licks against them big fellas because we 4-1 now. Eh, I played like crap the first half with 3 straight turnovers. Flip side, 2nd half I was Chauncey like controlling the tempo, defending the best player on the other team, and 6 assists. Man I gotta settle myself down at the beginning of the games.
Friday, December 16, 2005
Nova Scotia Crew - Amy, Natalie, Ellen, and Priya - They set the bar in my Canada project.

Spalding - I made another return today, the return to Plumbrook. I went back to see a lot of my old teachers, and it was nice/wierd. So many of them have changed and at the same time I guess things didn't go the way I had hoped. But I know things happen for a reason, and I know where my heart is still.
Looking ahead for the weekend, I never realized it has finally come. This Saturday, I will be walking down the aisle and getting my college degree. To everyone it seems like it has taken me forever, while I feel like I just walked on to OU campus yesterday. Of course, just like my Stevenson commencement, gotta play b-ball first. After b-ball then I can go straight to OU for the commencement. Nothing better than throwing that cap and gown over my b-ball gear :)
With all this going on, I forgot my sis is coming back for it too. She always picks the worst times for me to pick/drop her off at the airport. I prefer red eyes, while she chooses in the middle of the day when I have to plan my schedule around it. Right when I thought I can make it back to CBC for worship and everything. I'll be driving up and down on Sunday, with the Metro Airport, then b-ball game, then back down for Genesis House, then back up for the OU IM Staff Hooters outing. I hope I do not get a call from UCS to sub tomorrow.
The 8 Dimensions
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Errr here are some of the pics that did not show up in the last entry.

Kingpin - Well I couldn't of asked for a better day. I subbed again today, back at Mustangs again! It seems like I never left the place. I subbed for my 6th grade class too which was even sweeter. I subbed only for the afternoon though but better than nothing. I walked into the gym to pick up my kids from lunch and the place just erupted. All you see were kids dropping their lunches to stand on the benches and chanting my name. Oh yeah, it was all the 2nd, 4th, and 6th grade classes. The Principal of course was pissed about my fanfare, so she ordered everyone to sit down. It was good to be back, but I got a disturbing email from Miss Canada after school. She said a lot has changed, and she misses me a lot. She wished that I was still there because she knew I always had everything under control. Now, the class is louder than usual and it's too bad that things have gone down a lil.
After work, it was the beginning of a new season at Dumar's. One thing I am happy about is that they got rid of all those Cracker Jack teams. In 2 seasons now, my team has finished 3rd, and last season was 2nd. That's great and all but it ain't 1st so gotta be this season. Was a good start tonight, laying a whooping to go 3-0.
After v-ball, it was time for the OU IM Staff bowling outing. Must of been my night because I was nailing turkeys and 4 baggers left and right. $$$ was on the line so I brought my A game and won some cash.
Hailey's Comet huge cookie she bought for me at Mrs. Field's.

Kingpin - Well I couldn't of asked for a better day. I subbed again today, back at Mustangs again! It seems like I never left the place. I subbed for my 6th grade class too which was even sweeter. I subbed only for the afternoon though but better than nothing. I walked into the gym to pick up my kids from lunch and the place just erupted. All you see were kids dropping their lunches to stand on the benches and chanting my name. Oh yeah, it was all the 2nd, 4th, and 6th grade classes. The Principal of course was pissed about my fanfare, so she ordered everyone to sit down. It was good to be back, but I got a disturbing email from Miss Canada after school. She said a lot has changed, and she misses me a lot. She wished that I was still there because she knew I always had everything under control. Now, the class is louder than usual and it's too bad that things have gone down a lil.
After work, it was the beginning of a new season at Dumar's. One thing I am happy about is that they got rid of all those Cracker Jack teams. In 2 seasons now, my team has finished 3rd, and last season was 2nd. That's great and all but it ain't 1st so gotta be this season. Was a good start tonight, laying a whooping to go 3-0.
After v-ball, it was time for the OU IM Staff bowling outing. Must of been my night because I was nailing turkeys and 4 baggers left and right. $$$ was on the line so I brought my A game and won some cash.
Monday, December 12, 2005
Caretaker - So I'm driving to OU bout to buy my cap and gown gear for Saturday. Still can't believe this day actually came..... I get a call from UCS asking me to sub for an emergency! So I accept the job, and for which school, Mustangs!!!! I taught 2nd grade for half the day, which really I did not do much. They were gone for Spanish, and all I did was read a book and taught them how to make snowflakes. I had Sarah who missed me a lot, constantly hug me everywhere I went. Frankie kepting wanting to high five me. When it was time for dismissal, all you could hear was my name shouted out throughout the hallways. The teachers were startled by Kayla's loud voice shouting my name out. Next thing ya know, I had a herd of 6th graders in front of my 2nd grade door. Mrs. B told me after school that she felt it was clear today that I am the most popular teach in the building. So my first sub job, ironic it was back at Mustangs. Oh on a side note, I got paid $40 for half a day's work, but calculated I only taught for a half hour. So 30 min of teaching for $40, man if that was the standard, dude I'd be set for life. Well here are some pics from my last day as a student teacher.

Miss Canada and Lil Canada posing for my cake they bought for me.

Hailey's Comet bought this huge cookie for me at Mrs. Field's.

Hockeytown got this for me when he went to Las Vegas.

Heisman, dude he's got hands in football and b-ball.

Gingerbread Man that Hailey's Comet made me :)

Miss Canada and Lil Canada posing for my cake they bought for me.

Hailey's Comet bought this huge cookie for me at Mrs. Field's.

Hockeytown got this for me when he went to Las Vegas.

Heisman, dude he's got hands in football and b-ball.

