Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Cookie Monster - Katrina's sack of cookies she made for me. Like I said, she is such a sweetheart.

Latchkey - Gab-ilicious, Shel-Bel, Megan, Rachel, and Corky always helping me after school.

5th Grade Concert - The end of the show, and my 5th Graders were the showstoppers.

Motor City - Dylan putting on Mechanics gear to get the feeling of a pro hockey player.

Faygo - My 6th graders continue to surprise me. I went back today for the "Holiday Party" as The Boss wants us to call it. I figured all their gift giving was done and over with about 3 weeks ago when they threw me a Going Away party. However, some of them continued to shower me with their gift of love. I got this cool binder from the class which has their pic, what they are thankful for about me, and something they remembered about me. Just looking at it puts me into tears because some of them really put down their thoughts. I even got an unexpected gift from Katrina today. She made me a sack of cookies and I guess I was the only staff to get them. I mean this Lil Girl as I like to call her is not even in my class! She was in my class for the 1st day of school, then her mom transferred her out to the other 6th grade class. I wish I had her throughout the school year. No matter how quirky Gab-ilicious is, she just continues to run and hug and hold on to me. Yes, I know what I mean to her and I hope she gets it from above.

To not just my 6th Graders, but all my Mustangs I hope to see y'all next year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and I ask Him to protect y'all over break.

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