Sunday, December 21, 2003

Well here's a rare Sunday edition of blogging. I've been doing a lot of thinking and reflecting lately, now that school is over with. Today, I was on my way to work from b-ball. I was stuck in traffic along with half of the Metro Detroiters on 696. In my head, I kept complaining because it's like dude, this fricking accident has made me an hour and a half late to work. Thoughts of, what kind of idiot gets into an accident in this kind of weather, ran through in my head or this has better be a good reason for me to be late for work. I got home from work and watched the news to see exactly what had happened. I felt like a complete jackass, because it turned out that some trucker jackknifed into a Taurus, killing one 49 year old woman. It got me thinking how, earlier I was complaining for myself, and I didn't have a single thought of those who were involved in the accident. I believe that's why Paul wrote it in Phil 2:14, because that's all we do is think about ourselves. It's like the more we complain, it is just a reflection of just exactly how selfish we are. I was looking back at some of my entries, and I realized that I've lost site of that. It's like I can't even go 24 hours without a single complaint. As the new year rolls around, I'm thinking I need to work on this for myself. Anyone wanna join and keep each other accountable for 2K4?

I was also thinking about one of my Christmas gifts that I received back in the day. I got the Power Rangers board game from my cousin. I still can recall the day he gave it to me. He paid for it with his hard earn money when he was working at Toys R Us during the holiday season. I remember when he handed it to, my first reaction was something that he probably was not expecting. My initial reaction was like uh thanks, and in my head I'm thinking I wonder what he wants from me, or is this a trick? It was just so strange at the time because my cousins and I never exchange gifts and this was a first from him.

My point is that I doubted or question his gift at the time. I mean we are tight as can be in our family, but it's like I had to doubt his gift of love to me. Like I couldn't recieve the gift myself 100% and whole heartedly thank him. Because of that I overlooked his thought through the gift because he knew that I love Power Rangers. Or even the gift of salvation, I even had to question God! I mean God is God, but yet my ignorant self had to question Him, the purest of pures!

I had a dilema today too, as I found out my parents will keep the restaurant open on Christmas Day. I was just kind of and still kind of bummed, as I like to do my best and spend each holiday with them as much as possible since that is usually their only day off. My prayers tonight go out to those who lost their lives in the 3 car accidents across Metro Detroit.

We Will Get There

Friday, December 19, 2003

Wow, I finally saw all 3 LOTR in the last 3 days! I was never into it when it first came out nor Potter. I mean I see Frodo or Harry on the fricking cover and my first thought is, ok nerd boy movie. On the bright side I have to admit I like LOTR. I thought all 3 were beautifully done and the stories were excellent. Now I know what other movie Orlando Bloom is in besides Pirates! However, my thought about LOTR is, ok I know there is some sort of debate between Potter and LOTR, like one's ok for the Christian soul while the other is not. Now that I've seen LOTR, I'm wondering what the GG is the difference between LOTR and MTG? MTG is the exact same thing as LOTR, I mean when I was watching LOTR and I see big trees walking around, I'm thinking Thicket Elemental. Or I see Gollum and I'm thinking goblins or how bout the dwarf? Or is Legalis the same fricking thing as a Llanwar Elf? I love how back then when I played this game like mad crazy, people were knocking on it because of it's wizardy and socercy. But after watching LOTR and some of these other people watching it, I'm like thinking hello, what is the difference? Peeps need to live it up and they wanna try to make others live it up, ya know what I'm saying?

And finally, I played some serious v-ball! Da B-Hillz is most def the place to play, I mean you got MVPA players, open players, Top Flight, etc. I got to see Sarah! I'm glad that we got to talk and know each other. Sarah plays on SVSU's team, and I felt she was the best player in that WSU Tournament that I played a while ago. Ya know, the cute, short lefty killer, hitter. i wish I came in 100% healthy because my shoulder has been hurting so it was tough to kick it to SS 3. My arm feels as if it's about to come off, I mean going SS 2 was like nothing to some of these guys. I jammed my pinky on a block, but hey war wounds baby. Despite only being able to go at SS 2, they all invited me back to play with them. I noticed others weren't treated as well, and I mean if you shanked one pass, then you're pretty much left out in BFE. But this is what real v-ball should be, man only if we got that type of comp at CBC.