Break Stuff
Friday, December 09, 2005
2 Towers - Everyone was cheering after the last seminar we had to attend at OU. I wasn't though, because unlike them I was always on campus. Many of them checked in and checked out as a job, but I bled for this school. I'm thankful for the path chosen for me by Him, it would be interesting if I was still at SVSU.
On Thursday, my 6th graders through me a surprise going away party. I'll have to post pics up later, but I was so shocked that they left me speechless. A lot of them spent money getting me gift certificates so I can purchase things for my classroom. Hailey's Comet got me a huge cookie from Mrs. Field's. It was bigger than my stomach! Mari Had A Lil Lamb, grab a huge pic of a Corvette and stuck every 6th grader on there! Miss Canada and her mom organized everything, and they got me a huge bin. The rest of the class purchased all sorts of goodies and threw it in the bin. Slammin Sami wrote me a letter a few days ago, and asked that I write her back. In her letter, she told me that everyday she tried to be the bomb student in the class. In my eyez, she did just that, always so serious about her grade and never taking any of my jokes when I mess with her, but she always smiled when I told her to because she knew she could trust me. I got a lot of hugs, from all my students and some who didn't want to let go. I was surprised that even the worst student who I took recess from a lot, got me a gift. Katrina, such a cutie who always seemed scared of me came up to me for a long hug.
At the end of the day, I through up my email address to all of them. Miss Canada has been the one writing to me the most. She is one of my fav's because she is spoiled but humble about it. It only seemed like yesterday, that in January I was complaining about this place. However, it was His love that helped me get through the battle. He helped me conquer my advisaries, and His love was evident to my kids because I showed that to them every day. I miss them a lot and I can only ask for our paths to keep crossing til they graduate. Even so, though the whole school knows me because I had so many other students from other grades hugging me before school ended. If that doesn't tell the other student teachers who the best was then I don't know what else you can measure it by.
Some peeps say, you gotta be teacher approval not student approval. Well I scoff at that, because it is both. I mean if the students love you, then they will respect you, which turns into listening to what you are teaching. If you want respect then you gotta show the love from the heart. Heart, something that I still say no one can match this EduK8R.
I ask Him, to let my students know that my heart is with them always.
Spilt Personality
On Thursday, my 6th graders through me a surprise going away party. I'll have to post pics up later, but I was so shocked that they left me speechless. A lot of them spent money getting me gift certificates so I can purchase things for my classroom. Hailey's Comet got me a huge cookie from Mrs. Field's. It was bigger than my stomach! Mari Had A Lil Lamb, grab a huge pic of a Corvette and stuck every 6th grader on there! Miss Canada and her mom organized everything, and they got me a huge bin. The rest of the class purchased all sorts of goodies and threw it in the bin. Slammin Sami wrote me a letter a few days ago, and asked that I write her back. In her letter, she told me that everyday she tried to be the bomb student in the class. In my eyez, she did just that, always so serious about her grade and never taking any of my jokes when I mess with her, but she always smiled when I told her to because she knew she could trust me. I got a lot of hugs, from all my students and some who didn't want to let go. I was surprised that even the worst student who I took recess from a lot, got me a gift. Katrina, such a cutie who always seemed scared of me came up to me for a long hug.
At the end of the day, I through up my email address to all of them. Miss Canada has been the one writing to me the most. She is one of my fav's because she is spoiled but humble about it. It only seemed like yesterday, that in January I was complaining about this place. However, it was His love that helped me get through the battle. He helped me conquer my advisaries, and His love was evident to my kids because I showed that to them every day. I miss them a lot and I can only ask for our paths to keep crossing til they graduate. Even so, though the whole school knows me because I had so many other students from other grades hugging me before school ended. If that doesn't tell the other student teachers who the best was then I don't know what else you can measure it by.
Some peeps say, you gotta be teacher approval not student approval. Well I scoff at that, because it is both. I mean if the students love you, then they will respect you, which turns into listening to what you are teaching. If you want respect then you gotta show the love from the heart. Heart, something that I still say no one can match this EduK8R.
I ask Him, to let my students know that my heart is with them always.
Spilt Personality
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Spices - Ya know what I never realized that means a lot to peeps, are returns. Well return of what though? I never realized how much we all get caught up for the return of anything, no matter how small it is. First you got the Return of all Returns, the King of Kings ya know, I mean how many peeps out there are looking forward to that?
I never realized at how excited I get to recieve late homework so my kids don't fail. Anyways, I made my debut, at the Y the last night with Cougie. V-ball was ok, until this guy drilled one straight down into this girl's cheek! Now, normally I'd be like "great hit" but this guy drilled it at her, Shelley, his team's setter! They are on the same freaking team and he drilled it straight into her jaw! He just decides to leave without apologizing while both teams check up on Shelley! What a freaking coward, to drill your own teammate who was supporting you to sideout, instead he takes her out of the game. I hope I get a chance to face him again, somewhere so I can avenge Shelley's hit. I mean some peeps say it was an accident, but seriously how many hitters have ever hit their own setter straight down on their face?
Speaking of returns, it looks like some peeps miss me at CBC. I really appreciate their phone calls, and IM's. Well only 1 and half days left of my undergrad/Mustang career. I miss my kids already, Samie even wrote me a letter today after school. She told me that she misses me already, and that she just wanted "to be the bomb student in my class." Kayla, wrote me a Christmas card and inviting me to her B-Day party. I'm gonna have a hard time not crying on Thursday because I love them so much. I even taught them Chinese today, and showed some Jay Chou stuff. I can't believe my Curtain Call is Dec. 8th, but they know my voice, spirit, and heart are with them. I miss my kids and not just the 6th graders, but every kid that says hi to me in the hallway.
Flu Bug
I never realized at how excited I get to recieve late homework so my kids don't fail. Anyways, I made my debut, at the Y the last night with Cougie. V-ball was ok, until this guy drilled one straight down into this girl's cheek! Now, normally I'd be like "great hit" but this guy drilled it at her, Shelley, his team's setter! They are on the same freaking team and he drilled it straight into her jaw! He just decides to leave without apologizing while both teams check up on Shelley! What a freaking coward, to drill your own teammate who was supporting you to sideout, instead he takes her out of the game. I hope I get a chance to face him again, somewhere so I can avenge Shelley's hit. I mean some peeps say it was an accident, but seriously how many hitters have ever hit their own setter straight down on their face?
Speaking of returns, it looks like some peeps miss me at CBC. I really appreciate their phone calls, and IM's. Well only 1 and half days left of my undergrad/Mustang career. I miss my kids already, Samie even wrote me a letter today after school. She told me that she misses me already, and that she just wanted "to be the bomb student in my class." Kayla, wrote me a Christmas card and inviting me to her B-Day party. I'm gonna have a hard time not crying on Thursday because I love them so much. I even taught them Chinese today, and showed some Jay Chou stuff. I can't believe my Curtain Call is Dec. 8th, but they know my voice, spirit, and heart are with them. I miss my kids and not just the 6th graders, but every kid that says hi to me in the hallway.
Flu Bug
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Santa Shop - So it's been a week since I last did this, and I felt like I need a break from the Thanksgiving Break. Well not having a driver license really limited my driving radius. I was thankful for spending the time with my cuz and sis. I am thankful for winning some $ over break too. I'm thankful for Pass Kickerz now defending champs, woohoo 2-peat! Unfortunately, losing in the Finals at Dumar's sucked, but fun to go up against some great players.
Only 6 more days of student teaching, and looking back I feel like I actually learned or changed some things about myself. It's been wierd being isolated from everyone, but it really puts somethings into perspective. I guess, after this break I was kind of tired taking the initiative on things. Paul said we should always be in praise, for Him. We often don't give enough, and the recognition just ain't there. Gosh, we take advantage of Him so much and peeps miss out on other things. Kinda sad, I just gotta keep doing my thing I guess.
Only 6 more days of student teaching, and looking back I feel like I actually learned or changed some things about myself. It's been wierd being isolated from everyone, but it really puts somethings into perspective. I guess, after this break I was kind of tired taking the initiative on things. Paul said we should always be in praise, for Him. We often don't give enough, and the recognition just ain't there. Gosh, we take advantage of Him so much and peeps miss out on other things. Kinda sad, I just gotta keep doing my thing I guess.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Lincoln - Wow, did the other class take the Canada Lesson Plan I created and ran away with it! Ellen's group did everything possible but times 2 on everything, Katrina's group video recorded themselves doing an Alberta newscast, Brandon's group did powerpoint, and Johnny's group made a huge brochure for Ontario. Yes, I am a proud teach because these groups were the homerun hitters from both 6th grade classes.
So I bypassed going to WB V-ball, because I wanted to be sure I had everything for the weekend. I mean I don't have to go in on Wednesday :) However, I got a lil hazing over the phone because I guess my return is being anticipating from some of the peeps.
Ya know what's wierd is being in school dressing like GQ just because it's "professional" then when I'm outtie, it's all bout the jerseys, cut-offs, shorts, and bandanas for me. Finally, I can go a whole day to dress the way I wanna dress for this break, another thing to be thankful for :)
It's unfortunate that I could not make my debut at the Y. However, reading from the G-Men's blog, it looks like I need to and see how the comp is. I wanna meet this Brian guy too now, he seems like an intriguing fellow.
So I bypassed going to WB V-ball, because I wanted to be sure I had everything for the weekend. I mean I don't have to go in on Wednesday :) However, I got a lil hazing over the phone because I guess my return is being anticipating from some of the peeps.
Ya know what's wierd is being in school dressing like GQ just because it's "professional" then when I'm outtie, it's all bout the jerseys, cut-offs, shorts, and bandanas for me. Finally, I can go a whole day to dress the way I wanna dress for this break, another thing to be thankful for :)
It's unfortunate that I could not make my debut at the Y. However, reading from the G-Men's blog, it looks like I need to and see how the comp is. I wanna meet this Brian guy too now, he seems like an intriguing fellow.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
MNM - As Sunday ends, woohoo a shorten week! Or is it for me? Well, first off the CBC Pistons are off to a 2-0 start and we are the only undefeated team left in the league. It's wierd running into a lot of peeps that I know in the Twp or the U area. A lot of fans are now cheering against us since we blew out one team by 20 points last week. However, it was fun silencing the crowd tonight because I hit the game winning free throws. I don't hear those thunderstix now :)
I'm excited for Monday because my cuz, Derrick is coming back for the week. I'm looking forward to spending time with him.
Tuesday is gonna be sweet because I plan on making my return to W-B V-ball since my surgery.
Wednesday, my sis is coming back home and I need to pick her up. The last time I saw her was when we drove down to Charlotte which was back in May I think? However, after that I gotta go straight to Joe D's for playoff v-ball. I wanna get to the Finals to face Rambo Management! Not many can sense it, but the guys are just fooling around with the rest of the L. These guys have immense power levels that I haven't faced since the Warren Leagues.
Thursday, I wanna eat turkey with the family! Mmmmmm my mommy's turkey is so delicious! Then if I can, my late night ritual to decide if I will shop the next day. However I must cut down on the eating.
Friday, I need to cut down because of the U of M Dearborn Tournament on this day. Ya think a guy could lax over the break? Anyways, woohoo I get to wear my belt because Pass Kickerz are defending champs. I'm looking forward to facing the teams from Cleveland, and Windsor this time.
Well, that's my week that I foresee will happen. All I can ask for is 2 good days at school, and to finish my work and win the ultimate battle. Now time for some Sunday night football!
Double Chokeslam
I'm excited for Monday because my cuz, Derrick is coming back for the week. I'm looking forward to spending time with him.
Tuesday is gonna be sweet because I plan on making my return to W-B V-ball since my surgery.
Wednesday, my sis is coming back home and I need to pick her up. The last time I saw her was when we drove down to Charlotte which was back in May I think? However, after that I gotta go straight to Joe D's for playoff v-ball. I wanna get to the Finals to face Rambo Management! Not many can sense it, but the guys are just fooling around with the rest of the L. These guys have immense power levels that I haven't faced since the Warren Leagues.
Thursday, I wanna eat turkey with the family! Mmmmmm my mommy's turkey is so delicious! Then if I can, my late night ritual to decide if I will shop the next day. However I must cut down on the eating.
Friday, I need to cut down because of the U of M Dearborn Tournament on this day. Ya think a guy could lax over the break? Anyways, woohoo I get to wear my belt because Pass Kickerz are defending champs. I'm looking forward to facing the teams from Cleveland, and Windsor this time.
Well, that's my week that I foresee will happen. All I can ask for is 2 good days at school, and to finish my work and win the ultimate battle. Now time for some Sunday night football!
Double Chokeslam
Monday, November 14, 2005
Red Carpet - So reflecting back on what I was blogging about yesterday got me thinking. Am I really gonna let this student teaching thing suck the life out of me? I can say on one hand I have done an excellent job making it my top priority. On the other hand, I've made it such a top priority that my spiritual growth has hit a snag. Plus my usual workouts have really affected my play too. So, this week my goal is to finish out all sorts of planning for my tenure. On most days, I will stay at work until 8 p.m., how many teachers do you know that stay that late? I do this because it is pissing me off missing worship again just to grade papers, plan projects, make tests, etc.
I had this gut feeling on my way to Lifetime that I was going to run into someone from the Mustangs. I thought I saw Bridget (older sis of Shane-O), whom I just met at conferences who plays v-ball. However, I thought it was my imagination until Shane-O came up to me during warm-ups. Now I have a fan, and it's wierd knowing that one of my students is watching me play. The CBC Pistons are now 1-0 at Lifetime, but it sucks for me because man my conditioning sucked. My guy scored 8 straight points on me! For sure, I am going to get my lesson plans done this week so I can go back to working out and focusing on every aspect of my life.
What was funny too, was after the game I ran into one of the 2nd grade teachers at Mustangs. Someone hold me accountable to finishing what I want to finish by the end of this week. I want to give back to the community in the U, The Heights, and Twp.
RIP Eddie G. (67-05)
I had this gut feeling on my way to Lifetime that I was going to run into someone from the Mustangs. I thought I saw Bridget (older sis of Shane-O), whom I just met at conferences who plays v-ball. However, I thought it was my imagination until Shane-O came up to me during warm-ups. Now I have a fan, and it's wierd knowing that one of my students is watching me play. The CBC Pistons are now 1-0 at Lifetime, but it sucks for me because man my conditioning sucked. My guy scored 8 straight points on me! For sure, I am going to get my lesson plans done this week so I can go back to working out and focusing on every aspect of my life.
What was funny too, was after the game I ran into one of the 2nd grade teachers at Mustangs. Someone hold me accountable to finishing what I want to finish by the end of this week. I want to give back to the community in the U, The Heights, and Twp.
RIP Eddie G. (67-05)
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Snipers - Well, I notice this teaching thing is taking a lot out of me. Now I am stuck to like weekly updates, man if only the Mustangs used PC's. I had a good time with my class this past Friday and I can totally feel the love for me. They all want me to fail student teaching so I can be with them until the end of the school year. This is one of my weaknesses is growing so attached to them. Kayla, whom I love a lot and I feel bad that she does not have that role model at home. Her maturity in every way possible is way farther ahead of everyone else's. She wrote me a note asking me to make sure I come back in May for her birthday party. No doubt I will be there.
Christmas, Miss Canada, Hailey's Comet, Corky, and Da Brat all have their own websites. I've been surfing through each one all though they don't know yet. Well, maybe Christmas because she wrote me her website asking me to check it out. Anyways, it's cute and funny because they post all sorts of ya know girl gossip about crushes and all that. I'm thankful though because they each wrote about me being their favorite teacher. I wonder if I should break the news to them that I know their website?
Lastly, so there is only like less than 20 days left of this thing and I am still battling Teach and Ogre. I am doing my best to continue to remain faithful through my trials. So what is my plan of attack? I am gonna do the lesson plan book with the remainder of my tenure so that is one less thing I have to do!
Even in my times of sin, and negativity He continues to bless me. This past Friday, Corky's mom spoke to me about tutoring Corky and Chaz. This has been something I've been praying for, some way for me to stay connected to the school when I am done. I love them both, and it don't matter to me that they are not in my class but it is a start.
Christmas, Miss Canada, Hailey's Comet, Corky, and Da Brat all have their own websites. I've been surfing through each one all though they don't know yet. Well, maybe Christmas because she wrote me her website asking me to check it out. Anyways, it's cute and funny because they post all sorts of ya know girl gossip about crushes and all that. I'm thankful though because they each wrote about me being their favorite teacher. I wonder if I should break the news to them that I know their website?
Lastly, so there is only like less than 20 days left of this thing and I am still battling Teach and Ogre. I am doing my best to continue to remain faithful through my trials. So what is my plan of attack? I am gonna do the lesson plan book with the remainder of my tenure so that is one less thing I have to do!
Even in my times of sin, and negativity He continues to bless me. This past Friday, Corky's mom spoke to me about tutoring Corky and Chaz. This has been something I've been praying for, some way for me to stay connected to the school when I am done. I love them both, and it don't matter to me that they are not in my class but it is a start.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Freestyle - It's November now, and this is the downhill part of student teaching where everything goes by super quick. I'm sad because I won't get to see my kids everyday anymore. I'm happy because I don't have to see other peeps everyday anymore. I'm slacking because I got work to do for lesson plans but I'm obviously not doing it. I'm struggling with how my grade will turn out but I must remain faithful.
One thing is this though, it will be a big burden lifted off my shoulders once student teaching is over. Peeps complain about their 5 day working schedule, well try working 7 days then come see me. I work 7 days, doing 3 different jobs. 1 v-ball season is almost under wraps heading into the playoffs with the Stickx Warriors lockin down the 2 spot. However, come December it will be back to 4 v-ball leagues again :) and then this weekend is the Season opener for Lifetime B-ball. I'm looking forward to do it because it's new competition. I've lost my motivation at CBC because it's the same peeps over and over again. I miss playing against the trash talkin brothas. It's exciting though to think about being able to train my body at Lifetime too now.
One thing is this though, it will be a big burden lifted off my shoulders once student teaching is over. Peeps complain about their 5 day working schedule, well try working 7 days then come see me. I work 7 days, doing 3 different jobs. 1 v-ball season is almost under wraps heading into the playoffs with the Stickx Warriors lockin down the 2 spot. However, come December it will be back to 4 v-ball leagues again :) and then this weekend is the Season opener for Lifetime B-ball. I'm looking forward to do it because it's new competition. I've lost my motivation at CBC because it's the same peeps over and over again. I miss playing against the trash talkin brothas. It's exciting though to think about being able to train my body at Lifetime too now.
Sunday, October 30, 2005

