Thursday, January 09, 2003

You shut your mouth
How can you say
I go about things the wrong way
I am human and I need to be loved
Just like everybody else does

Ya know what I can't stand sometimes is the fact that I let things eat at me sooooo much. It's like during my dreaded MTE class today, all I kept thinking about or doing was talking back to Prof. Grossman because I still honestly believe he is gay as in gay and not gay as in stupid. I got soooo pissed at him because after getting our first quiz back he kept talking to everyone in a condescending manner or treating us like we're dumb. He might be soooo good at math but his english sucks due to his little stuttering action he's got going on. I got soooo bored that I wrote down all the words that he fumbled upon, successful, strategy, focus, class, situation (3 times), suggestion, staple, sequences, supervisor, examples. I even felt soooo proud of myself to just shout out loud "YOU'RE WRONG" when he was trying to do a math problem on the board, just to show how he likes it when others look down upon him. However, I am ashamed of my actions/thoughts as well because obviously they aren't holy. And just reflecting on that list of muttered words, I kept thinking about how God must have a list of me and all my wrong doings then my list would go on forever. And this class is just such a trial to leave with a smile on your face because I leave pissed off everytime. Why? Because it goes back at how he talks to the class or treats some of us, so one of us gotta stand up to it so it might as well be me. Last night Erin saw the homework I was doing already since she took that class last semester and her words were "Kenny, get up and run for your life out of that class". Normally I would but today even at his discouraging words, I've decided to stay for the semester. Why? Because I don't like to quit or drop, and the fact that I wanna show him that we're not all idiots in the class. Plus now another thing to add to my list would be a higher tolerance/patience level.

And last night it's amazing how God is using the peeps in the 5-1-4, and I really pray that this fellowship will continue to grow. And when we do have those times where we're on a little downfall, may we lift each other up and rely on God's strength to get us out of it. Also I think starting today I will start a new fast and that fast will be from PS2, let's see if I can keep this fast till let's say the end of the month because by then I should know where I'll be student teaching at and my schedule will have been adjusted. Boy this education stuff is a lot more work than I thought it would ever will be. And only 2 more days till the tournament and now that I know it is hosted by CSC, gosh I hope the guys can stay focus on the tournament and not on all the asian cuties surrounding the court. Gosh I better get myself to the gym for one last hard workout and then tomorrow will be the cool down day before the tournament.

Not Gonna Get Us

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