I was talking to the one who first started to teach me about the game of v-ball, Howard. I was telling him about how upset I was about how I played tonight because I felt like I played like crap despite what others thought. I wish he was still around on Tuesday nites, so we could stay after and he could team me more because I feel like I have so much more to learn. I was frustrated with the fact that I can't remain in SS 3 mode yet. However, his words of encouragement to me, and told me what other things that I still need to work on, which translated to me as to become and go higher at SS 4. No slacking around this break, Monday is when I start to lift and go to pick-up areas to continue to push myself to the limit and meeting the challenge.

Let's Dance

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

I wasn't gonna blog today, but after reading everyone else's I had to. Yup, I'm chilling in the Shelby Twp. Library because my server is down at home. I was putting back my cd's today, because I selected my own tunes to listen to. I believe my Braveheart and Gladiator soundtrack helped get me through my all niter. I tried listening to Madonna's Who's That Girl soundtrack, but eh I couldn't focus. Then I didn't get a chance to read everyone's blogs/xangas. But people are talking about lists, so the only list I do is grocery list. I used to have some sort of list for females, but then I was thinking about it as who am I to deserve someone that I put down on my list. Or why should I limit myself to this person if I may have found someone not on that list. Eh, just some thoughts for peeps with their list. Finally most important of all for those who have lists, especially the females for their "perfect" guy, no such thing for those who believe in their perfect mate. I do have some sort of list, and my number 1 thing for that list, is that she knows she is a sinner just as I am too.

Wow, I never realized this but how did I get this contusion on my toe?


Tuesday, December 16, 2003

So I pulled my last all niter in terms of studying for the remainder of the year. My heart last night was shaking as this exam will make or break me, to see if I have to retake it again. However, as I was studying I was fricking confident that I was gonna lay some wood on this exam. I studied everything that Prof. Shelley would be on the exam and the format. I get the exam this morning, and I'm like uhhh yeah, this isn't the same format that you worded it. So out of 3 essays, I know I rocked on 2 of them while the other probably sunk me because she changed the format. It fricking sucks because she tells us one thing and now she switches the whole exam.

Anyhoot, I'm gonna do my best to not freak out over my grade. At least I can say I am free at last from school! Although I gotta hit the weight room next week, to maintain and go higher for the 2nd half of the seasons.

Last night, I also never realize how much my actions really affect my team. Yesterday, we got to play against Shield's, the team that I had a good trash talking with as they screwed us over when they reffed. For the past couple of weeks, I kept telling everyone that this the game where we week vengance! Everyone on the team was all the way with me. Instead last night, I didn't say much, I wasn't looking for retribution, I just played my game. What's funny to me was that no one else made any comment about playing Shield's after for the past month, we've all been talking about it. Just a food for thought to myself of being aware of my own actions.

Yay, I finally get to play with a competent female tonight on my team! Good thing some of the females on my team are on vacation or whatever. I got my tag team partna back to play just one more game together, like the good ol' dayz. I hope she's excited to play back at her alma mater. I'm excited just to play with her because it's been awhile. Look out for the combo of # 21 and # 13 tonight! It's time to get down ;)


Friday, December 12, 2003

I believe in You
I'll give up everything just to find You
I have to be with You to live to breathe
You're taking over me

Man, if only I could do that on a minute to minute basis.

Today I decided not to go with Erica to go talk to our HST professor. I feel as if it is pointless to try to plea for our grade. I mean I'm averaging a high 3.5-8 in every class but HST. I mean HST, Erica and I are like 1.0 students in that class. And it's like we study like no other for this class.

I went to Spargo's with Sarah to meet up with the rest of our ECN crew. Man that place was pretty good, because I was about to have a food coma right before our final. As I was taking the final, I could not believe how easy it was. Well hopefully my grade will reflect on that one. But it just felt so easy that I feel so guilty. I mean Prof. Johnson was a pretty nice teacher. But I know it bothered him when no one showed up for class, when a class of 70 turns into a class of 15. I mean the guy gave everyone 50 points on our grade just for attendance this past Tuesday. When he announced that, everyone left knowing they got a curve now on their grade. I mean the 50 was for everyone, even if you never came to class. I attended class faithfully, although I had my moments of coming in an hour after class started just to make class go by faster. Or when I do go to class, I usually sleep for the first part of class. I was glad actually to be the class leader on my side, because I convinced my peeps to stay for the duration of the last class and don't be rude.

