Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Aveeno - For the past 10 months I've had this itchy, dry skin thing on my hands. For the past 2 months it has spreaded to my fingers. For the past few weeks, it has now spread to some parts of my body. I kept lotioning and praying that it would all just go away. Finally, I decided I need to go back to the doctor and of course I was fearing the worst. I was worried they would tell me that they would have to cut off my hands or that my whole body is infected. The doc told me I have eczema :( I'm kinda relieved because it's not like they need to cut my body apart. At the same time, I did my research on it, and I hope now that this will go away with the drugs he gave me. Woe is me on this day :(

Corn Huskers

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