Shane - By far the best dancer in 6th Grade. He will get recruited for football because he got skillz!
Anyways, Friday night we had the first annual Halloween 6th Grade Dance. I was there and like I believe dressin me up for so long, could only hide all that fake conservative crap that ain't me. So at the dance, the real me came out for the most part which seemed to separate me from others, good or bad I do not know? The kids were excited when I announced my song we be dancing too, which was Luda's Stand Up. My kids went crazy!
However, they ended in the night with Vitamin C's Graduation song and some of my kids were crying. It was because Shelby was moving in 2 weeks, and Kayla and Evette were crying so hard. Before Shelby left, she was still in tears and gave me a hug before she went off. I really care about my kids, and I'm becoming attached to them like Camp D.
Get It Poppin
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Want Ads - Help, I need some serious advice badly for those in the working world or teaching profession. I just want to scream what has been happenning to me as of late. Everything that has to do with my student teaching, is killing me and pissin me off. It sucks so much that it caused me to miss worship this morning. I keep askin Him for patience, wisdom, and love through my situation. So I stayed until 11 p.m. on Thursday night at school to grade/check papers so my half of the Progress Reports looks nice and complete.
Friday morning, Teach looked at it and wondered why there are a bunch of holes in a lot of our kid's grades. I explained to him, any holes that are there are from his stack of papers that he has not touched for the past 2 weeks while I am constantly up to date on things. As the day came to an end, Progress Reports were passed out and I noticed all my work that I did Thursday night did not appear on the Progress Reports. After Teach left, I scanned the computer to see what happened to all my grades that I entered. I was shocked to see that he deleted all my grades because he did not fill in his half of the grades! However, I kept wondering what he did with his stack of papers then? As I was packing up to leave, I noticed that he stuck all his stack of papers into my stack so now I have to check/grade his crap from the last 2 weeks! Did I just get screwed or what?
Worst thing is, that I cannot even report this to my Supervisor because everything I say is an excuse to her. She does not believe in anything that I say which is why I call her The Ogre. For example, I tell her how long I stay after school hoping that she sees how dedicated I am in putting extra work in. She says by me staying after school that late means I do not do a good job using my time during school hours. What the GG is that crap about? It's a constant battle right now, and I am in a no win situation. I have to believe that He is in control of things, but it is denting my shield of faith to know that those deciding on my graduation are Teach and The Ogre. Only 31 more days of this abuse, but I'm afraid to leave my kids.
Friday morning, Teach looked at it and wondered why there are a bunch of holes in a lot of our kid's grades. I explained to him, any holes that are there are from his stack of papers that he has not touched for the past 2 weeks while I am constantly up to date on things. As the day came to an end, Progress Reports were passed out and I noticed all my work that I did Thursday night did not appear on the Progress Reports. After Teach left, I scanned the computer to see what happened to all my grades that I entered. I was shocked to see that he deleted all my grades because he did not fill in his half of the grades! However, I kept wondering what he did with his stack of papers then? As I was packing up to leave, I noticed that he stuck all his stack of papers into my stack so now I have to check/grade his crap from the last 2 weeks! Did I just get screwed or what?
Worst thing is, that I cannot even report this to my Supervisor because everything I say is an excuse to her. She does not believe in anything that I say which is why I call her The Ogre. For example, I tell her how long I stay after school hoping that she sees how dedicated I am in putting extra work in. She says by me staying after school that late means I do not do a good job using my time during school hours. What the GG is that crap about? It's a constant battle right now, and I am in a no win situation. I have to believe that He is in control of things, but it is denting my shield of faith to know that those deciding on my graduation are Teach and The Ogre. Only 31 more days of this abuse, but I'm afraid to leave my kids.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Spadafore - Wow how long has it been since I last updated? I could say this teaching thing is taking the life out of me, but it's not it. I think it's a combo of things, playing in b-ball, v-ball, and football leagues ain't exactly helping. So my graduation continues to be in jeoparody due to either The Ogre or Lamb screwing me in the end. I'm so thankful for the support staff I have there, especially my close Stevenson connections.
Tonight, Julie, and Chris went out to dinner at Chili's. It's ironic because Julie used to be the Titans Music teacher, while Chris was the counselor there, and then me, the student there! They kept encouraging me that I need to swallow my pride in order for me to defeat The Ogre. Julie said " The first thing I notice about you, is your heart" when she is comparing me to the other student teachers. I just keep getting caught at the worst times by C.A.P.
What can get worst, but to have my phone not working anymore. I feel so disconnected even more now without a communication device. I was actually considering writing peeps letters like the old days. Oh well that thought only lasted so long as I am waiting for my RAZR V3 in the mail now.
Tonight, Julie, and Chris went out to dinner at Chili's. It's ironic because Julie used to be the Titans Music teacher, while Chris was the counselor there, and then me, the student there! They kept encouraging me that I need to swallow my pride in order for me to defeat The Ogre. Julie said " The first thing I notice about you, is your heart" when she is comparing me to the other student teachers. I just keep getting caught at the worst times by C.A.P.
What can get worst, but to have my phone not working anymore. I feel so disconnected even more now without a communication device. I was actually considering writing peeps letters like the old days. Oh well that thought only lasted so long as I am waiting for my RAZR V3 in the mail now.
Monday, October 10, 2005
Truck Stick - Well it's like almost 3 a.m. so I might as well do something. Well I'm thinkin that maybe it was not the greatest idea to say that I can work on Sundays. I didn't think I had to ref football and b-ball games for 5 hours straight. I had fun with the IM Staff because I don't see them as regularly now. However, I missed out on the Lions game, New Heart Worship, Sunday School, peeps who came home to visit, and seeing my Jr. Church kids. Yes, I get paid for the work I do but that time lost is time gone away from work I need to do asap!
Plus, the kids cracked me up as they told me about their dreams about me leaving. All you could hear was Alicia shouting "He's back!" and I got Abby telling me she called me last night, while the rest ran and hugged me. MeiMei kept telling me not to leave them again, and Hannah keeps asking me about when I am teaching again.
The clock keeps ticking and now we're having a Madden '06 party at my house. A bunch of my cousin's friends are over and we've been playin Madden for 5 hours straight so far. I think it will be an all niter for me as we plan on playin some other video games. Man I hope I have the energy to get me through the Monday work day.
Plus, the kids cracked me up as they told me about their dreams about me leaving. All you could hear was Alicia shouting "He's back!" and I got Abby telling me she called me last night, while the rest ran and hugged me. MeiMei kept telling me not to leave them again, and Hannah keeps asking me about when I am teaching again.
The clock keeps ticking and now we're having a Madden '06 party at my house. A bunch of my cousin's friends are over and we've been playin Madden for 5 hours straight so far. I think it will be an all niter for me as we plan on playin some other video games. Man I hope I have the energy to get me through the Monday work day.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Red - What does it mean to be a professional? I remember this past summer getting constantly yelled at for the things I do for the kids. I always try to go out of the way for some of them that I know and whom I have a relationship with the parents. However, now that I am in a school building where I can't always be as Stone Cold as I want to be, it gets harder. I am starting to learn that a lot of my kids come from low income families. I mean, this is The Heights, and The U we are talkin bout here. So here is the story I got about my Shorty from a parent today.
There is this Halloween Party at the end of October, which costs $5 for each student. Shorty is not going and a lot of the parents would like her to come since she is on Student Counsel. I was told at last year's party, she paid in all change and the theory is that she probably broke open a piggy bank just to go. I walked her out the door today because she lives across the street. She is one of my favs because she is not an all A student, more of a B-C student. However, it is her effort, respect, and responsibility that sticks out to me. She is always the last one to leave my room because she wants to help me get the floors clean for the janitor. She is always thinking of others first.
I feel restricted about what I want to do for my students if I stay in the public school system. I remember talking to a Christian private school system, and I like that a lil better because of the relationships built there. I just want to be somewhere where I can give all that I can to my students, and not have to worry about certain BS. It's like I try to do things with the best of intentions yet it gets twisted and backfires. It's wierd, I have like 2 months left of my OU undergrad year it seems like.
There is this Halloween Party at the end of October, which costs $5 for each student. Shorty is not going and a lot of the parents would like her to come since she is on Student Counsel. I was told at last year's party, she paid in all change and the theory is that she probably broke open a piggy bank just to go. I walked her out the door today because she lives across the street. She is one of my favs because she is not an all A student, more of a B-C student. However, it is her effort, respect, and responsibility that sticks out to me. She is always the last one to leave my room because she wants to help me get the floors clean for the janitor. She is always thinking of others first.
I feel restricted about what I want to do for my students if I stay in the public school system. I remember talking to a Christian private school system, and I like that a lil better because of the relationships built there. I just want to be somewhere where I can give all that I can to my students, and not have to worry about certain BS. It's like I try to do things with the best of intentions yet it gets twisted and backfires. It's wierd, I have like 2 months left of my OU undergrad year it seems like.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Wheaton - There's this girl, Amanda in my class. She is Emotionally Impaired (EI) and she goes down to the Learning Center for every subject but Social Studies. She's a sweetie and I can sense what she does not get at home. She is a follower, and has low self-esteem who does not care for school. Her role model is her older sis, which isn't sayin much. Amanda acts and is actually a lot more mature physically and mentally of what goes on in her head and how she dresses. She often comes to school an hour late because she always oversleeps for school. Something happened to her house yesterday from what I heard today. Against the wishes of some peeps, before my Dumar's v-ball game, I drove past Amanda's house.
What I saw was true, her garage was burned completely down. The whole thing was in flames, and now her property has the Police tapes around it. The cause of the fire has yet to be determined, but sources say it was her older bro who is a pyro maniac. I wish there was more I could do for her. I played my heart out at tonight's game for her.
Lastly, I've been watching SchoolHouse Rock tapes to prepare for some lesson plans. I just found out I have to ref on Sunday. Man that means I am workin 7 days a week now, blah.
What I saw was true, her garage was burned completely down. The whole thing was in flames, and now her property has the Police tapes around it. The cause of the fire has yet to be determined, but sources say it was her older bro who is a pyro maniac. I wish there was more I could do for her. I played my heart out at tonight's game for her.
Lastly, I've been watching SchoolHouse Rock tapes to prepare for some lesson plans. I just found out I have to ref on Sunday. Man that means I am workin 7 days a week now, blah.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Anarchy - Dang it, I was all set to do my homework for the night. However, I am expectin a visit in less than an hour now from my Uncle from Cali. Kind of excited because we're all going to MGM then to Golden Harvest for eats at midnight. Plus I get to a Navigator throughout the D, I can't wait to test drive the crap out of this car.
Today we had a half day, while the teachers watched a video regarding the future of UCS. Apparently, in 2006-2007 many UCS teachers will be getting laid off to due lack of funding to the board of education. All of us student teachers were discussing how competitive it is already trying to find a job. We've been observing just how all the subs been fighting over each other trying to land a job. It is almost like QB's fighting for that 1 starting position, where in the lockers they are friends, but only one of them will get the job. Where does this lead to some of us student teachers, well some of us we're talkin bout movin South to get a job. Everyone was amazed at my composure because I ain't worried about it.
My reason is this, I ain't leavin to find a job unless I truly feel He is calling me to. I have faith He will find a job for me in the UCS district or in another district that I like such as Rochester, Troy, Chip-Valley, or Romeo. Lastly, except for my first couple of years being the Bad Boy in the Warren-Con schools, I grew up in the UCS and this is where The Kid wants to stay.
What's up with this week's Time magazine? They have a gay guy gracing the cover, no homos man.
Today we had a half day, while the teachers watched a video regarding the future of UCS. Apparently, in 2006-2007 many UCS teachers will be getting laid off to due lack of funding to the board of education. All of us student teachers were discussing how competitive it is already trying to find a job. We've been observing just how all the subs been fighting over each other trying to land a job. It is almost like QB's fighting for that 1 starting position, where in the lockers they are friends, but only one of them will get the job. Where does this lead to some of us student teachers, well some of us we're talkin bout movin South to get a job. Everyone was amazed at my composure because I ain't worried about it.
My reason is this, I ain't leavin to find a job unless I truly feel He is calling me to. I have faith He will find a job for me in the UCS district or in another district that I like such as Rochester, Troy, Chip-Valley, or Romeo. Lastly, except for my first couple of years being the Bad Boy in the Warren-Con schools, I grew up in the UCS and this is where The Kid wants to stay.
What's up with this week's Time magazine? They have a gay guy gracing the cover, no homos man.
Monday, October 03, 2005
Homecoming - Finally, it is done! A big weight off of my shoulders and one least thing that I need to do. I have finally finished all of Camp D CD's for 2K5. I am getting closer to getting all caught up with this student teaching gig. I've already stopped doing the Berkley scouting gig because it wasn't worth it anymore. I am interested in going to some of my alma mater's football games though, Davis Raiders baby! I've also been called for jury duty too, and I never knew they pay you to do it. The 1st day is $25, then each additional day is $40! Plus they pay for me gas too, this is too cool. I'm getting closer to getting all caught up with paper work. Things have started to work itself to a slower pace for me to catch up.
Who knows what is in store for me at Magahay, but I ask Him every morning to bless me with a good. I ask Him in the afternoon to give me the energy, patience, wisdom, and humility. I ask Him in the evening, to help me understand and remind me that all things happen for a reason and to trust Him that things are in His control and power, and not of my own.