Let me tell everyone the new term that I've learned a couple of weeks ago now. It is metrosexual, if you know the meaning then yeah, but my definition of it is, metrosexual - nicer way of saying a person is gay, not straight, fag, homo, well you get the pic. Courtney, Jen, Sarah, Steph, and I were scanning the room today to point out the metro's before we had to take our final. We all agreed the one C and I selected, whom I call, Fobio, was king metro of the class.

DX Wire Tap of the Day:
K: Hey, he's metro most def!
C: No, he's not no metro, he's just a dork.

Man this sucks though I have 2 finals left. With HST looming around, it is my last final, where I need a 4.0 to get what I need to get out of that class. Also, if you haven't taken your pic at CBC yet, then don't be a sucka like me. Although I felt I thugged it up for my pic pretty well. Man I haven't worn that clubbing shirt underneath in so long now.

Going Under

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Yay, 55 hours and counting without sleep. I wonder what the record is? Anyways, I've been shplunking around the house after I got home from my game. My thoughts were about tatoos. Honestly, there are still days where I think about getting one. However, at tonight's game, I was giving them. Nothing more refreshing than tatooing the word Tachikara on someone. I gave 2 out today, and looking to supply more. I also drilled one straight down with so much top spin that as it came up, it hurt the closest player there. I guess the ball came back up so hard off the ground, that it jammed this girl's wrist when she went to attempt a dig.

We had to play 4 on 6 today, which actually played to my advantage. The game plan, was that I stand in the back, take the pass, then quickly rotate out to make the kill. Fun part about 4's, no set rotation! Again though we had a chance tonight to tie with someone to be in the cellar. But it didn't happen as we only took 2 out of 3.

How frustrating has it been? Only one week left till our break time from all the leagues. I've heard everyone talk to me from each league and telling me about their plans for the holidays. I figure while they are doing all that, I plan on working out at the Rec Center. I need to continue to try to stay ahead of the pack in terms of conditioning. What doesn't kill me, makes me stronger.

Speaking of which, as the year of 2K3 is about to end. I look at my Bible in a year, and it was more like 1/4 of the Bible and quit. Errr I hate quiting, so I guess my goal is to still try to finish the Bible.

Rock Out Altered

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

Ok so I'm a little drained right now as now I've done the unthinkable. I've just pulled off 2 straight all nighters, which means I have not slept for the past 48 hours and counting. Everyone in EED 316 were all laughing at me yesterday, and y'all know who you are. Because I came to class late because I guess there was a bet that I pulled an all niter just to finish my portfolio. Our final in EED 316 is a 3 part final, a binder, portfolio, and a paper. Well 2 down and 1 to go in that class. So far I got a 4.0 and a 3.8 so all y'all snitches can get off this!

Now the suck part was trying to play through the first all niter last night. I know we are to speak in the truth with love, but I'm tired of pampering my Troy team. I've been the co-capt for a while now and I've done my thing in terms of encouraging the team. But last night was awful, I called out the team not once but twice. After the first game, I challenged each of them to start serving underhand if you can't get a regular serve over. After the 3rd game, I asked everyone what time our game started. Everyone said 7:00 and I just flat out told everyone, then let's play like it because it seems like y'all came here to watch. I ruffled more feathers but me pampering them wasn't getting things done, so let's see how they play when I light a fire under their butts.

To my EED 316 crew, it was fun this semester, Good luck to Shawn on his yearlong student teaching. Kim, I'll see you in Astronomy next semester. Carl we'll continue to carry the Friday's tradition! Everyone else, Melissa, Amanda, Kristin, Lisa, and Margo, I'll see y'all around the ERL so we can continue to chillin like villains.

