Tuesday, January 07, 2003

Ok so I got out of my 8:00 a.m. class already which of course I was late for. And of course I was mad late for this class, why it is not because I overslept. I sat in the classroom just chilling by myself for 5 minutes and then figured out that something is not right here. So I ran to the ERL to look up my schedule of where my classes meet and it seems that they have moved the class to the other side of campus. So I just booked all the way down just to see that once again I am one of 3 guys in this class with a class about 70 as I was scanning for a seat. I can tell I already hate this class because the dumb prof already gave us a quiz and then after we finished we have a take home quiz to be done by next class. What the GG, can't you be a regular prof and just go over the syllabus on the first day like any normal person. Oh and speaking of normal prof's, I don't think this guy is a normal prof because I think he is a "special" prof. The thought in my mind that kept running was "Gosh I wonder if Prof. Grossman is gay?" He moves his hand like in a very girly like way, and he's got some sort of speech impedment going on or something. Anyways this class should be interesting as I get to review my math skillz.

Someone was talking to me about being bored at school since their isn't much to do in th first week. I don't know what has gotten into me lately but my response was, how can you be bored with nothing to do? Reach out to someone, share Christ, or read God's Word were my answers. Gosh maybe's been all these books I've been reading lately, boy it sure feels wierd to give answers like those out. Anyways time to hit the gym to work out and do my 104 push-ups that I owe Joyce and Sewa. Sorry JW for being a rookie in Big 2, vengence will be ours!!!!

Race Against Time

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