Who knows what is in store for me at Magahay, but I ask Him every morning to bless me with a good. I ask Him in the afternoon to give me the energy, patience, wisdom, and humility. I ask Him in the evening, to help me understand and remind me that all things happen for a reason and to trust Him that things are in His control and power, and not of my own.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Med Techs - What an eventful day it was! Everyday I wake up, my goal is to always learn something new. I only had to work at Magahay for a half day as I had to go to the UCS building to apply for my UCS Badge. So there were about 20 student teachers for the meeting, and the ladies who ran the meeting Barb and Kathy kept picking on me. So being the goof that I am, I kept the meeting entertaining. I got finger printed and then I had to go get drug tested.
So there we were, Danielle, Sue, Ashley, and me waiting to do our drug test. Now I never got one before so I have no clue what goes on. Sue got called in then Danielle followed, however Danielle was finished faster than Sue. How is that possible? Danielle told me that, Sue could not pee which is why she has to wait. I was freakin out in front of the whole Clinic with patients watchin me and Ashley and Danielle laughing at me. I did not know we had to pee for a drug test! I thought they like extracted blood from me or something. So I am like frick, because I just went pee pee like 10 minutes ago. How am I suppose to go again?
So I quickly drank my large Jimmy John's Coke, so I can fill my bladder. They finally called me up and made a mark where I had to fill the cup. Dude, it was quite intimidating to make this mark, but I was determined. So I pee-d like no other, then a thought hit me. How do girls ya know get their urine in the cup? I kept asking Sue, and Ashley but they passed on answering. Yup, a disgusting entry, but oh well no one reads this anyways and I just like to express my thought of the day. Man, I should ask JW about this urine question. I do not know how he touches that stuff.
So there we were, Danielle, Sue, Ashley, and me waiting to do our drug test. Now I never got one before so I have no clue what goes on. Sue got called in then Danielle followed, however Danielle was finished faster than Sue. How is that possible? Danielle told me that, Sue could not pee which is why she has to wait. I was freakin out in front of the whole Clinic with patients watchin me and Ashley and Danielle laughing at me. I did not know we had to pee for a drug test! I thought they like extracted blood from me or something. So I am like frick, because I just went pee pee like 10 minutes ago. How am I suppose to go again?
So I quickly drank my large Jimmy John's Coke, so I can fill my bladder. They finally called me up and made a mark where I had to fill the cup. Dude, it was quite intimidating to make this mark, but I was determined. So I pee-d like no other, then a thought hit me. How do girls ya know get their urine in the cup? I kept asking Sue, and Ashley but they passed on answering. Yup, a disgusting entry, but oh well no one reads this anyways and I just like to express my thought of the day. Man, I should ask JW about this urine question. I do not know how he touches that stuff.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Meet My Magahay Kids!
Da Brat (Brittany), Miss Canada (Thea), and Pfieffer (Brandon)
Saturn - Man, I had a nice little entry last night, but it would not let me post. My PS2 is broken too :( I feel like a drug addict who needs his fix of PS2 action, so sad. I'll probably buy another one very soon, yup I'm pathetic. I figure it is His way of telling me to stop getting side track of playing video games.
So I guess it's a tradition thing now, after our Dumar's game we head out to the bar. It's been fun catchin up with the Cushman sisters. Like I said before, they are still some of the top female ballerz that I've played against. Ever since last week, I've been going through my Titans yearbook to see what's up. I even talked to my boy, KG for like an hour catching up. Gosh, he would use to leave school early for Co-Op, and I'd just skip class and constantly go to his house.
Then I was walkin around OU today and passed by the newspaper, The OU Post. My friend, Lindsey T was on front page! She was just crowned 2K5 Miss Oakland County and will be competing next year for Miss Michigan. Gosh, I remember being honored in high school when she asked me to be her date for a banquet. I think that was the first time ever, I dressed up. We use to run into each other from time to time on campus too. I called her to personally congratulate her, and she's like MJ (Mary Jane) right now. She's in a lot of shows for theatre, but it looks like we'll be hanging out after her shows are done. I missed hanging out with her because she's such a sweetie. I hope I get to see the crown!
Lady Knights - Man even when it comes to student teaching, I just procrastinate. Yes, part of it is me to blame. On the flipside it would be nice if Lamchops actually did his own work, and made his own lesson plans instead of always using mine. Like today, I was so focused on setting some time to catch up on my paper work for OU. Here are my reasons for procrastination for today:
1) Nope, after work at Magahay I decided to check more papers instead of writing my own.
2) Ok, go early to B-Ham Seaholm to do work then scout their team. Instead, I get there so early that the coach let me ball with his JV girls. I had fun doing some tricks for the crowd and playin around.
3) Ok, now my plan was go to OU early for our IM training and do work before that starts. Instead, I found myself playing v-ball @ The Rec for 2 hours before our staff training.
Ahhhhh I get so sidetrack so I can have more fun with b-ball and v-ball. Now I'm stuck pullin an all niter to do all this paperwork.
1) Nope, after work at Magahay I decided to check more papers instead of writing my own.
2) Ok, go early to B-Ham Seaholm to do work then scout their team. Instead, I get there so early that the coach let me ball with his JV girls. I had fun doing some tricks for the crowd and playin around.
3) Ok, now my plan was go to OU early for our IM training and do work before that starts. Instead, I found myself playing v-ball @ The Rec for 2 hours before our staff training.
Ahhhhh I get so sidetrack so I can have more fun with b-ball and v-ball. Now I'm stuck pullin an all niter to do all this paperwork.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Hollywood - Again, this teaching thing is a lot more time consuming than I am used to. It's like every time I think I am all caught up, nope there is more work to be done. So I guess that is the bad part about being with Lamchops is because I do everything and he never helps out. He does the I am in at 8:15 and out the door by 3:25 thing. While I'm there from 8 - 5 on average. On the other hand, Friday was the bomb because I was in control of both 6th grade classes since both teachers faked their illness to have a sub.
This morning, I went back to Alliance to worship. It was cool because I got to join them for communion too. It has been over a month now too, and I finally got to see Daniel and my Court Jester back from China. Actually, I saw a lot of my kids and all you could hear was my name yelled out in the hallways. Silly Lily's mom actually asked me if I could help out at Alliance in terms of Sunday School teaching. I kept thinkin back about CCUC's sermon and so I offered to help every now and then if they needed me too. All my peeps were talkin Pokemon though, and the parents told me how I got them addicted to it :) Man I miss playin Pokemon now :(
Anyways, lately I feel like I got this celeb status on me every where I go especially around the Twp, the Heights, and the U. I feel like just short of signing autographs now and just sayin hi to everyone. Even Dumars, parents were talkin to me to possibly help out IKE Varsity V-ball, which would be pretty cool. I don't get it, at Magahay a lot of the teachers do not like talkin to parents. While I'm on the other hand because I want parents to know where I am coming from and anything I can do to help their kid. Anyways, I'm blessed to know so many peeps and I'm a slacker for today. Ugh, so much work to do so I guess I'll get a slurpee and get back to the Chiefs vs. Raiders.
Wow, I just learned being gone for 3 weeks from CBC and some of my lil peeps miss me. I'll be back and I hope they know it in their hearts.
This morning, I went back to Alliance to worship. It was cool because I got to join them for communion too. It has been over a month now too, and I finally got to see Daniel and my Court Jester back from China. Actually, I saw a lot of my kids and all you could hear was my name yelled out in the hallways. Silly Lily's mom actually asked me if I could help out at Alliance in terms of Sunday School teaching. I kept thinkin back about CCUC's sermon and so I offered to help every now and then if they needed me too. All my peeps were talkin Pokemon though, and the parents told me how I got them addicted to it :) Man I miss playin Pokemon now :(
Anyways, lately I feel like I got this celeb status on me every where I go especially around the Twp, the Heights, and the U. I feel like just short of signing autographs now and just sayin hi to everyone. Even Dumars, parents were talkin to me to possibly help out IKE Varsity V-ball, which would be pretty cool. I don't get it, at Magahay a lot of the teachers do not like talkin to parents. While I'm on the other hand because I want parents to know where I am coming from and anything I can do to help their kid. Anyways, I'm blessed to know so many peeps and I'm a slacker for today. Ugh, so much work to do so I guess I'll get a slurpee and get back to the Chiefs vs. Raiders.
Wow, I just learned being gone for 3 weeks from CBC and some of my lil peeps miss me. I'll be back and I hope they know it in their hearts.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Bears - Ya know some peeps say yeah teachin is easy because we got breaks and summer vacation. I've been pulling some insane hours and especially today, I worked from 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. at Magahay. I mean I don't even get paid for this, but more or less payin OU to finish off this semester.However, there's been whispers from many others students, teachers, and parents. I guess they have noticed how dedicated I am to doing this and how much I care. Even the principal, stopped me in the hallway just to conversate with me for a little bit and asking me for my opinion bout certain meetings. Like I keep tellin everyone, I don't need to kiss booty like many others because I just do what I do. I've gotten this far without kissin anyone's butt.
So after work, I rushed straight to The Rink for the Magahay Skating Party. I saw 2 of my favorite gals, Katerri aka Shorty and Kristen. Katerri has some Japanese in her, but she is a mix of everything. But she is so cute and short, I always use her head as my arm rest. While Kristen is taller, and a cutie too but I love her work ethic. She continously strives to do well, and I am always willing to help her. It just pissed me off today when Lamchops yelled at her!
If it wasn't for the fact that I am doing this for graduation, I would of stood up to him. If I was an official staff member, I could careless bout gettin fired. How he yelled at her was not right at all. Lamchops wanted Kristen to make a poster for his girls JV team for tonight's game during recess. However, Kristen was struggling with math so she stayed inside for recess since I was not going out. I tutored her on math during recess because she asked for help. After recess, Lamchops comes in shouting at her for not finishing his poster. Since when did was Kristen's job to make posters over her education take a higher priority?
I believe in my heart that the class respects me more because of what I do and do not do. I can sense Lamchops is getting worried because the kids continue to ask me for help while no one sees him. As soon as I got to The Rink, Kristen and Shorty came running to hug me which meant a lot. Kristen keeps askin me to give her a nickname too, which I need to think of one. I even gave them permission to call me by my first name outside of school now. Again, I'm thankful for His power to change my heart and bless me with such an awesome class.
The Relic
So after work, I rushed straight to The Rink for the Magahay Skating Party. I saw 2 of my favorite gals, Katerri aka Shorty and Kristen. Katerri has some Japanese in her, but she is a mix of everything. But she is so cute and short, I always use her head as my arm rest. While Kristen is taller, and a cutie too but I love her work ethic. She continously strives to do well, and I am always willing to help her. It just pissed me off today when Lamchops yelled at her!
If it wasn't for the fact that I am doing this for graduation, I would of stood up to him. If I was an official staff member, I could careless bout gettin fired. How he yelled at her was not right at all. Lamchops wanted Kristen to make a poster for his girls JV team for tonight's game during recess. However, Kristen was struggling with math so she stayed inside for recess since I was not going out. I tutored her on math during recess because she asked for help. After recess, Lamchops comes in shouting at her for not finishing his poster. Since when did was Kristen's job to make posters over her education take a higher priority?
I believe in my heart that the class respects me more because of what I do and do not do. I can sense Lamchops is getting worried because the kids continue to ask me for help while no one sees him. As soon as I got to The Rink, Kristen and Shorty came running to hug me which meant a lot. Kristen keeps askin me to give her a nickname too, which I need to think of one. I even gave them permission to call me by my first name outside of school now. Again, I'm thankful for His power to change my heart and bless me with such an awesome class.
The Relic
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Psylocke - Eh, I figured I might as well shoot out a quick entry before I take a nap. Gosh I am so behind in the paper work for school. On the flip side, I am ahead of my lesson plans though. Anyways back to what I was thinkin bout with this past Sunday's KUMC worship. The last time I went to worship at KUMC had to be bout over a year ago. I remember I did not enjoy the message too much because their wasn't too much biblical teaching nor support through the message. What frustrates me is how on the flipside people enjoy hearing those types of messages. It's like dude the Bible, it's The Truth, but peeps often prefer those nursey rhymes type of deals. Which is why I hate it when peeps knock on CBC's messages.
Anyways, back to T-Hope's worship the blessing was hearing Cass Community Ambassador's sharing their testimonies. A lot of these guys came from being drug addicts, and homeless growin up in the D. Now, you can tell God is in control of their lives and just their passion to sing for God. However, T-Hope happen to have a guest speaker for this Sunday's worship. The speaker is the leader of CCA, Rev. Faith Fowler, yes a woman. Once she started preachin, I was already irked I mean 1 Timothy or was I the only one to catch that? Then she misread the passage, I just wanted to stand up and correct her bout Matt. 25 that sheep are on the right and goats are on the left, not vice versa. Her message was disappointing too because it seemed like she does not have too much hope/faith in what she is saying. It seemed like she was asking everyone to do just a lil but not put in 100% full effort.
Lastly, this had to be by far the shortest message for me because it lasted probably 10 minutes if even that. I mean she read the verse, then transformed to Mother Goose by spitting out human analogies and her own stories for her sermon. I was so close to just standing up and tryin to check the integrity of this message. It seemed like everyone enjoyed the fairy tales she had to spit out. I felt like I was sittin and listening to a Joyce Meyers wanna be at the pulpit. He knows her heart, but is it just me or something ain't right here?
Anyways, back to T-Hope's worship the blessing was hearing Cass Community Ambassador's sharing their testimonies. A lot of these guys came from being drug addicts, and homeless growin up in the D. Now, you can tell God is in control of their lives and just their passion to sing for God. However, T-Hope happen to have a guest speaker for this Sunday's worship. The speaker is the leader of CCA, Rev. Faith Fowler, yes a woman. Once she started preachin, I was already irked I mean 1 Timothy or was I the only one to catch that? Then she misread the passage, I just wanted to stand up and correct her bout Matt. 25 that sheep are on the right and goats are on the left, not vice versa. Her message was disappointing too because it seemed like she does not have too much hope/faith in what she is saying. It seemed like she was asking everyone to do just a lil but not put in 100% full effort.
Lastly, this had to be by far the shortest message for me because it lasted probably 10 minutes if even that. I mean she read the verse, then transformed to Mother Goose by spitting out human analogies and her own stories for her sermon. I was so close to just standing up and tryin to check the integrity of this message. It seemed like everyone enjoyed the fairy tales she had to spit out. I felt like I was sittin and listening to a Joyce Meyers wanna be at the pulpit. He knows her heart, but is it just me or something ain't right here?
Monday, September 12, 2005

