Tuesday, June 05, 2007

2K7 Hall of Fame

The Rabid Wolverine vs. The Playmaker

Man, I kinda like MVP though

Mr. Kennedy the 2K7 Money in the Bank

The move of the night, was when the Lil Bastard got dropped from the top

Shall we begin

Romanian - Man I can't believe it, only 5 full days left of school till I finish. It kinda sucks that for whatever reason I can't open gmail, so I have no clue in what my planner is. In addition, I have so much unread email by the time I get home that I don't even bother with it.

I found out one of my kids is suspended again. This time he was suspended for arguing with another kid about whose GG is larger. My kid of course gets so mad, that he decided to pull his pants down so he could whip his GG out to show off. Man thank God I wasn't there, although it is kinda funny that they'd argue over that.

Sunday night when we were on our way home, we saw about 20 cops at M-59 and M-53. After reading the news, it was about this stupid illegal immigrant kidnapping his ex and then killing himself. To think, how safe our homeland security is if he actually got in by hiding in the trunk of a car at the Windsor border. Also, we went to the 8:00 showing we would of been there when he actually pulled the trigger, by the time we got there.

Man what's with the Mac County though, we got all these loonies in the area. Of course, the Grant case, the loonie mom who kills all the family pets and her 2 daughters, the 7-11 murder over a freaking Taquito, and now this illegal immigrant.

Restaurant Joke of the Day: This lady asked me today if there is any Beef in the Steak Kow?

$60 Mil

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