Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Concert - I had a talk with an old friend today, it was really great! I've known him for about 15 years, back in the day when we started ballin together. He is older than me, and we hung out a lot back then. He was a decent baller who has decent range, good passing/vision, and some size. Off the court, he was a nice guy sometimes too much of a push over, and at times immature and irresponsible. This would irritate me because he is much older than me.

However, I spoke with him on the phone today and I am really happy to see that he is trying to put his life together. I ask God to give me a chance and use me to be a witness for Him. There are 2 times, that I regret in my life that I did to him though. It came from b-ball where I chewed him out because I felt he was not playing hard enough. I really regret those 2 times because I was a bad witness. I hope I can do better and that I have learned from my past mistakes.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Crude - I can't believe there is a 20 cent difference from my house to the restaurant for gas. Thank goodness I still have my Speedy Q! When I say 20 cents, I mean my Premium is $3.54 and Regular at home is $3.74 a gallon. I guess LA-Farm Land has its uses.

In other news, as I keep getting letters of support from people. It really irritates me that people can't define the difference between, Missions trip, Outreach, and Field Trip. It is what it is, and now that the hunting season is done, time to go rocking some more.

I wonder if I can get a paycheck soon, puhhhhhhhhlllllleeeeeaaaaasssssseeeeee?

Fishing Season

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Blue - So much to say but so lil time. Anyways, I've been blessed to be offered an ESL position at Falcon High this past weekend. I get to finish out the school year so at least I can be committed to something once again. I really hope and pray that this is the year that I get an offer from that district! What's funny is the teacher I work with is Mr. Nash's old ESL teacher. Man this has been a fun place to work at and I hope I can do the best I can so that I can get noticed.


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Molly - So this past Sunday, we went to Golden Hoy for dim sum. I believe they are fairly new in the area, and got mixed reviews. We've been craving for some good dim sum because the last time we had that quality taste was in December when we went to Vegas. Well, after going to this place it looks like we'll still be waiting for quality dim sim.

Golden Hoy, flat out sucks at dim sum. First off, the prices are ridicuously high for example $3 for a small plate! Second, by the time the cart comes to you, the food is warm. We kept looking at each plate on our table to see if there was any smoke coming out of it. Third, if the cart never gets to us, Bon Bon and I had to go self-serve and bring the freaking food to our table. Fourth, they don't ran out of some key components to dim sum! How is that possible? Fifth, they also need to decide which type of philsophy on how to seat people instead of arguing with one another. Sixth, they need to not show that they are reserving old food to customers. Lastly, when we're writing the tip, don't stand next to us!

So my review is this place sucks, I think our chop suey place could make better dim sum. If not then I'd rather drive 3 hours to Toronto to get quality and cheap dim sum :) I can almost taste it now! Only a couple more months til we kick off the K13 Tour 2K8 to get some good eating.

South Field?

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Happy Meal - Yesterday, I had Fuddruckers with Daddy Moy for lunch. It was the first time I have ever ate there. Back in high school, I used to go there like almost every other day because it was the place to be. It helped that a lot of my friends worked there so I often visited and played video games and chatted with them. A couple of months ago, for Fung's going away dinner we went to Red Robin. Another burger joint that I never been to before. Personally, I don't like going to burger joints because I feel if I wanted a burger then I'd just order it at McDonald's or something. However, now going to both of these burger joints I have come to a conclusion that Red Robin is a lot better. Bottomless fries is a great way to get your money's worth, and if that does not do it then I recommend the Freckle Lemonade, unlimited refills of course :) The only other burger joint I can think of going is the way in the Dirrty Southgate to try their 6 pound burger. If someone goes with me, then what the G let's order their 139 pound burger that is now the Guiness Book of World Record Holder currently.