Pass Kickerz - Family Day? The Rattlesnake, Howie, Stan, Rick, Billy, and Mike. 2K5 Champs representin. 1st place is where it's at!
The Lions are now in 1st place too in the NFC North! My first game was exciting because it was the home opener. As Carl and I were walkin to Ford Field, we stood at a red light. I looked to my left and next thing ya know, Tayshaun Prince was in his car, face to face with me on the sidewalk! Towards the end of the 3rd quarter, Tayshaun walked right by me at my seat too! The only suck thing bout the Lions game was hearing all the stupid Lions fans makin fun of the Packers fans. That really pissed me off seeing fans of the game get made fun of for their opinion. Now all I need to do is go to a Red Wings game then I'll be set. So far I don't know which one I enjoy going to more Tigers, Lions, or Pistons?
My next entry shall be bout T-Hope's worship because I felt like I was gonna bust my own sermon up there. Too much Joyce Meyers preaching and I just can't believe it continues.
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Big Easy - I've been praying hard for those in New Orleans and the Gulf Coast. At Magahay, we are doing a fund raiser to help with the Hurricane Katrina victims. So I have decided that I was gonna donate next week after the Michigan V-ball Tournament. My plan is to donate a $1 for each kill I get this weekend, technically the fund raiser wants change but I'm sure they'll make exceptions. I'll probably sport some sort of tat for New Orleans and the 9-11 victims on Saturday.
I was able to also take a leave of absence from my Rec Center IM job so I can focus on finishing up student teaching. Although I'm not really taking any days off, but I just won't be as available. G and Dre were speakin with me today, to make sure I meet all 15 new staff members. I'm one of the more experienced staff so I need to lead the IM staff so that we can have another great semester. Woohoo, I also got the new OU IM b-ball shorts to sport when I have to ref. It turns out some peeps were mad because I had probs going with the dress code in always wearing black shorts :) What can I say, it didn't match my jersey that day.
Man I need to stop procrastinating on my student teaching paper work. I'm already a week behind everyone else :( Oh well at least I turned in my grad papers today :( Then again, at the seminar I was goofin off like it was class once again, all 140 student teachers knew who it was causing the laughters. I tell ya some of these seminars are like common sense for teachers.
I was able to also take a leave of absence from my Rec Center IM job so I can focus on finishing up student teaching. Although I'm not really taking any days off, but I just won't be as available. G and Dre were speakin with me today, to make sure I meet all 15 new staff members. I'm one of the more experienced staff so I need to lead the IM staff so that we can have another great semester. Woohoo, I also got the new OU IM b-ball shorts to sport when I have to ref. It turns out some peeps were mad because I had probs going with the dress code in always wearing black shorts :) What can I say, it didn't match my jersey that day.
Man I need to stop procrastinating on my student teaching paper work. I'm already a week behind everyone else :( Oh well at least I turned in my grad papers today :( Then again, at the seminar I was goofin off like it was class once again, all 140 student teachers knew who it was causing the laughters. I tell ya some of these seminars are like common sense for teachers.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Bud Lite - Wow, student teaching has really sucked a lot of time from me. Ya know, I've been praying really hard to Him to change my heart bout Magahay. I can feel my heart softening already because I really love my kids. I still have some knuckleheads but they are much better listeners than last year. I keep wanting to think it is because I have set the atmosphere in the classroom vs. last year when I came in halfway. Tonight was Open House, and each staff member got introduced. I was the only student teacher from the group whom the principal knew by first and last name. This was a shocker because I still believe she don't care too much bout us.
I was at Magahay from 8:15 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. today, who said teachers have it easy? Afterwards, Darrin our 1st grade teacher whom I love chatting with, threw out the idea of going to the bar to relax. So Ashley and I went to represent the student teachers with the rest of the staff. It was kind of intimidating for me because I had to sit across from the principal. After a while, it was all fun and games and I could be myself. My principal kept buying everyone all shots, and tryin to get me to drink my 3 shots. But I continued to pass it off to Darin and it was cool though because she kept callin me by my first name. So it was actually fun, going out with some of the staff and having some laughs. I mean we were at the bar for 2 hours just chilling and I just feel more comfy with the Magahay staff. Of course, Lamchops was not there so maybe I have been isolated this whole time? maybe not?
I'm really starting to like teaching at Magahay, and the guys love it when I play football with them. Shane came up to me and told me it's nice havin a QB who can throw the long ball vs. Lamchops dump offs. So far so good at Magahay, and Praise Him for softening my heart. I also just got hired for another job too! He continues to bless me with so many opportunities that I love doing! I am not getting paid to scout Girls JV games for Berkley High School, which I love doing for myself anyways. I also got offered a job to coach 9th grade b-ball but I turned that down. I also spoke with Suga Mama today was a sub at Magahay today which was pretty cool!
I was at Magahay from 8:15 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. today, who said teachers have it easy? Afterwards, Darrin our 1st grade teacher whom I love chatting with, threw out the idea of going to the bar to relax. So Ashley and I went to represent the student teachers with the rest of the staff. It was kind of intimidating for me because I had to sit across from the principal. After a while, it was all fun and games and I could be myself. My principal kept buying everyone all shots, and tryin to get me to drink my 3 shots. But I continued to pass it off to Darin and it was cool though because she kept callin me by my first name. So it was actually fun, going out with some of the staff and having some laughs. I mean we were at the bar for 2 hours just chilling and I just feel more comfy with the Magahay staff. Of course, Lamchops was not there so maybe I have been isolated this whole time? maybe not?
I'm really starting to like teaching at Magahay, and the guys love it when I play football with them. Shane came up to me and told me it's nice havin a QB who can throw the long ball vs. Lamchops dump offs. So far so good at Magahay, and Praise Him for softening my heart. I also just got hired for another job too! He continues to bless me with so many opportunities that I love doing! I am not getting paid to scout Girls JV games for Berkley High School, which I love doing for myself anyways. I also got offered a job to coach 9th grade b-ball but I turned that down. I also spoke with Suga Mama today was a sub at Magahay today which was pretty cool!
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Lowery's - Well it has been a while since I have updated. I guess things have been so hectic this past week, I mean getting ready for CCUC and finally the last semester of my undergrad life at OU. Who would of thought student teaching could take so much time to prepare? I mean remember at the beginning of like March I was dreading this school? Well I still am, but I really love my kids so far. They all listen and respect me up to this point and have followed the system that I have set up so far. I've got a couple of kids who have caught my attention such as Shane, Kayla, Katerri, Evette, Brian, Thea, Brittany, and Yogi.
Then there was CCUC, it felt good arriving butt early this year. Although, because of my procrastination I missed out on some things. Our hotel was awesome, and the service was great to me. Then again, security had to talk to me because RM 464 was too loud for the entire hall. Of course it has to be my room, with everyone in there chillin before Game Day.
Then came Saturday of the tournament, I mean we got 3rd place which sucked. But the fellowship and reuniting with old friends, was great. Actually the best part bout Saturday was playin against the STL Upper Guys vs. BeanTown's B team and The Kid. I really wanna play v-ball next year, and challenge myself to see if I can be one of the top guns in the Men's Division. Who would of thunk it, Cecilia's brother in law's got game? Man I really want to play against him, he's got great fundamentals.
Sunday worship, was off the hook with the return of Pastor Moy. I still have all of his notes I beleive for each year that I've been saved. His message only reinforced what I've been feelin God has been callin me to do with the next couple of months. Before CCUC weekend, I wasn't sure if I was confident to do what I want to do, but now I know on Sunday that He was speaking to me again. Pastor Moy was so passionate and emotional bout his message, you could just sense it in your heart that the Holy Spirit was speaking through him. The tears down his eyes were real too.
Then came Gerald and Viv's reception, and I spoke with each one personally before I left. Gerald has always been a caring brother, and ya know he cares. He is just one of those rare guys that shows that side through pure genuine-ness if that is a word. Viv and I, our friendship is amazing and I thank God for this blessing. I'll never forget the first impression we made on each other, but look at us now. I miss those days, going down to A2 with her to chill. As everyone else said it, they do compliment each other great if you know each one of them. May God continue to bless the both of them in the new start of their lives.
Lastly, shout to Benny Boo and Jilly Jill for hanging out with me. I pray that Jill does get better in her time of illness as well as Elder Hsu. Finally to my Legend Killer, Emoy thanks again for breakfast. Egg Harbor was delicious and off the hook for some eggs. We even stayed after to help a lady in an accident. This Beretta clown did a hit and run on her, so we stayed to help out in any way we could. I hope justice will be served to those Beretta jerks. I miss Chicago, and I know the secrets to the other Joy Yee's location thanks to Juice. There are so many things I can say about this weekend. A lot of frustrations leading up to this weekend, and even during the weekend. In the end, it is the memories that will stay with me and they are of course to me humorous and unforgettable.
Then there was CCUC, it felt good arriving butt early this year. Although, because of my procrastination I missed out on some things. Our hotel was awesome, and the service was great to me. Then again, security had to talk to me because RM 464 was too loud for the entire hall. Of course it has to be my room, with everyone in there chillin before Game Day.
Then came Saturday of the tournament, I mean we got 3rd place which sucked. But the fellowship and reuniting with old friends, was great. Actually the best part bout Saturday was playin against the STL Upper Guys vs. BeanTown's B team and The Kid. I really wanna play v-ball next year, and challenge myself to see if I can be one of the top guns in the Men's Division. Who would of thunk it, Cecilia's brother in law's got game? Man I really want to play against him, he's got great fundamentals.
Sunday worship, was off the hook with the return of Pastor Moy. I still have all of his notes I beleive for each year that I've been saved. His message only reinforced what I've been feelin God has been callin me to do with the next couple of months. Before CCUC weekend, I wasn't sure if I was confident to do what I want to do, but now I know on Sunday that He was speaking to me again. Pastor Moy was so passionate and emotional bout his message, you could just sense it in your heart that the Holy Spirit was speaking through him. The tears down his eyes were real too.
Then came Gerald and Viv's reception, and I spoke with each one personally before I left. Gerald has always been a caring brother, and ya know he cares. He is just one of those rare guys that shows that side through pure genuine-ness if that is a word. Viv and I, our friendship is amazing and I thank God for this blessing. I'll never forget the first impression we made on each other, but look at us now. I miss those days, going down to A2 with her to chill. As everyone else said it, they do compliment each other great if you know each one of them. May God continue to bless the both of them in the new start of their lives.
