Friday, September 14, 2007

Now is it just me or has this thing gone lower?

I always wonder how these people do their grocery shopping?

Mean - This weekend will be the 2nd time I stand in a wedding. I'm honored, and I'm more thankful that I get to walk My Fishy down the aisle. If it was someone else I'd probably turn it down. I'm curious, now am I the only one who does not get all excited for weddings like everyone else? It must be the dressing up part for me, but it's like a race when I hear peeps say like I have an X amount of weddings to attend this year. Like attending the most in that year gets you a prize or something. I'm thankful that if it is in His Will, I have someone who will let me tailor the wedding to my style at least :)

I'm kinda bummed that I get a chance to go to Game 5 of the WNBA Finals but the game is too early :( If it was a 7:30 game, I'd be there in my VIP seat!!! Man, I hope I can attend the Shock parade at the very least.

Also, has xanga and blog really died? I beg to differ and if anything I wanna drop F-Book now. Freakin thing is turning too much into Myspace! Plus there are so many peeps using it now, it kinda lost its flavor to me. I'm thinkin of that episode from Saved By The Bell where Mr. Belding was wearin the hip Buddy Band. After that, all the kids stopped wearing Buddy Bands because he made it not so cool anymore.


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