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Aveeno - For the past 10 months I've had this itchy, dry skin thing on my hands. For the past 2 months it has spreaded to my fingers. For the past few weeks, it has now spread to some parts of my body. I kept lotioning and praying that it would all just go away. Finally, I decided I need to go back to the doctor and of course I was fearing the worst. I was worried they would tell me that they would have to cut off my hands or that my whole body is infected. The doc told me I have eczema :( I'm kinda relieved because it's not like they need to cut my body apart. At the same time, I did my research on it, and I hope now that this will go away with the drugs he gave me. Woe is me on this day :(

Corn Huskers

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Melee - First off, as I look into my planner I never realized that Spring Break is only 2 weeks away. So my question is, who the heck decided Easter should be in March? I mean, who exactly does the holiday scheduling on the calendars. Spring Break in March is just not right!

Yesterday, I purchased Super Smash Bros. for the Wii. I never really got into the previous versions of the game because it really wasn't my thing. However, I must say this game is addicting! I'm glad I bought it and I only wish I was good at the game now.

Wow, Kwame actually made it on the Leno show. Although it was for obviously the bad parts of his term. Gosh, if only Dumars or Leyland could run for Mayor and Governor of our state/city.


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Bravia - I was kinda bummed today when I had to move out my old, big screen tv. It's been in that spot for over 8 years now :( I've enjoyed so many video game moments on that thing. I still remember the day when I bought my PS2 and played Gran Turismo on that thing. Of course, the tv was aging as everyone knew and hated the slight blurriness on it. Think of watching IMAX minus the glasses on my tv. Sometimes it was hard to figure out if the score was 60, 80, or 90 because it all blended together.

So I bought a Sony 46 in. 1080p HD tv. It is so wierd because I can see everything a lot better now. It's almost as if my eyes are not use to it or something. I'm kinda bummed in a wierd way not to see any fuzziness on the tv. I can only hope, I can find a cheap repairman to fix my old tv while enjoying my HD. Which I am enjoying my Kobe vs. Suns in HD because this is one heck of a game! Now if only Bill Walton would shut up! ESPN needs to get rid of him, what a bum.


Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Bucky - Well we just got back from Chicago this weekend because we decided to play in the HKI Northwestern B-ball Tournament. It was fun experience because we won, made some new friends, spent some time with My Silly, and got to see B-Stix, and E-Kou. I can't wait to defend the title next time around, what a bunch of haters. It's funny how they kept crying because we were older than them. I'm proud of My Silly because she was such a trooper after getting beat up more as a spectator than me as a player. The best was hearing her voice every time I made a shot and she'd shout out "Kobe." Now I need to get that pic of the entire team because she was in it. I'm proud and thankful for her supportiveness, not only for myself but the team. She did a great job filming the games too. I'm greatful for how forgiving she is to me as well.


Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Fax - I just wanna say that I continue to hate our poor economy. I dislike Granholm, Bush, and Kwame now. All their politics has left this state in shambles. It has trickled down to how our school system does subs now. As each day passes, I feel that we may have to leave this state because it ain't gonna get any better for a while. It hurts to even think about it, but look around we're the epitomy of the Lions. All you can do is hope for a new draft. I wish I could meet all 3 Jack o Lanterns so that I could beat the snot out of them.


Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Elmer - I was convicted 2 weeks ago when I read the book of Esther. I was determined to have that courage to speak up to those who are a part of T.E.A.M. Today was that day, and I had them bumbling and stumbling in there words. They keep professing they are believers yet when I used Scripture they could not answer back. Honestly, a lot of there answers sounded as if they were a bunch of Jehovah's Witnesses ya know. Just call me the T.E.A.M. Killer, because I got 2 words if ya'll part of T.E.A.M.......

\ /


Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Scamway - Recently, I had made a new "friend" at the Pistons game. His family was quite nice, and as a matter of fact his wife gave me their free jersey. I felt guilty because I don't like getting things for free. So I kept trying to pay them back for the jersey, but they would not accept it.

After the game, he wanted to get together for a meeting to see if I was interested in a job he had. I was kind of hesitant but due to the jersey I said ok. So we met, for lunch and he through out his job at me. As he broke it down, it sounded all too familiar as in one of those stupid pyramid schemes.