Lastly, shout to Benny Boo and Jilly Jill for hanging out with me. I pray that Jill does get better in her time of illness as well as Elder Hsu. Finally to my Legend Killer, Emoy thanks again for breakfast. Egg Harbor was delicious and off the hook for some eggs. We even stayed after to help a lady in an accident. This Beretta clown did a hit and run on her, so we stayed to help out in any way we could. I hope justice will be served to those Beretta jerks. I miss Chicago, and I know the secrets to the other Joy Yee's location thanks to Juice. There are so many things I can say about this weekend. A lot of frustrations leading up to this weekend, and even during the weekend. In the end, it is the memories that will stay with me and they are of course to me humorous and unforgettable.
Friday, August 26, 2005
Transporter - Finally, my car is fixed and it looks brand spanking new! It is all shiny and clean, they even wiped down all the dusty areas in my car. Although my car did not need any gas, I could hear it telling me that it was thirsting for some Premium gas. So I decided to fill it up, to satisfy it's thirst. They even took care of the dead bird for me too! I was too embarassed to ask what they did with it and also what was their initial reaction.
Once, I started the engine it was time to cruise around. After the cruising was done, it was time to put it to the max on I-69 just to get the feeling of going that 100 mph plus again. At all the red lights, I tried to be in the front so I can just accelerate and smoke everyone off the line. The feelings I never got while driving in the Yukon. It's fun with Angela going for the ride, sometimes gotta live it up in the fast lane.
I learned today that my chances are slim too with getting out of that dumb meeting at Magahay. The principal rules too much with a stick up her butt to allow me to miss a day. So if this is the case, because like I said I am not missing out on seeing my family no matter what the costs are. I've waited so long to seeing my Auntie Nora, for over 15 years. I still remember when she visited on her Winter Break during her college years at Washington U. She helped me build my first snowman and played all sorts of board games with me. Now she's married and living it up in England. So if I have to go to this meeting and it ends at 3, how do I get to Toronto? I plan on driving myself there to meet up with my parents. The plan is to get there in time for the reception, which starts at 7. My mommy thought it was crazy at first because I would spend more time in the car versus in Toronto. However, she saw the look in my eyes and understands how much this means to me. She also knows that if anyone can get to Toronto the fastest, it would be me. I spoke with my supervisor, and I figured just like other people they don't understand. I mean if you were in my position, would you not do the same when family from all over the world are coming in?
My Band
Once, I started the engine it was time to cruise around. After the cruising was done, it was time to put it to the max on I-69 just to get the feeling of going that 100 mph plus again. At all the red lights, I tried to be in the front so I can just accelerate and smoke everyone off the line. The feelings I never got while driving in the Yukon. It's fun with Angela going for the ride, sometimes gotta live it up in the fast lane.
I learned today that my chances are slim too with getting out of that dumb meeting at Magahay. The principal rules too much with a stick up her butt to allow me to miss a day. So if this is the case, because like I said I am not missing out on seeing my family no matter what the costs are. I've waited so long to seeing my Auntie Nora, for over 15 years. I still remember when she visited on her Winter Break during her college years at Washington U. She helped me build my first snowman and played all sorts of board games with me. Now she's married and living it up in England. So if I have to go to this meeting and it ends at 3, how do I get to Toronto? I plan on driving myself there to meet up with my parents. The plan is to get there in time for the reception, which starts at 7. My mommy thought it was crazy at first because I would spend more time in the car versus in Toronto. However, she saw the look in my eyes and understands how much this means to me. She also knows that if anyone can get to Toronto the fastest, it would be me. I spoke with my supervisor, and I figured just like other people they don't understand. I mean if you were in my position, would you not do the same when family from all over the world are coming in?
My Band
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Ponchos - Well there is only 9 days left until CCUC! Last night, we had our first practice in the middle of the week. Afterwards, Wes, Andy, Stan, and I kept talking bout the past CCUC tournaments. I realized that the first time Wes, and Andy played at CCUC, I was still like in 7th grade or something. I know I've been going through the aches, the pains, and complaints from everyone here bout CCUC. However, I know seeing everyone come together in one place will be a reward in itself. I miss a lot of peeps who left the D, but I'm glad they are blessed in their new surroundings.
Wes challenged us all at practice last night, he said that if we go all the way then he will treat us to Lowery's Prime Rib in Chicago. Not that I need any extra motivation but I hope this lights a fire on some of my teammates. I don't know if it's an age thing or what but I realized how out of shape our team is. My struggle is trying to set our new offense in, because it gets so frustrating when my teammates aren't running it correctly. Then there is that period of a drought, where I need to keep thinking if I should continue to set the offense or take over offensively. I was gonna cut down my minutes so I can rest my knee for the playoffs hopefully. However, with the lack of guard depth, and Bobby out it looks like I'll be playin every minute in every game. We gotta beat Congo this year!
Wes challenged us all at practice last night, he said that if we go all the way then he will treat us to Lowery's Prime Rib in Chicago. Not that I need any extra motivation but I hope this lights a fire on some of my teammates. I don't know if it's an age thing or what but I realized how out of shape our team is. My struggle is trying to set our new offense in, because it gets so frustrating when my teammates aren't running it correctly. Then there is that period of a drought, where I need to keep thinking if I should continue to set the offense or take over offensively. I was gonna cut down my minutes so I can rest my knee for the playoffs hopefully. However, with the lack of guard depth, and Bobby out it looks like I'll be playin every minute in every game. We gotta beat Congo this year!
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Welcome - So it's been awhile since I last updated. I guess since Larry-Palooza Nite, I've been drained of energy every night. Yet I still have so much to do, but I keep passing out on the couch at night. It was a blessing on Saturday to go to Jenny's b-day party. I got to see David, Lillian, Alice, and Amanda. All those parents, I am so thankful for them getting to know me at ACA over the years. I'm also happy to see Alice in Wonderland back at CBC, despite my poor tardiness.
Monday was frustrating at KUMC because just like CBC V-ball, KUMC v-ball is slowly fading away. Over the weekend, I also got the phone call I was hoping not to get. Lamchops called me up to meet me at Magahay to go over how to set up the classroom and what we will be doing over the next 3 months. A part of me was excited because I got a new teacher's desk! It's brand spanking new, with locks and I am even holding on to the key right now. However, new school year, new kids, but still seems like the same results from last year. So my job is to decorate the classroom, design my lesson plan book, and create the classroom management for the rest of this year. Usually, I have no probs with that but man I could of got this done a long time ago! I walked around the other classrooms to see what they did. As of now, my classroom is by far lagging compared to everyone else's. Why because he continues to do things at the last minute thinking his 80 year experience can get him by another year. It's frustrating, if I knew this I would of went in like 2 weeks ago like Ona did. Now I'm gonna be at school at 9 p.m. setting things up because I got better things to do during the day.
Monday is drawing near for the family to go to Toronto for the special wedding reception. My dad likes my suggestion of takin 2 cars there. I am so excited to seeing everyone from England, and Hong Kong. However, I found out today that I have a mandatory all day meeting to go to at Magahay. I keep asking Him right now what do I do? What is His Will for this? It's frustrating knowing there is a possibility that I cannot go. I can't say it enough how much I hate the school's philosophy and majority of the staff.
Monday was frustrating at KUMC because just like CBC V-ball, KUMC v-ball is slowly fading away. Over the weekend, I also got the phone call I was hoping not to get. Lamchops called me up to meet me at Magahay to go over how to set up the classroom and what we will be doing over the next 3 months. A part of me was excited because I got a new teacher's desk! It's brand spanking new, with locks and I am even holding on to the key right now. However, new school year, new kids, but still seems like the same results from last year. So my job is to decorate the classroom, design my lesson plan book, and create the classroom management for the rest of this year. Usually, I have no probs with that but man I could of got this done a long time ago! I walked around the other classrooms to see what they did. As of now, my classroom is by far lagging compared to everyone else's. Why because he continues to do things at the last minute thinking his 80 year experience can get him by another year. It's frustrating, if I knew this I would of went in like 2 weeks ago like Ona did. Now I'm gonna be at school at 9 p.m. setting things up because I got better things to do during the day.
Monday is drawing near for the family to go to Toronto for the special wedding reception. My dad likes my suggestion of takin 2 cars there. I am so excited to seeing everyone from England, and Hong Kong. However, I found out today that I have a mandatory all day meeting to go to at Magahay. I keep asking Him right now what do I do? What is His Will for this? It's frustrating knowing there is a possibility that I cannot go. I can't say it enough how much I hate the school's philosophy and majority of the staff.
Friday, August 19, 2005
7 Years - Man, I must of broken a mirror or something. The streak of bad luck continued today, although not as bad. Well, finding out that I'll be without my car for at least 3 days kind of stunk. Ahhh Envoy female drivers! It could be worst, I mean it could be after CCUC. I guess the only bad thing that happened today was at v-ball. I was backpeddling to get ready to serve and next thing ya know, I tripped and fell flat on my butt. I tripped over the backline of the court :( and fell on my bottom. Man that was embarrassing, at first I was gonna try to cover it up, but how do you do that? So everyone had a good laugh, and I guess I'm glad to provide a smile on everyone's face.
What is love? I've heard so many people say I love this, I love that.... Yes in the Bible it states God is love, bam nothing else. Peeps say they love God, and for the most part only your heart and God knows. I mean, if you truly spend time with Him every night, worship, fellowship, etc. then I should say that is love for Him. I've heard lots of people say, oh I love v-ball (especially girls at work), but I ask them when was the last time they played. Their response would be like X amount of months/weeks ago. So if you truly love the game, would you not try to make it a priority much like God, a loved one, etc. What I'm struggling with I believe is showin love to those from my past. Someone has been tryin to get a hold of me, but I continue to just ignore it for the most part. I thought I buried it, but sometimes somethings you have to face alone.
What is love? I've heard so many people say I love this, I love that.... Yes in the Bible it states God is love, bam nothing else. Peeps say they love God, and for the most part only your heart and God knows. I mean, if you truly spend time with Him every night, worship, fellowship, etc. then I should say that is love for Him. I've heard lots of people say, oh I love v-ball (especially girls at work), but I ask them when was the last time they played. Their response would be like X amount of months/weeks ago. So if you truly love the game, would you not try to make it a priority much like God, a loved one, etc. What I'm struggling with I believe is showin love to those from my past. Someone has been tryin to get a hold of me, but I continue to just ignore it for the most part. I thought I buried it, but sometimes somethings you have to face alone.
Thursday, August 18, 2005

