Monday, September 24, 2007

During the day this place ain't much

However, we will be there the next time it gets dark and that may be by the end of this year.

I almost dropped my camera taking this shot.

Fargo - I've been pretty bummed lately as I continue to read the countdown of the possible MI shutdown. What does this mean? Ever since I graduated all I wanted to do is stay in MI, my heart was here. This is where I wanna be, probably one of the few. However, with our poor economy, and lack of leadership from Granholm, thanks Jen! I'm starting to face the reality of looking outside of MI to work. It sucks, but maybe it's my plan to be here but not God's plan. I just don't know, in the mean time I've been working at the Bobcats which has been great. However, I don't have my own classroom or my own kids to inspire for a whole year. My Fishy and I have been talking and praying bout this situation for a while now. She knows that we both wanna stay here.

Sioux Falls

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