To my Retarded ECN crew, hahah I have more notes in terms of us writing to each other in my notebook than actual ECN notes. Danielle, I'll see you in EED 354 and 420 next semester with Carl, and Kari. Courtney, I'll still kill it in your face, but yeah let's play v-ball over break! My Shorty Sarah, we'll go to Friday's too when we have Japan class next semester. Also Sarah, remember the question "Will you ever make love to a baby mountain goat?" Jen, Ross, Steph, Tina, and Amy I'll see y'all in the ERL too! Remember Sparga's everyone this Thursday @ 1:00 then off to lay the smackdown on Johnson's final!


Wednesday, December 03, 2003

It's been a rough week and a tough one at that. Let's start with Thanksgiving Day, where I woke up and got there early for Turkey Bowl. A good brother reminded everyone on our team that hey this is a fellowship game, played by CBC people, which means church goers. I was hoping this game would be a light on that hill, because of our surroundings that their is a hill on the field. However, it turned into bickering, words and actions that I wish I did not hear or see. Yeah 5:14 won the game, but on that morning their was a part of me that I wish I was just not a part of this game.

Then I went to my Aunt and Uncle's new place, and wow this place is like a mansion. I'm glad they moved closer so that they can be closer to their church, Korean Baptist Church I think it is. I saw all my cousins except for Alan, but what surprised me was seeing my baby cuz, Wendy. I mean dude she can drive now! She is my baby cuz because ever since we were little, she reminded me of Michelle Tanner from Full House. She looked just like her and was always so quiet. Now looking at her, she can drive, and she turned into a hottie. I had to give her lectures about the clothes that she was wearing and the amount of makeup. I plan on checking up on her now because she is like a little sis to me still. Lord only knows what her brother does now. I am also curious to who she hangs out with and the influences they have on her. Again she is my baby cuz, and I gotta look out for her.

Friday I lost at the casino, end of story.

Saturday, I went down to U of M Dearborn to play in Rick's b-ball tournament. First time ever I got ejected in a game. I got a couple of technicals, and a fight on top of that. Bobby said it best, is that we don't like to play dirty. However, to me ever since our last MSU tourny, when one team kept pushing us around we just let them. Someone at the tourney reminded me after my ejection, that we should be a light on the court. Yes I agree but we ain't called to play like sissy's either. In the finals, we played against Steve Nash, he was a pretty good player. As the game went on, all of us started cramping up. It's hard not to when Bobby, Stan, and I all are playing about 36-37 minutes a game and it's only a 40 minute game. It would be nice to have depth with talent and more role players to compliment us better. With 3 minutes left though, I had my cramp and I was on the ground for a while. However, unlike everyone else, I decided to stay in the game rather than sit out. Why? Because with the game tied, this is where you have to suck it up, plus I was guarding their best player, when we played a box and 1. All praises go to God for giving me the strength to stay in the whole game on one leg. Also the ability to shut Steve Nash down, and hit the game winner. That first game though, like everyone said, it was more of a WWE match then a game. The MSU team was fun to play against because they had a big crowd with noisemakers and everything. I love to play against hostile crowds.

It sucked to have missed the Jambalaya War Zone Action.

Finally last night, playing a triple header with flu like symptoms now. I don't think ever since high school, I have dropped so many f-bombs on the court or in my mind. We lost to Joey's team again in the finals. I mean now my team has been to the finals 7 straight times and have only won 3 times. It was frustrating, and I think my frustration carried over to my Troy game. Everyone in this league continues to recognize my individual play, but I keep telling them that it ain't getting me no W's. I mean we're still in the basement of the league. I feel like T-Mac, and I know what he's going through whenever they show his face on the court because I give the same face. Mark talked to me last night after the game, seeing that I was pissed. My thought is, is it possible for me to play with some competent girls? This is the most frustrating times right now that I am going through for v-ball.

Finally, to add to my sucky day, I just got pulled over for the 11th straight time. If you are travelling down Van Dyke, do not speed between 12 and 11 mile as they have that area ambushed. There were cop cars and motorcycles at each entrance pulling people left and right. Now I can say that I finally got pulled over in my new car, and first time being a motorcycle. Gosh I need my Valentine more than ever!

So Far Away