I did my research on TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More) was a big pile of crap. The sad part is they are giving Christians a bad name. All they do is try to con people into buying in to their idea of how they can sell you, your dream! It's not a product or a service they are trying to sell. Gosh I might as well go to MGM and gamble my money away while I am at it. Well, one of my goals is to bring TEAM down! It's kinda sad because this "friend" sounded the same as I was reading other people's testimony. Some friend eh? These guys are like Jehovah's Witnesses, and I'm on a mission.


Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Mercury - Yesterday we went to the Auto Show again, and it was fun to once again check out the cars again. Although, we spent more time last year, this year we did more of the activities. It's quite strange but I could swear some of these cars were from last year! If I had more time I would of kept racing so I could try to win the IPod Shuffle. We learned a new thing this year, which is we need to bring out DS next time to kill some time waiting in line. I must say I was impressed with the G8 model except it was missing the HUD and they only have a 4 door model (boo!).

The disappointing part of the day was the Motherland representation of cars. First, they were all the same cars from last year! Second, they had less cars this year! Third, no one was even in the lil booth! That was a total disgrace in representing our country.

On the plus side we had yummy breakfast at OHop :) In the end, nothing is more laxin than eating dinner together and sitting on the couch watching Raw.


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Dolly's - I was asked today if I enjoyed coaching b-ball despite our poor win-loss column. I must say that I have loved every moment of it for the most part. I think my favorite thing has been learning all the new plays and I hope to use them every where I go. All though most of them are knuckleheads, I do enjoy some of the players on the team. I think they will grow up to be great people all the way around.

As each day passes, I am still here without a teaching job. So sad :( I ask The Lord every night just what is it that I need to do and help me not lose faith. This area is one of the most humbling times of my life.


Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Mott - This past Saturday, I've experienced a new type of pain that I've never felt before. I dove for the ball and somebody else dove right on top of me and landed on top of my heel. By doing that, he snapped my big toe all the way back, as if you snapped your finger all the way back. So I got this limp going now, but I feel ready to enough to keep going again.

I'm just in a zone right now, CCUC is all that is on my mind. Attack on offense, attack on defense, shoot even some peeps got the Kobe nickname going again. If we can get the same squad again, it's all bout 'Ship or bust this year!

This past weekend, we saw another person leave this state, Fung. Another true blue Michigan person all the way around. Probably one of the first peeps I'd ask to see a Pistons game with because she is a true fan. Actually we did go to a playoff game together! Anyways, I know that God will take care of her on the west coast, and glad that she was provided with a job. See ya Fung, represent ya at Boulan v-ball :)


Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Beanie - Well we saw Alvin and The Chipmunks the other day, and I must say it is better than I Am Legend. Yes, the movie was very kiddie, but I miss my talkin Alvin doll that I had from back in the day. Legend was just a huge disappointment and it was just a combination of 28 Days Later, Resident Evil, and Blair Witch all rolled into one. I loved The Chipmunks so much that I even bought the soundtrack.

The Tigers are champs, kinda of bummed because I wanted the Buckeyes to win. I just wanted them represent the Big Ten. Eh, decent game, need I say playoff system? Stupid Blowout Championship Series had no really great games to watch this year.

School has started again, and I miss being able to see My Silly everyday.


Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Warriors - Well it's another new year, and I like to look back at 2K7 for a bit. Certainly many highlights but some down times as well. I think of paying my respects to Clare-Bear, and A-Mac were probably my hugest losses of the year. There are many times that I still wish they were still here with us, but I gotta have faith they are in a better place.

Many highlights and no particular order:

1) Vacation with My Silly and my family, nerve racking at first but He revealed a lot to me that weekend.
2) Touring, I loved being able to show My Silly all over the place from Vegas, to Milwaukee, Boston, etc.
3) I was blessed by Mama Wong for helping get in to the Bobcats. Although I still ask for a teaching job/career, this has been a great experience.
4) Standing for Ben's wedding, along with Bro's because I got to walk My Silly down the aisle.
5) Wrestlemania 23, what can I say I was there and it was awesome.

With 2K8, who knows what will happen? We had a great 2K7 where we celebrated our 1 1/2 year anniversary. We know that we'll be going to Beantown for sure to check out Emoy's wedding. Already drooling of lobster, and gotta love all the snow we are getting too :)
