Friday, May 04, 2007

I just don't want to PK

Waiting in line for snow shoes

Who said there is nothing to do around here?

Woohoo Pontiacs are here

Mmm, elephant ears :)

Dirk - What has been fun the past week are the soon to be 6th graders. Last week I saw my Court Jester, from Alliance and she was so excited to see me in the hallways. Today, I saw my own CBC Boo! It's amazing how she has grown now, I remember when she was a 1st grader playing Nintendo 64 with me! It'd be nice to be at this school to have some of my church kids with me :) Although, Howie told me tonight to go to Hamilton because that's where his kids are, which would be fun too!

Let me just make a prediction, assuming the Warriors finish out this game and eliminate the Mavs. I believe the Western Conference Finals will be the Warriors vs. the Suns. The Jazz, Rockets (whoever wins), and Spurs are too slow to keep up with either team. Either way, I believe the Pistons or Bulls, hopefully Pistons of course win, can beat the crap out of them because either team will just punish the crap out of them. Final 4, Pistons vs. Cavs. and Warriors vs. Suns. Imagine that ;)


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