llz and The Kid chillin at the game, great weather!
Black Cat - So my bad luck streak continues, I don't know if someone has like a voodoo doll on me, or a curse, or something. So let's see, the bad luck continues to roll:1) I get punished for taking care of my school stuff too early.
2) Camp D & Camp Canton CD is way behind schedule!
3) CCUC bickering billz every single freaking day.
Good news, I got everyone in the same hotel for $45 at DoubleTree! Oh wait, of course bad news of course since those bickering billz kept giving me a headache, that I actually shafted myself on a night. So of course, right when things were lookin up and up, nope bad luck continues.
Then there's the Tigers game with llz. Good news was we found $10 parkin along Woodward! the bad news, is this fricking lady pulled into the parking lot then decides to go in reverse. Yup, she reversed right into my car! So now I have a dent in my hood and lost some paint, this is why I tell ya bout them female drivers.
Oh my luck just keeps rolling because good news is we were treated to a Tigers victory. However, because of the accident we missed the offensive 1st inning where the Tigers scored 5 runs. Dude, freaking dumb female driver and they were sporting Red Sox gear!
So the game was over, and nothing else could possibly happen to me. Well, of course out of all the places to park in the lot. This stupid car has to double park behind me! So even when I want to leave Comerica Park, I can't. Until I decided to take matters into my own hands and backed up and out over a million times to get out. Difference between me and that female driver, yes I know how much space I have.
The story of my life this week, I think I'll call it Job 2 The Sequel. Now I can keep bickering bout this, but I keep thinkin bout John 14 I believe it was. Now after 24 hours has past, all I can do is laugh at my lucky streak going on here. I might as well go to MGM and put my house deeds on the line. What else can happen to me?
Thank You
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
SMEA - Right when I keep thinking I have everything back in order, nope I get thrown a curveball. I talked to Sue tonight to find out what's going on for student teaching. She reminded bout some of the things that we need to turn it. Of course, I did it a few months ago because I wanted to avoid procratination. However, I get penalized for it now because apparently I did it too soon so I must do it again! Yes, I want to take care of this but something else is in the way.
Every night I keep wanting to work on Camp D and Camp Canton's CD's for this year. However, I spend so much time working on another thing that yes, this is taking a back seat with school.
So what else could I possibly be workin on? Yes, CCUC stuff every single day now I feel like I solved one thing, but next thing ya know for each question I solve, 5 new problems arise. I keep prayin for patience in just dealing with people in general about it. Everyone wants to be happy and when they are not, they complain and become bitter. Actually, complain for some might not even be the word because it goes beyond that level like bitching constantly. Why can't we all just go, fellowship, outreach, play, worship, and have fun together? Next year, I should just go play with CGC, I bet they don't have these probs. Believe me when I say this, at times I just wanna kill myself or something because everyone's driving me insane with their bickering. It's no wonder we all deserve hell. Can I just get some love, help, a hug, mercy from the complaints or something?
Because of this, I can't even get the proper sleep I need to continue to heal from surgery so I can rehab it the next day. Someone just pull the trigger already.........
Every night I keep wanting to work on Camp D and Camp Canton's CD's for this year. However, I spend so much time working on another thing that yes, this is taking a back seat with school.
So what else could I possibly be workin on? Yes, CCUC stuff every single day now I feel like I solved one thing, but next thing ya know for each question I solve, 5 new problems arise. I keep prayin for patience in just dealing with people in general about it. Everyone wants to be happy and when they are not, they complain and become bitter. Actually, complain for some might not even be the word because it goes beyond that level like bitching constantly. Why can't we all just go, fellowship, outreach, play, worship, and have fun together? Next year, I should just go play with CGC, I bet they don't have these probs. Believe me when I say this, at times I just wanna kill myself or something because everyone's driving me insane with their bickering. It's no wonder we all deserve hell. Can I just get some love, help, a hug, mercy from the complaints or something?
Because of this, I can't even get the proper sleep I need to continue to heal from surgery so I can rehab it the next day. Someone just pull the trigger already.........
Monday, August 15, 2005
Aftermath - So KUMC was denied in the Finals of the Korean Independence Day V-ball Tournament. I was quite bummed not being able to 3 peat and even worse I felt like I let our # 1 fan, Pastor Dave down. I already sent out an email sayin it's my fault for not recognizing 7th Day's strategy a lot sooner. Playin everythin back in my mind, I should of played Middle because that would free everyone else to hit, since I was the only one who drew 3 blockers every time. Heyoon and Yong, did an excellent job of studying our team as a whole. It's frustrating though when just like last year watchin KUMC play, they don't realize this game is as much mental as it is physical. It's easy to showcase your talent against the Happy Meal's of the tournament, but it's another story when you become invisible against the Super Size meals. However, I was happy to spend part of the picnic with my Aunt Lisa, Uncle Simon, and my 2 cousins Victor, and Sonny. It was cute too, seeing my family sportin the KBC shirts and supportin their team.
What's left, 2 weeks before I start student teachin at a school that I could careless for, and a teacher I'd rather not work with. Today, I spent the day at home and played non-stop of video games. It's been a while since I did that, but I'd rather spend my whole time with my Camp D kids than play video games for a day. I miss them oh so much. Tomorrow, the plan is to start training for the CCUC B-ball Tournament. Word out of the A-Team Camp now is our Shaq, Bobby is out for the tournament. So I am really hoping we can sign our Damon Jones, Carl to play in the backcourt with me. As much as our offense is running smooth, I still think we need to make it a lil more versatile by allowin me to attack the rim more versus stayin back to cover the whole backcourt.
You'll Think Of Me
What's left, 2 weeks before I start student teachin at a school that I could careless for, and a teacher I'd rather not work with. Today, I spent the day at home and played non-stop of video games. It's been a while since I did that, but I'd rather spend my whole time with my Camp D kids than play video games for a day. I miss them oh so much. Tomorrow, the plan is to start training for the CCUC B-ball Tournament. Word out of the A-Team Camp now is our Shaq, Bobby is out for the tournament. So I am really hoping we can sign our Damon Jones, Carl to play in the backcourt with me. As much as our offense is running smooth, I still think we need to make it a lil more versatile by allowin me to attack the rim more versus stayin back to cover the whole backcourt.
You'll Think Of Me
Sunday, August 14, 2005

Dedicated to Kenneth, and Silly Lily going on a boat ride. That is the Ambassador Bridge behind us. Happy B-day to the both of ya!
The Korean Independence Day Tournament is closing in as I'm waiting for it. I'm excited for many reasons, first I spoke with my Aunt Lisa tonight. She said she will be there this year with her church, KBC and she'll be supporting them during the V-ball tournament. I look forward to tatting my arms with lots of writing. I'm still upset that those who have tried to get rid of YCF. They might of gotten rid of the name, but I'm still around. I also wanna finish my dedication at this tournament to Sophia from Ona's class. I dedicated in June, but that was when I got hurt so now I'll sport a # 17 for Sunday. I will also sport the games to Silly Lily and Kenneth, whom I'm thankful for God blessin me with 2 great kids. I'm excited also to test out my knee through a full day of games. Lastly, the food which I never eat too much because I'm so focused. Hey it's all you can eat free bulgogi though!
Listen To Your Heart
Friday, August 12, 2005
Duck - Only 1 day left of ACA! I'm so excited for Friday because I get to bring Kenneth, Silly Lily, and now William with me in the morning! I love William's mom, Yanni because she is so easy going. We worked together last year at Camp D, when everyone else was at Camp Canton. She was in charge but she let me call the shots and always trusted my judgement. I begged Yanni to let me bring William for at least the last day so yes I can be happy with as many Peeps as possible but at the same time, all the Peeps to enjoy each other's company one last time. So now I get to wake up extra early to drive the 3 of them! I'm excited because more and more parents trust me and want to get to know me. However, I am sad because this is the last day too.
Back to the parents, I mean Lil Munchkin's mom spoke with me and asked me for all my info. She kept sayin how Lil Munchkin keeps talkin bout me at home. So now she asked if I was free to next week to spend some time with him. The sad thing today was that it was Crystal's last day as counselor for the year. She's gonna be at a CGC Retreat this weekend, and I hope those above me now agree with what I said 3 years ago. That they should have faith in me bout knowin who I see as a good counselor. Crystal was one of my favorite campers 3 years ago, she is my friend, and an apprentice. She is different from everyone else where she is far more mature than your average teenager.
Back to the parents, I mean Lil Munchkin's mom spoke with me and asked me for all my info. She kept sayin how Lil Munchkin keeps talkin bout me at home. So now she asked if I was free to next week to spend some time with him. The sad thing today was that it was Crystal's last day as counselor for the year. She's gonna be at a CGC Retreat this weekend, and I hope those above me now agree with what I said 3 years ago. That they should have faith in me bout knowin who I see as a good counselor. Crystal was one of my favorite campers 3 years ago, she is my friend, and an apprentice. She is different from everyone else where she is far more mature than your average teenager.
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Lamphere - Ya know, I gotta say out of all the weeks of ACA this year, Camp Mad-Heights is by far so relaxing and enjoyable. I just wish all the other Peeps were here to take it all in. T-Lin kept sayin how Reylan, Crystal and I got everythin on lockdown over here. It's so fun that we all take turns gettin our choice of lunch from where ever we want. My choice today, A&W's at Oakland Mall! We went to the park, which is right behind Alliance and we played a good game of Kickball. We all laid out on this giant hill and kept rollin down it. God provided such perfect weather today, and I wanted to take pics, but I left my battery back at Camp Mad-Heights! So now, I suggested in doing a picnic on Friday to truly close out the summer. Reylan and I are trying to do a BBQ for Camp Mad-Heights. I even went back to the darkside after a 2 year hiatus of playin Magic with Reylan today. We all played a long game of Risk again and I won again! If only Camp Mad-Heights was longer :( Praise God for my G-Ma's release from Beaumont too, now if only they can figure out what is wrong.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Snake Way - It is done, today was my last day of physical therapy! Although I am still mad because I feel like I have not recovered my total jumpin ability. Michelle kept sayin that it's all on me now and there is nothing left for me at the RIM. Michelle said that she truly believes I am by far her best patient. She loved my attitude, intensity, motivation, and how I took each challenge without any pain. It's back to the OU Rec Center on my own now if I want to push myself to another level. I already miss my physical therapy and Michelle for helpin me get to where I am at.
Now comes everything that is drainin the life out of me. My G-Ma just entered Beaumont again, and I stayed long enough tonight as she was admitted where I took a nap. It was a good nap because I was waitin for the results of some critical tests. Then there is the CD's for Camp Canton and Camp D. There happens to be a glitch in Camp Canton so I hope I can fix that. Then there is the CCUC b-ball teams, suckin the life out of me. Too many peeps complain bout everything, and I just wish they could be on the flipside to see how much of a headache I get from this. Then there's teachin Jr. Church, honestly my heart ain't in it anymore and the children's program just needs an overhaul. You know who needs to realize we in 2K5 not 1975 bout how this ministry should be done. I mean you know something is wrong when everyone starts to step down. On the flipside of things, Camp Mad-Heights is rockin! Another game of Risk and I dominated Asia, Australia, and Africa to win! Crystal, Reylan, and I got things on lockdown for the most part. I finally got my Chinese Yo-Yo today too, and I'm workin on gettin better.
The Bride
Now comes everything that is drainin the life out of me. My G-Ma just entered Beaumont again, and I stayed long enough tonight as she was admitted where I took a nap. It was a good nap because I was waitin for the results of some critical tests. Then there is the CD's for Camp Canton and Camp D. There happens to be a glitch in Camp Canton so I hope I can fix that. Then there is the CCUC b-ball teams, suckin the life out of me. Too many peeps complain bout everything, and I just wish they could be on the flipside to see how much of a headache I get from this. Then there's teachin Jr. Church, honestly my heart ain't in it anymore and the children's program just needs an overhaul. You know who needs to realize we in 2K5 not 1975 bout how this ministry should be done. I mean you know something is wrong when everyone starts to step down. On the flipside of things, Camp Mad-Heights is rockin! Another game of Risk and I dominated Asia, Australia, and Africa to win! Crystal, Reylan, and I got things on lockdown for the most part. I finally got my Chinese Yo-Yo today too, and I'm workin on gettin better.
The Bride
Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Tweety - My freshman year at SVSU, I remember driving up 75 in Flint. I had just got on 75 from 475 and this bird was flyin by. DOINK! My car hit the bird and all you saw was feathers flyin past my windshield. A month ago, I was driving to the CBC Retreat. I was exiting off of Spring Arbor, then DOINK I hit another bird. I knew I hit because I heard the sound, but I did not see no body or feathers in my rear view mirror. I kept wondering if I had imagined it or not. Anyways, as I was leaving Alliance Sunday morning, I noticed something on my car. I examined it a lil closer, and there it is! The birdie's body stuck right in the vent area between my headlight and foglight. It is like caught right in there all nestled in and stuff. The body is still there as we speak of because I have no idea what to do with it? So if anyone has any ideas then please let me know asap!
Camp Mad-Heights was off the hook today despite havin more munchkins. I love the new ACA Center across from Oakland Mall behind Bob Evans. I love the D when Camp D is there, but this place is safe in terms of environment and that is what I want for my kids. I played Stratego and Risk with the kids today too. I mean this place is so convenient for me too, I drove to Crystal's house for some things, restaurants are all over the place, etc. We made kites today too, and tried to fly those things outside. Lastly, my Lil Munchkin's mom spoke with me today after Camp. She kept sayin that she was happy that I was here because over the weekend, that's all her son could ever talk bout was me. That right there is why I do what I do, and My Lil Munchkin is only 5 but I love him so much, he's such a cutie. That's him at the top, woohoo I finally figured out how to add pics into this thing. So I'm gonna do a shout out to my Court Jester and Silly Lilly.